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Purchase the Advanced BioStructural Correction
Home Study Program Below

365 Day  
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

After you have purchased the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Study Seminar and attended a Live Seminar, if you feel that ABC does not completely live up to the claims here, simply return it and we will refund your purchase price (not including shipping). 
For full terms of guarantee click here.

This page describes the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Study Program and combined Live Seminars/Workshops whose dates are on this separate page click here. The ABCHome Study Program includes everything you need to be completely competent at Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and there is nothing else to buy unless you want to attend a live Advanced BioStructural Correction™ workshop. the Home Program even includes practical instruction by DVD and unlimited phone consultation with Dr. Jutkowitz himself for 6 months. It also includes a step-by-step checksheet of what needs to be covered, in what order and basic points you need to understand.  The ABC™ Home Study Program Checksheet guides your learning to  competence.  Just follow the things on the list and check them off as completed.                                     

As stated, The Home Study Program also comes with unlimited phone consultation time because we are dedicated to getting you competent. We mean it when we say you will correct every mechanical problem of a body not being caused by cancer, infection,  fracture and  the like. Practitioners all over the world are again excited about practicing because they are truly correcting every problem not caused by cancer, infections, fractures, diabetes and the like on a consistent and predictable basis for the first time in their carees.

Sounds like a large claim but practitioners and patients all over the world have indeed discovered they can and do. Get the ABC™ Home Study Program and discover for it yourself.  The materials are so well presented most docs do not have to call after the first week or two and those calls are mostly getting experience doing Advanced BioStructural Correction™.

Doctors and patients consistently and easily get these results  from the start when you treat them with ABC™.  This is  Dr. H Hull, 78 at the time of this picture. He is a second generation chiropractor who practiced for over 50 years and said he was treated for posture correction for long before he started practicing. These two photos are 7 minutes apart before and after his first time through the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol and he is letting his body completely relax in BOTH pictures. He was so excited he did not slump that he bought the ABC™ Home Seminar Program right after being treated for the first time though he was retired and only worked on friends and neighbors.

At the Live Workshops time is limited; we get you completely competent to practice but do not go over the complete theory or basic data behind ABC™ and why it works. Most practitioners get the Home Seminar Package, start practicing and then follow-up with the live if they feel they need it.

The Home Study Program consists of four CDs, four DVDs showing everything you need to know and manuals explaining everything on the DVDs and CDs and answering FAQs from many practitioners. There is an exact checksheet of items to cover that teaches you the theory and application of
Advanced BioStructural Correction™.

Go through the ABCHome Study Program Checksheet and you will be competent
consistently and predictably correcting bodies beyond what you currently
 think possible in about a week of evening study.

 The  Home Study Program  also  includes  unlimited  phone  consultation.   No additional charge and at any time to answer all questions you might have regarding the theory and the application of Advanced BioStructural Correction™ (that way you are not dependant on what others say or how it  fits. Learn from the only dependable source. Learn that what others have said is just not true and how you can discover for yourself and not have to depend on Dr. Jutkowitz or anyone else to feed you data).

Only $1599.00 (Payment plan available, see below)

The consultation time is included because I am willing to unconditionally stand behind what I teach.  It works.  There is not one doc who has had me to an in-office consultation who did  not  immediately start clearing up all the people s/he thought were problem patients. 

All I do is insist they do exactly what is in the seminar tapes and manuals. 

There is nothing else to buy.  All the data is in the ABC™ Home Study Program.  Personal coaching is available in live seminars or in-office consultations.

Sincerely and truthfully yours,
  Dr. Jutkowitz

My practice has doubled in less than 3 months and I haven't even had a chance to do any promotion yet. I need an associate! Dr. John A.

Purchase Information

  Yes Dr. Jutkowitz, I am ready to check everything out risk-free.  Time is of the essence and I want to get started right away.  Thanks to your 365 Day satisfaction guarantee I know that you have taken ALL the risk out of my decision.  As a matter of fact, it allows me to check everything out almost for free, if I choose.

