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Advanced BioStructural Correction
  $29.99 plus $7.50 shipping for others. Put CC# and Exp and CV numbers in request box.

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                                                          Eager for more information faster??
Work Phone          Learn the ABC First Rib Maneuver
Home Phone        One of the few things you can do on yourself and get a result worth having.

                                               Immediately your shoulders will not slump forward and you will know this is for real
        It's FREE so you will know you can believe the pictures
                                                                        Call (203) 366-2746 NOW
Currently Used Methods or Techniques
    Take the challenge:  The ABC™ First Rib Maneuver will improve your body more than CBP™, Petibone, or
                                                anything else can in years. You will know it is true on your body before you get off the phone.
                                                                                                     (See the video below.)
Request or Comment

    More information faster   Call (203) 366-2746 to learn the ABC First Rib Maneuver™ NOW!! It is FREE.

Video as well as pictures below                  For Information on the At-Home Seminar and Live Seminars click this link

The First Rib Maneuver™ is one of the few things you can do on yourself and actually get a result
like you see in  the middle pictures below. Instructions for the left pictures are, "Breathe in, breathe

out, relax and let your body slump". The middle picture is after the FRM with the same instructions
and the right picture is after the entire
ABC protocol with the same instructions. Get these results you
your patients and yourself, consistently and predictably with no traction, no exercises or excuses. We make
 this offer because most doctors think these pictures are faked or that the person is actually trying to stand
upright. They are not. CALL NOW! (203) 366-2746  ask for my associate Alison.

Find out for yourself that these results are the real, truthful and that you can get them on yourself and patients.

                                                                                                                                                                              pretreatment     Only First Rib  Post Entire ABC
Maneuver™           protocol

After doing the First Rib Maneuveron yourself you will immediately:

       Dr. Jerry Porter (Washington) -- After treating a woman for less than a month with Advanced BioStructural Correction™ she went to a health club where they tested her breathing. She had 99% of her Vmax on the spirometer. (Vmax is the maximum volume of air your lungs should be able to take in for your size -- average person has 60% good is considered 80%). The personal trainer was astonished "No one has 99% of their Vmax". Easy to get some referrals from that.

       (After the first emailing of this letter)

       Dr. Jeff McCombs, (Chicago) --- I had the same thing happen to one of my patients after treating them with ABC™. The guy at the gym couldn't believe the instant change in her ability to breathe. You can have people call and ask me how well ABC™ works. If every chiropractor was doing this the patients would all know how well chiropractic really does work when done properly and we would all be so busy there would be no time to argue. It is easy to learn and works consistently and predictably on everyone walking in the door.

       This one maneuver improves bodies more and makes greater changes visible in posture, on x-rays, and other objective testing than anything in the field of structural healing can do in months or years.


Copyright © 1999 Advanced BioStructural Correction. All rights reserved.
Revised: 03/31/09