SUBJECT: Limited Opportunity to Get Certified For FREE!
(Well, almost)
We have a new opportunity for you to become one of the first
certified practitioners! I hope you are as excited about
this opportunity as I am. This process will allow us to increase
and maintain the standard of ABCTM
not only coast-to-coast, but around the world!
If you are not
certified, you are “missing the boat!”
Throughout the last year, we have received over 800 phone calls
from patients looking for ABCTM
practitioners. Why is this bad? Well, the average new patient is
worth around $2,500.00 to any doctor. That is over $2,000,000.00
in new business down the tubes.
Could you have used a chunk of that
Anyway. We referred a couple out here and there but not nearly
as many as we could. Do you want to know why?
Well, the fact of the matter is that some practitioners have
only purchased the “At-Home Seminar”. Others were at a Live
Seminar an eternity ago. Therefore, I haven’t seen many doctors
perform the ABCTM
protocol or at least, not in a long time... And to be completely
honest, I have no idea whether some doctors are truly competent
or not. Therefore, I haven’t been completely comfortable
referring patients.
Some of the patients we
have referred actually complained to us about the results of
their treatment. Investigating, I found that it was
because the DC didn't follow the protocol exactly... or worse,
got "creative" with some of the techniques.
Obviously, this is a problem.
You can now become a “Certified ABCTM
What does this mean? With your 12 Month certification, you will
be able to dig into that $2M that got flushed down the
proverbial toilet or went into your competitor’s pocket because
the potential patient never knew about you.
Now, you can start cutting into your piece of the pie!
What does the ABCTM
certification entail?
Part 1. You have to have the “Home Study Seminar” and studied the
entire thing.
Part 2. You have to answer a group of questions based on the
“Home Study Seminar”
Part 3. You have to demonstrate in front of Dr. Jesse the
ABC™ protocol
at a Live Seminar or other live setting
Oh Yea… I almost forgot…
You will also be able to participate in
Unlimited Introductory Live Seminars
for 12 Months. AND… you will be
placed on our website as a
Practitioner so you can reap the referral rewards.
This certification process will allow us to raise the standard
and quality of ABCTM
which will increase the value for all.
What’s the catch?
I need your response immediately. I am excited about this
opportunity to “raise the bar” and I want you to be involved.
I want to get this started so badly that I am going to give you
a $400.00 discount for deciding Now! Normally the price for
certification will be $1999.00 but if you respond by
April 15, 2008 you will only pay
$1,599 (Payment plans available when you call).
So call me now at (203) 366 – 2746.
The bottom line – if you want to be certified… if you want to be
listed on our site as a Certified ABCTM
Practitioner… if you want to participate in Unlimited Live
Seminars for 12 Months and take advantage of the ever growing
number of referrals that call us day in day out… Call Alison Now
at (203) 366 - 2746 or... Fax your request to (203) 659-0377
Get a
head start! Order online now and get the questions for the
written portion emailed to you immediately.

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz
P.S. The new patient value is at least $2,500.00 if not more.
Even if we refer you only one patient (which is not guaranteed
but likely), we are in essence paying for your certification AND
putting $1,000.00 in your pocket! Now get off your tail and call
(203) 366 – 2746
P.P.S. Only Certified ABCTM
Practitioners will be listed on the site. Don’t call us whining
if you’re not certified.