  Live Only Package Home Seminar Package Deluxe Package
First Rib Maneuver DVD ($199Value)  
4 Audio Instructional CDs ($397Value)  
2 Video Instructional DVDs  ($499Value)  
The Standing, Sitting, and Sleeping DVD ($299 Value)  
Both Manual 1 & 2 ($499 Value)  
3 Patient Communication CDs 
($695 Value)
Unlimited 6 Month Phone Consultation ($1,499 Value)
Access to the ABC Private Doctors Forum ($99 Value) 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months
Adjustment by Dr. Jesse ($499Value)  
Unlimited Live Basic and Advanced Seminars for 1 year from purchase 

Retail Price -

$4099.00 $4186.00 $7385.00

Special Online Price


+  S&H
SAVE $500
$2700 + S&H
Deluxe Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $2700 Fax or call in order 
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
  Make 10 Payments of $269 10 x $284.99 Fax or call in order 
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
Home Seminar Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $1599 Fax or call in order 
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
  Make 5 Payments of $334.99 5 x $334.99 Fax or call in order 
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
Live Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $1599 Fax or call in order 
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
  Make 5 Payments of $334.99 5 x $334.99 Fax or call in order 
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 

Live Seminar Schedule

ALL orders are processed through Paypal.  
Even if you do not have a Paypal Account, you can still use your 
credit card or online check. 

  We are unable to ship to P.O. Boxes.  
Please provide your complete shipping address in the space provided.

If you are having problems ordering online 
or prefer an alternate method of payment please note the additional ways you can order:

Order by fax:
Simply print out the order page, fill it out by hand and fax it to:

(203) 659 - 0377

Order by mail
Simply print out the order page, fill it out by hand and mail it to:

340 Fairmount Terrace
Fairfield CT 06825

Order by phone
Simply call

(203) 366 - 2746

I understand that if I choose a payment plan for any products sold by Advanced BioStructural Correction that I am legally obligated to pay the FULL AMOUNT.  I further declare that the name and address information I provided are true and correct

By pressing the Order Here button, I agree to pay Advanced Biostructural Correction and Jesse Jutkowitz.

martial arts credit cards


        Call  (203) 366-2746 Now!  credit cards are accepted and you can make the payments over three months (administrative surcharge for multiple payments 5 monthly payments of $334.00 US plus shipping)

There are no excuses for not correcting people's bodies. 
I know that viewpoint is a bit different from other doctors'
and instructors' viewpoints but it is true.

With the Home Study Program you can learn Advanced BioStructural Correction
within a week, apply it and get the results promised or you need to ask
questions to find out what is being missed.


For Live ABC™ Seminars near you --->>GO

 To learn Advanced BioStructural Correction live it would take 3 weekends or more. 1 ½ to 2 weekends of theory to go over and at least a weekend to do the practical. Being that Dr. Jutkowitz does not want to waste your time traveling to just listen to him stand there talking, and does want you to have the time and materials to review at your leisure, he has put EVERYTHING on DVD and CD.

Therefore, Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is best and most easily learned at your office or home. There really is nothing else to buy - Dr. Jutkowitz even discusses patient communication (3 CDs $599 plus shipping but now included with the Home Study Program at the normal price).  Dr. Scott Simerman said, I used the principles taught in the Patient Communication CDs this weekend at a community businesses fair and got over 30 new patients WHO ACTUALLY CAME INTO the office and 28 signed up for care after their first visit. And, that is not unusual using the directions on those CDs.

If you want a live practical workshop, Dr. Jutkowitz gladly does them all over the world. Live ABC™ Seminars near you --->>GO Below is the best information on learning Advanced BioStructural Correction™ you can get.

