Welcome To
Effective Correction of Your Body and Handling of YOUR Body
when correcting body problems
or getting your body problems corrected.
click here for
practitioner comments.
Find out why practitioners learn
Advanced Biostructural Correction™
and keep coming back, it is the ONLY thing that creates
consistent and predictably good results for their
Practitioners ONLY --
Request a FREE
Data Pack & DVD on
Advanced BioStructural
mirror image treatment, exercise, traction, bracing,
manipulation, etc. so often fails. Also find out why claims of
meningeal releasing by light touch is baloney.
Patients or potential patients should start here.
Click Here
The only critic of Dr. Jutkowitz is supposedly Dr. Botnick
for data on that and what to think about it see
this link to the Bolen Report -- note
Chiropractors on the March.
Typical Starting Results Below
That let you know you are in the right place
and will give or get the help you want
The people below are RELAXED and letting their
bodies slump before and after their FIRST time through the Advanced BioStructural Correction™
It gets even
better after that!
Advanced Biostructural Correction™
change in structure with treatment and no exercise or traction
ABC™ does it consistently
and predictably.

these pictures are less than truthful? Many practitioners do
Find out
for yourself by clicking this link and viewing
bottom of the page.
read down this entire
introduction page and then follow the links.
This site is for both docs and their
patients. Data is presented for both.
Healthcare practitioners should start here.
Click Here
Comparing ABC™
such as CBP™,
Koren and others.
click here
Consistent and predictable results with the
home seminar even from half-way round the world.
Latest pictures from Dr. Grantly
Phillips in Australia, (Miami, Queensland) are to
right. Click them for large size. The instructions are
"Breathe in, breathe out and let your body slump" for BOTH
pictures. The left picture is before
was done, the right, after. Yes, he is letting
his body slump in the right picture. It does not because
Not just shifting things
around so people do not hurt.
Advanced Biostructural Correction™
change in structure with treatment and no exercise or traction
because only
ABC™ does it consistently
and predictably with old people, young people and those in between.
click on the young for enlargement. He is relaxed and letting
his body slump in BOTH pictures as is the older woman. these
pictures are sent in by our practitioners daily.

Advanced Biostructural Correction™
change in structure with treatment and no exercise or traction because only
ABC™ does it consistently
and predictably with old people, young people and those in between.
Everyone knows good posture is important,
but how do you get it without having to do exercise or work at
holding yourself upright?
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
How important is posture?
Read these articles from researchers -click the link. |
too incredible to be true. However, when
you have the basic mechanisms, things once thought to be
difficult to understand become simple. Because it is so simple
some fail to see it as the important finding it is. See: Basic data
Patients who want to know more should read:
confusion in STRUCTURAL healthcare.
Given past failures
to help bodies, this may be the first time you are hearing that
bodies can consistently be corrected with any hope
that it is true. Follow along, and you will see not only that
it is true but that you can understand it.
Dr. Jutkowitz
(who no longer holds a license and no longer sees patients so
he can teach full time)
discovered the basic physical reason body structures go wrong
and how to consistently and predictably correct them as long
as the problem is not cancer, infections, fractures or the
like -- and can teach you to do the same.
There are no excuses for not correcting people's
I know that viewpoint is a bit different from other doctors'
and instructors' viewpoints but it is true. With the At-Home
seminar you can learn Advanced BioStructural Correction, apply it and get the results promised or you need to
ask questions to find out what is being missed. For that
reason, unlimited phone consultation time is included with the ABCAt-Home
ABC™At Home
Comment from a doc learning several techniques:
All the better reasons that ABC™ is a great deal, you're not
competing with Jesse for patients and it's inexpensive when
you consider travel costs not needed. Plus, how many
technique teachers can you call on the phone at almost any
time and ask for help?
I went to another
technique seminar and from my understanding you were not even
supposed to ask many, if any at all questions during the
seminar. The Doctor wanted you to email him questions after
it was over. The guy also spoke very quickly and with so many
large technical words that probably almost everyone including
me, was dizzy from misunderstood words.
Kudos' to Jesse for his integrity.
Dr. Jeff
Call the docs at
the bottom of the page if you have a
question and you would like to ask someone other than Dr.
Advanced BioStructural
Correction™ is not Dr.
Jutkowitz's or anyone's
ideas of what should be.
ABC™ is what remains after
physically testing all ideas about correcting bodies from any
source (yes, ANY source),
eliminating those that did not
work consistently and predictably
and holding on to those that
do. There are no opinions here,
only the facts of what is left after
objective physical testing
of everything and some hard won, unique to
ABC™ physical discoveries.
A recent email:
In a message dated
10/7/2004 12:04:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, smsiegel@hotmail.com
Advanced BioStructural
is fantastic. I have been using
it in my new clinic
for 2 weeks now with great results. This includes patients
who have been under the care of other DCs and MDs. Needless
to say I am very pleased, and so are the patients. Dr
A 90 day follow
Sent: Monday,
November 29, 2004 4:23 PM
From: smsiegel@hotmail.com
Subject: Re:
Gets Consistent Results
In a
message dated 11/29/2004 3:29:33 PM Eastern Standard
Time, smsiegel@hotmail.com writes:
32 year
old pt, history of headaches after traumatic brainstem
injury at 7 years old. Yes, only have the
At-Home Seminar, have only been using
for about 3 months and at this point, have not yet been
to a live seminar. But WOW. The second photo is after 60
days. The x rays look just as good. It works so well.
