The Death of
Various Theories of How to Improve or Effectively Change
Spinal Configuration to Improve Health
Chiropractic and Effectiveness
By Dr. Jesse
Engineers have it a bit different in this world than do doctors.
If a doctor works on ten patients and only four are better, the
docs keep doing the same things saying it was some variation in
living things that caused the other six not to respond and
people are satisfied. If an engineer builds ten bridges, ten
cars, or ten anything and only four of them work, he is quickly
out of a job.
To be effective, in healthcare as in the rest of the physical
sciences, one must look to actual physical results in the
evaluation of theories and methods of treatment. This is because
despite the fact that we run bodies, we are not our bodies. (We
being spirit, soul, innate or whatever you believe YOU are, and
not the body you run in the physical universe). Our bodies are
physical things that follow the same physical rules everything
else follows. Especially the fact that one example of some
theory not working is demonstration that it is not true as a
basic fact.
Given that, to find the basics of how something works one must
look at more and not less of the body. Since the 1970s, Chiro
Boards of Examiners and others have been trying to lessen the
ability to measure body structure by attempting to restrict
x-ray pre and post treatment. Some of us have ignored the
restrictions and continued the research. I have been using
sitting and standing full spine AP and lateral films to measure
changes in many techniques for about the last 20 years. (The
reason for standing and sitting is that a body can do a great
deal of compensating with the feet, legs and pelvis when
standing. When sitting you remove the ability of the body to use
the feet and legs for any but minimal compensation. Thus looking
at standing upright films of the spine and comparing them to
sitting upright films you are seeing the mechanics of the body
compensated and much less compensated. This lets you analyze the
mechanics much better than just standing or just sitting because
you can see what changes rather than having to guess – you would
not believe how incorrect the so-called “experts” are in their
guesses of what changes sitting to standing. Try a few – even
With the observational data from those films and application of
engineering analysis rather than chiropractic drivel, anatomic
observations and methods that isolate what has been missing from
chiropractic to make it work consistently and predictably have
been discovered.
I offer here a few of the observations toward something better:
The first is that DD Palmer stated bones go out of place
affecting the nerves. That means that structure is key not
nerves (despite what followers-on have said). Through the years,
there have been several deviations from this course due to
inconsistency of results. The largest deviation from that basic
truth came after mechanical research by x-ray in the 1960s and
70s. It did not confirm chiropractic’s bone out of place
pinching a nerve theory due to faulty research methods and
faulty mechanical analyses. (The main fault was not looking at
the spinal column as a single synchronized working unit but
taking things in sectionals.)
To explain the failure, Dr. Homewood came along with his
this book is the direct source of the current band of “nerves
are not working so the muscle is weak and letting the bone go
out of place theories” there have been previous attempts at this
theory in several disciplines of structural healing. None of the
nerve-based or muscle-based theories, chiropractic, PT or other,
has ever given a consistent set of results and so are suspect.
I am not knocking the generation of these theories for they are
an attempt to search and find something better. However, there
is something better, that works consistently and predictably,
available right now.
Given that preamble I present the following anatomical
Regarding displacement of a vertebra: If a vertebra displaces
to the left, there are muscles in the body to pull it to the
right and reposition it. (At this point, we are just considering
the anatomical observations. We are not now concerned with the
fact that the muscles often seem not to do so or the reasons
they do not do so.)
Likewise, if a vertebra displaces to the
right, there are muscles in the body to pull it to the left to
reposition it.
If a vertebra displaces
posterior, you have muscles in your body to pull them
anterior and reposition them. – In the lumbars, you have the
psoas to pull it anterior and reposition it every time you
stand from sitting. In the midlumbar to midthoracic region,
you have the diaphragm to pull it anterior every time you
breathe. (Test this by pinching your nose shut, closing your
mouth, sucking in and noticing the effect of the diaphragm
on your spine.) Above that, you have various muscles to pull
the cervicals and upper thoracics anterior. (Test this by
putting your head half in flexion, putting a palm on your
forehead and then attempt to flex against the resistance of
your palm. Notice the pull of the muscles.)
You can therefore see that if a vertebra displaces
anterior ----- there are no muscles that pull posterior
to reposition it.
The muscles of the back are oriented vertically and
horizontally. They pull inferior-superior, left-right
and on all sorts of angles between those two;
BUT they do not pull posterior. To pull posterior
there would have to be a muscle that attaches from the
vertebra to something stable behind the vertebra. (Just
skin back there for me.)
Many would object to that observation, stating the
erector spinae, longisimus, multifidus and other muscles
pull posterior but they are not looking at the
orientations of those muscles and their directions of
who do not exactly observe the orientations and
directions of pull of the muscles are misled by what the
back muscles seem to do. Those muscles pull down on the
back of the vertebrae rotating them into extension. This
tilts the body posterior and seems to bring the
vertebrae posterior, but it does not. (see diagrams
the muscles attach to the posterior parts of the
vertebrae and pull inferior-superior they can pull
vertebrae into extension tilting the vertebrae above
backward to counter-balance any anterior slippage.
However, you will note that the vertebra extended is
actually pushed anterior at its inferior aspect. (see
right below)
are diagrams of a vertebra anteriorly displaced compared
to the one above
and below,
with the attendant muscles at rest with the
muscles contracted

Looking at the diagrams to the left, you will
notice that the vertebra extended is more anterior at
the inferior aspect than it was originally.
You might think one vertebra can be pulled into
extension like this, but it does not happen this way
because neither the vertebra above nor below the one
being extended is stable with regard to the muscle pull.
the muscles pull they also move the vertebrae above and
as shown here:

