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     Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is exactly that, an advance in the ability of any doctor or person to correct life structures (bio = life). Dr. Jutkowitz isolated the few factors that have been missing in health care and correcting body structures. Knowing these factors one can then correct body structures and have people be healthy.


     Looking at the basics you have the following data that everyone seems to know but ignores in their research. These data are so simple I missed their importance at first myself.

  1. First, the body is a partially self-correcting mechanism. The body is not totally self-correcting or you would never need a doctor or any help getting your body corrected (why the body was made to partially but not totally self-correcting is not part of this discussion -- the observable fact is that it is somewhat self-correcting but not totally).

  2. Next is that there are some things the body cannot self-correct. (Seems obvious but must be stated as a separate and distinct fact for purpose of creating a framework with which to be able to correct all body structures.)

  3. Third is that to get someone's body healthy (corrected and working properly) you correct only the things the body cannot self-correct, letting the body do the rest -- that it can do -- itself. (This may take a little while, but it is what works best. What a person may think a body needs and what it really needs are not the same. So, if the body can correct something but does not, there must be something the body needs done before that gets corrected. That something is ALWAYS the correction of something the body CANNOT SELF-CORRECT.)

  4. So fourth is that one should NEVER correct anything the body can correct but is not correcting. WHY? If the body can correct it and does not, YOU MUST assume there is something else the body cannot self-correct out of place that makes it necessary for the body to hold/have the thing it COULD self-correct out of place. (This is either by choice or by the forces created when the thing the body cannot self-correct stays uncorrected).

    Having those four basic data you can look at the body to find what it cannot self-correct. See the article Mechanisms others have missed that are key in correcting body structures. You will be surprised to learn that the basic here is that spinal and other bones go out of position in directions the body cannot self-correct because there are no muscles that pull in the direction needed to get those bones back into their proper position.

     What positions are they? And, how do you correct them? And, what else factors in?  Read the rest of the articles below. To know how I got to all these things -- after you read the articles below, read the article. On Doing Research.     Dr. Jutkowitz

Description of ABC™

Learn how Advanced Biostructural Correction™ can change your life...

Eliminating Confusion in Structural Healthcare

1. The theory that ligaments need to be remolded and reshaped to change spines improving health.

2. The theory that muscles are weak or need to be strengthened to change posture and improve health.


The Goal of ABC™

ABC™ was developed from the goal of helping more people by finding out what Chiropractic and other bio-structural (bio = life) correction therapies had missed...

Synopsis of ABC™

Learn how Advanced Biostructural Correction™ was conceived and more...

Unwinding: How your body structure gets corrected

An explanation of symptom changes during treatment...

Before and After Results from Doctors who practice ABC ™

Doctors' Success Stories

Explanations to a doc asking questions about the difference between ABC™ and other body treatment technologies.


Mechanisms others have missed that are key in correcting body structures


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