 Everything you need to learn and practice really is in the At-Home seminar. Easy to understand and learn. Save your traveling money.
-- Dr. Jerry Porter

Live ABC™ Seminars near you --->>GO

 Everything you need is included in the Home Study Program. The goal is to get every practitioner able to correct everyone who walks into their office with a structural problem not caused by cancer, infections, fractures and the like -- no excuses.

Dr. Jutkowitz can do it and so can you!!

       All the data and practical instructions for learning and doing Advanced BioStructural Correction™ are included in the Home Study Program PLUS Dr. Jutkowitz supports you with person consultation time over fax, email, on the web site message board and even on the phone if necessary at no additional charge if you have questions.

       This service is provided because the ABC™ Home Study Program is so well put together for learning the basic data on how body structure works and even teaching the practicals it works so well it is easy to understand and do. Most docs have few questions if any and are up and practicing within two days.

Double click to enlarge picture.


       The live workshops include a very brief lecture on theory and where it comes from and then is all practical -- sharpening docs' skills in ABC™, personally answering any adjusting questions not answered otherwise, giving docs in-person feeling for how the adjustments are done and going over pre and post films brought in by the docs to show what is occurring.

       The best thing to do is get the ABC™ Home Study Program and follow that up with a live seminar if you think you need it. 


Live ABC™ Seminars near you --->>GO


           If you cannot get the results promised consistently and predictably with Advanced BioStructural Correction™ there are only three possibilities:

           1. You, the doctor are doing something incorrectly. (Too much, too little, whatever.)  If that is so, it is your responsibility to call me and my responsibility to communicate ABC™ to you in a way you can duplicate it and get it done to the results promised consistently and predictably.

           2. If the doc is doing everything he/she is supposed to do and the patient leaves okay but constantly comes back with the same problem, the doc has to find out what the patient is doing to reset the injury. If not, the doc needs to call me...

           3. If it is not the doc doing something wrong and it is not the patient resetting the structural problem then the only other possibility is that the guy teaching is wrong -- that goes for me or anyone else supposedly teaching you a technology they say really corrects people's bodies. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES.

           Because every time I have been to other doctors' offices or been called in for a consultation by patients and get the doctor to actually complete all the steps of the protocol that day we get the results promised and because many doctors all over the world have been able to duplicate these results consistently and predictably, we now first look to #1 and then #2. Everything I have been convinced to change about ABC™ since 1989 was actually less effective. I have had to go back and take out the change and return to what ABC™ was then.

          Though this is true I test #3 constantly and try all the changes proposed. What is the test? Do it with patients and take standing and sitting full spine films analyzing their biomechanics as they change (or don't!) treated that way.

          The Home Study Program is $2599.99 Every doc that has bought it and implemented it in their practice has gotten their money back in increased patient referrals and patient retention (because they can tell they are really changing) in less than three months -- most within two weeks.

          Any chiropractor can call 203 366-2746 and get instructions on how you can do a maneuver that will immediately have patients and yourself:

          1. Breathing easier (less effort and more volume per breath at the same time -- because this actually changes the shape of your chest as well as the efficiency with which you can open you rib cage = more volume less effort Checked by spirometry.)

          2. Nasal passages more open (this changes the mechanics of the body enough to cause less pulling on the meninges which lets your head assume a more normal shape).

          3. Shoulders will not slump forward when you let your body relax and slump. (When your body mechanics are correctly aligned the bones act as a lever system which keeps you upright with no muscular effort.)

          4. Your legs will be looser when you squat. (See number 2 above and think about how much less the meninges will pull on the pelvis.....)

          5. Facial color will be more red and even. (See number 1 above and note that the heart opens by elastic tension and pumps by muscle action. Chest larger = less pressure on heart when opening while the elastic tension is the same = more blood sucked in with no other effort. Checked by Doppler Phneumophlesmegraph.)

         This is it is one of the few things you can do to yourself that will have the same effect as if someone else does it.

Live ABC™ Seminars near you --->>GO


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