The diagram to the above
right illustrates an anterior vertebra compared
to the ones above
and below with the extensor muscles contracting
to bring the spinal column into extension.
The vertebrae above
and below are also brought into extension forcing the
middle vertebra, which was anterior to begin with,
further anterior.
As you can see, because of the anatomical realities, the
physiological result is not quite what you expect on a
quick and simple look. There are no muscles aligned to
pull vertebrae in a posterior direction. |
As stated before the
People who do not exactly observe the
orientations and directions of pull of the muscles are
misled by what the back muscles seem to do. Those
muscles pull down on the back of the vertebrae rotating
them into extension. This tilts the body posterior and
seems to bring the vertebrae posterior, but it
does not.
What you have in the people who have taught you
different or not taught you that muscles can move
vertebrae in any direction is a missed observation:
Bodies can self-correct vertebral subluxations
displacing laterally and posterior, but cannot
self-correct vertebrae displaced anterior. (Rarely do
they just go anterior; it is usually anterior-left,
anterior-right, anterior-rotated, -extended etc, but it
is the anterior component the body cannot self-correct.)
There is no theory here. This is a huge anatomic and
physiologic fact omitted from chiropractic (as well as
osteopathy and every other method of structural
healthcare). It means that the twisting, tilting and
malpositioning of vertebrae in directions other than
anterior (which the body could self-correct but does
not) is to compensate for vertebrae displaced anterior.
Because the body cannot self-correct the positions of
those anteriorly displaced vertebrae it must twist
others to counter-balance and compensate the body.
This observation, now made, leads to a single statement
that describes what chiropractors need to do to correct
Correcting body
structure consists of repositioning bones displaced in a
direction the body cannot self-correct because it has no
muscles pulling in the direction
needed to bring the bone or bones back
into its/their proper position(s).
The key would
be to do just that and leave everything else alone and
the body would/will self-correct the rest.
chiropractic, the theory of treating only the primary
subluxations and not compensations has been stated
before as it has been in osteopathy (with different
terminology) and every other structural healthcare
discipline ever formed. However, no one had been able
to state exactly what a primary displacements,
subluxations, osteopathic lesions, etc. consists of –
prior to this point.
The discovery of the
above basic
finding leads to
being able to consistently and predictably being able to
accomplish the promise of chiropractic
and every other healthcare discipline on everyone
walking in
the door with structural problems.
Yes, that statement is
very broad, but it has been demonstrated so
consistently and predictably over the last 16 or so
years -- over the last decade even by a wide
range of other practitioners.
With treatment according to the
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
protocol, the body self-corrects so well and so fast it
is difficult to believe for those with no direct
experience using
An example is in the pictures on the following pages: |
With treatment
according to the
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
protocol, the
body self-corrects so well and fast it is difficult to
believe for those with no direct experience using
An example is in the pictures below:

pictures comprise a very small random study anyone can
do in his or her office as soon as they learn the
They are three people who came in as new patients and
three random doctors at seminars. They were photographed
with the instructions, “Breathe in, breathe out and let
your body relax and slump” before and then after having
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
protocol done on
them. As stated, you or anyone else can repeat this
study, as it has been done by thousands of docs over the
last three years with the same results.
The changes
in posture and structural alignment you see in these
patients, and that you will see in all of your patients
would be impossible if any of the ligament or muscle
theories were correct. What you have here is a simple
and direct structural change that actually does what
chiropractic has been saying could be done consistently
and predictably with no exceptions when there are no
fractures, infections, cancers or like anomalies.
As you can
see, one time through the
protocol does not fix everything, but it does more in
four minutes than any other method of structural health
care can do in months to years (those docs have been in
practice and treated for many years – as were two of the
The x-rays on the
following page by Dr. George Kukrin (who has the
Seminar and whom I have never personally met), further
demonstrate that the ligament and muscle theories cannot
possibly be valid: |
The x-rays below by Dr. George Kukrin (who has the
Seminar and whom I have never personally met), further
demonstrate that the ligament and muscle theories cannot
possibly be valid:

funniest thing I have heard in quite a while was when
these films were published was several docs who
complained that these could not possibly be the same
person. It is and, the time between the first two films
is 13 years, the time between the second two is about a
month. |
The story on the
patient above is that after more than 10 years of
chiropractic of specific and non-specific techniques
between 1986 and 1999 with no change, three treatments
with the
protocol in Dec/Jan and the patient changed so much
visibly Dr. Kukrin decided to do a set of cervical films
to see what the changes were on the inside. The docs who
can't believe the changes (note the changes in shape of
the vertebral bodies) are unaware of the nature of
vertebra that have been most Because this change was
made after such a short time, you can bet on three
The ligament reshaping
theory is dead. There was no ligament “reshaping”
over the course of the week (three visits could not do
it according to the theory, so that theory is proven
invalid because this change could not have occurred if
it were true).
The muscle
weak or too strong theories are dead as are the exercise
will correct your structure theories.
Exercises were not needed (there were none during
and they could not have made that much change in a week
even if there were. The change was strictly from the
protocol –since
this change would be impossible according to those
theories and anyone can reproduce these results in short
times, the theory can be deemed incorrect.
The observations and actions of
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
are more valid than other technology available in
chiropractic or any discipline of structural healing at
this time. (There are no theories in
just as set of observations anyone can confirm on their
own and a set of actions that bring about a consistent
and predictable result.) |