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The Death of Various Theories of How to Improve or Effectively Change Spinal Configuration to Improve Health    Page 7


Here is what Dr. Kukrin has to say about the films posted in my article:

Subj: X-rays 
Date: 2/17/02 9:10:29 PM Eastern Standard Time
File: tech.gif (862 bytes) DL Time (TCP/IP): < 1 minute
Dear Jesse,
It appears that your article with the pictures of x-rays from my office is creating quite a stir.
Today (Sunday) I went into the office and pulled the films.  They are actually better than I remember.
I have a film from 86 and another from 87 both taken in an Ortho's office.  They are identical.  The film taken in my office in 1999 is also identical.
It does appear that the patient has had some dental work done between 1987 and 1999.  It should not surprise anyone that dental work had been done over a decade in a patient in her mid forties.
The images posted on my website and used in your literature appear to be over-exposed...this is actually not the case.   The actual films are very good quality.  Image quality was lost because I did not have a digital camera and was scanning the x-rays into my computer.
You can overlay the radiographs and match up the vertebrae...they are the same...any appearance of altered shape ect is merely due to image deterioration from X-ray to scanner to website.
The old dental work  very definite matches in configuration...the teeth overlay perfectly as do the vertebrae.
If you would like, send me a request in writing for the films, I will be happy to send them to you for your review (so you can overlay them).
The patient is KH, she is a minister here in the South Side.
I'll send you the films but keep in mind that she signed a general release, but has not signed anything that would allow her identity to be plastered all over the internet and elsewhere.
It is o.k. I guess for docs to question YOU, after all you have a vested interest...selling your product.
I am more than a little pissed off that MY credibility is called into question.  As you know I receive nothing from anyone for posting my pre-post radiographs.
I've got better things to do that fudge results... 
As you know I've been critical of CBP, Pierce Stillwagon and other techniques that did not produce the promised results...
Thanks for allowing me to vent and thanks teaching me your technique.



It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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