Advanced Biostructural Correction™
is defined as:
an advance in the treatment and
correction of misaligned biostructures (bodies).
If the body can
self-correct the position of a bone out of place but does not
your first assumption should be one of three:
The body is
leaving it there as a compensation for something else.
The thing
out of place at that point is continually being pushed out
of place secondary to something else out of place that the
body cannot self-correct.
The nerve to
the muscle is cut.
Notice that this
list does not include nerves that are impinged upon by some
other bone and not working correctly. Those are secondary to
something that bone being out of place for one of the above
three reasons.
Those who think
nerves are the thing to work on first should keep in mind two
things: 1. First something goes out of place to affect
the nerves (so the thing to work on first is structure) and
2. stimulation of nerves supposedly affected adversely and
not working well, has never resulted in improvement of structure
or function. If taking nerves supposedly not working well and
stimulating them to the point they are putting out the nerve
impulses they should only changes them while it is being done
and does not help the structure improve permanently or improve
the functioning of the body permanently, the idea that nerves
not working well as a primary problem, can be ignored. It is not
primary, but secondary, tertiary or further down the line.
That one
statement eliminates a large theory of why bones go out of
place. The theory about muscles or ligaments having a
significant effect also can be ignored for a full explanation
see the article
Dead: 1. The theory that ligaments need to be remolded
and reshaped to change spines improving health. 2. The theory
that muscles are weak or need to be strengthened to change
posture and improve health.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
there is no need for tractioning patients or having them do
exercises in an attempt to mold them into the correct
posture. There is no special equipment to buy and there
are no crazy exercises that patients do not want to do at home.
Head weighting is out because ABC™
corrects the body without it.
is how to find the body parts misaligned in a way the body
cannot self-correct and how to correctly align them
so the body can do the rest. It may seem like others have said
this about what they do or teach but they what they teach has
not delivered the consistent and predictable results when
applying their work or when teaching others to apply it --
ABC™ does.
If you identify
the bones out of place in a direction the body cannot
self-correct and correct the position of bones that the body
cannot self-correct only, the body will correct the rest on its
own. The result is that bodies work so well they are not only
out of pain quickly, they also function as they are supposed to
function without the person having to work to make their body do
what it is supposed to do automatically--- Which is more than
anyone ever imagined. That is why bodies pop up and posture is
IMMEDIATELY great even after the first time through the
protocol. (See the pictures after a few paragraphs below.)
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is the means by which
people can really get their bodies working as they are supposed
to work (be healthy) without drugs or surgery. With
ABC™ bodies work so well they are not only out of pain
quickly, they also function as they are supposed to function
without the person having to work to make their body do what it
is supposed to do automatically. (Which is more than anyone ever
See links to Multiple Sclerosis and other so-called
"neurological diseases".)
That statement
may seem arrogant or worse, but the results of doctors applying
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ around the world have
consistently demonstrated it so over the decade or so Dr.
Jutkowitz has been teaching others.
Those doctors who have
difficulties with patients and consult with Dr. Jutkowitz by
phone, by email or by having him come to their office,
find that Dr. Jutkowitz gets them to do what they are missed in
learning from the manuals or videos and not doing according to
the directions in the manuals and on the videos
— suddenly the docs find themselves
having no difficulties correcting patients and discovering
ABC™ does do everything
Below are a few
doctors and a patient before and after one time through the
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
protocol. The instructions before each picture are, "Breathe in,
breathe out and let your body relax and slump."
The three docs
and the patient are truly relaxed and not working to hold
themselves upright at all in ANY of the pictures - before OR
AFTER the treatment. The docs are actually trying to slump and
the docs to the far right and left have compression fractures in
their spines. The reason their bodies stay upright with no work
after having Advanced BioStructural
Correction™ done is that normally working bodies stay
upright by bone leverage with no effort. If you have been told
something different it is false data.
This includes
those who think the ligaments are stretched or ripped and
allowing the body to slump. If that were a true datum the people
above would not change that radically that quickly with just
adjusting. If any of those theories were true none of the
other docs before and after pictures (click to get that page)
would be possible either. Remember the old engineering saying
when applying theory to the real world: The greatest
tragedy in science is when a beautiful theory is slain by an
ugly fact. The facts are that these people and others
all over the world do change and what
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ says and teaches work
consistently and predictably when applied to real people in the
real world -- what the other theories say and teach does not
result in consistently predictable results. Those who teach the
other methods do not even claim they can predictably correct all
structural difficulties.
Those working
with the false data of other methods find their body stuck in
the posture it is now stuck with no hope of having it change
unless they work at holding themselves upright. That causes
exhaustion. Holding your body up straight is not what is
healthy. Having your body structure corrected and working so
well it is able to be up straight with no real effort -- That is
what is healthy. Advanced BioStructural
Correction™ can get you and your patients there
consistently and predictably.
With their
bodies working that well you can also imagine how quickly they
were out of pain, how much better their breathing is, how much
better their heart and other organs work and more.
Feel free to check out our testimonials page for what doctors
are saying about ABCTM.
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