Synopsis of
Advanced Biostructural Correction
There are two factors to consider: Neurologic factors, nerves
etc. and structural factors, the body mechanics that set up
the neurologic factors.
First the neurologic factors: The short story is that in
the 1970s Dr. Alf Breig, a Swedish neurosurgeon determined
that the main factor in many so-called neurological
diseases was a mechanical factor. The spinal cord, brain
stem and brain are physically stretched. Beyond a certain
point, the stretching of the nerves stops them from functioning.
If the stretch is relieved the nerves begin working again.
How soon the nerves start working again and if they will start
working again depends upon how much they were stretched and
how long. These data were recently proven and further measured
by neurosurgeons Yamada, Lonser, Schneider and quite a few
others in animal and human experiments. (Adult Tethered Cord
Syndrome, in the Journal of Spinal Disorders February 2000
is a good reference demonstrating and explaining the mechanism.)
Then the more important structural factors: Breig did some
of the work on body mechanics too. He demonstrated beyond
doubt that any mechanical factor causing the body/spinal column
to be in a forward lean caused stretching of the nerves. If
the spinal column went far enough forward, the stretching
at any one point in the spinal cord-brain stem would become
sufficient to stop the nerves from working.
Breig noted the effects are varied and many. They depended
upon what part of the spinal column is forward and where the
mechanical stress is focused caused the stretching of the
nerves. Where the stretch occurs determines what nerves stop
working and thus what neurological effects occur. There is
also the factor of the stretch being temporarily relieved
(remissions) or not.
Breig surgically tied the head slightly back to prevent
the body from going forward and to slacken the spinal cord.
It worked to relieve the neurological effects of many conditions.
Breigs work is in the books, Adverse Mechanical Tension
on the Central Nervous System and Skull Traction and Cervical
Cord Injury.
Doctors Lowell Ward and Jesse Jutkowitz discovered the factors
in vertebral (spinal bone) misalignment that cause the spinal
column and bodies in general to become set forward at certain
points. Handling those factors straightens bodies without
the person using muscular effort to hold himself or herself
upright. That relieves the stretch on the spinal cord, brain
stem and brain. Removing the stretch on the cord and brain
relieves the effects of many different conditions from disc
problems to so-called degenerative diseases. Information
available at
How much your body can be corrected and how well you can
be depend upon the condition of your body. Call your Advanced
BioStructural Correction practitioner today to find
out how much better you can be.