Just had to show you this. Thanks so much for such a
great technique. Scott Siegel DC (you can
have others email me questions.
It is a typical
before and after result.
It has been
said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over
and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
(or patients') bodies without getting the results you
want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
is most certainly the thing you should look into from this
point forward. |
your treatment really works you get tons of referrals with
not special effort, just educating the patients - Patient
Communication CDs included with the At-Home Seminar
My practice is fun again and is reborn thanks
Advanced BioStructural Correction™.
In 2005 I spent $17,000 on practice management. They
taught me well and had good information BUT, I felt funny
doing the
things they taught me do because I could not deliver on my
promise of structural correction . My collections
increased over the year earlier by more than I spent but I
had an ethical dilemma in that I was not providing the
results I was promising.
Having a strong sense of ethics and knowing I could not
consistently provide the results promised I felt bad and was
going to leave chiropractic. In June I ordered the
Advanced BioStructural Correction™Professionals
Seminar. It provides my patients with the results promised
and me with satisfaction. I am so excited with the results
I just educate my
patients about
and how the body unwinds and get them to notice the results.
I have not spent any money marketing outside the office and
I do not do a special internal marketing plan. The practice
has 21.7 new patient referrals monthly since last November
and after I took a live
seminar. Much of that is that I know I can consistently
deliver the results I promise. The other part is that the
patients feel they are getting the results for which they
are paying. It has been 9 months since the live
seminar it and my collections have already matched last
year. Thanks for giving me the ability to correct
every body walking in the door and rekindling my purpose. My
wife and patients say I look 10 years younger than last year
and I feel that way too.
Click on these for data:
Professional References page
New case study by Dr.
Erickson in Michigan.
Report on patients from
Dr. Pete Ryan
See the email at the bottom of this page and
click here to
see an
email from a doc
in Australia
click this to see a
very pertinent
comment and answer
to a doc
Doc, How do I get
on the list docs can call to find out how well ABC™ works.
It's great,
Dr. Kramer. Have them call me I will tell them the
For names of other docs see bottom below |
Advanced BioStructural Correction is the means by which
people can really get their bodies to work as they are supposed
to work (be healthy) without drugs or surgery.
ABC™ is a different approach
because it does not attempt to force the body into a position
someone determined was proper.
you are correcting the position of bones out of position in
directions the body cannot self-correct only (if you have no
muscle pulling in the direction needed to pull the bone back
into place, you cannot self-correct it when it moves slightly
out of position). This is the
key: If the body can
self-correct the position of a bone out of place but does
not moving it will cause difficulties.... read more
after continuing below.
Patients might best learn what Advanced BioStructural Correction™
is by reading this article:
Eliminating Confusion in Structural Healthcare |
X-Ray Is Not Needed for
Click here for more
data -- you get the results with no need to x-ray
Dr. Jutkowitz is known as a strictly practical
person who does not go by belief. He goes by what can be physically demonstrated.
Fancy theories about bones or spines might be nice, but Dr.
J's favorite quote is that old one from engineering where
people have to take what physicists theorize and apply it to
the real world: The greatest
tragedy in science is when a beautiful theory is slain by
an ugly fact.
If you have been a doctor, or even a patient, for
more than a year, you have heard many theories about your
body that did not
lead to a treatment that worked. You can ignore those
theories and know they are not true for that very reason.
As docs applying Advanced BioStructural
Correction™ exactly as it is presented without adding
to it or taking anything away, we have found
ABC™ works as presented on every structural problem
except fractures or gross malformations
of some type. Dr. Jutkowitz is serious about what he says and
he can deliver on it.
If you are a doctor in structural healthcare
we urge you to get the
Advanced BioStructural
Correction™ At - Home Seminar.
Learn it and
find out for yourself that structural healthcare does work exactly as
it has promised to work in correcting bodies. It just needs
to be done
exactly as the body needs rather than as someone's idea
Advanced BioStructural
Correction™ is not Dr.
Jutkowitz's ideas. It is what is left after physically testing all ideas of his
and any other source (yes, ANY other source), eliminating those that do not work
consistently and predictably and holding on to those that do.
Read the articles, case studies, success stories and
view the pre and post pictures and films on this site. They tell an
accurate story.
After reading a bit call Dr. J to learn and do the
Rib Maneuver. Your body will immediately not slump
forward and more.
You will find out for yourself that
ABC™ performs as
structural healthcare has always promised it would perform -- on
every patient walking in your door. Join us in getting the
At-Home Seminar and finally getting the consistent and
predictable results you have always wanted for your
Many of us held to and believed the thought that no one would find
the key to correcting every body structure because it was
too complicated.
That was before we experimented with
ABC™ for
ourselves and found that Dr. Jutkowitz did find the basics
on which everything else hangs.
As with every other science,
when the basics are found things are more simple - not more
complex. We also found, as Dr. Jutkowitz told
us, that ABC™, done exactly as the tapes
and manuals instruct, will correct every person walking in
your door with a structural problem.
-- We are over 1850 of the docs using
ABC™ and endorsing these
Have a question and want to call someone
besides Dr. Jutkowitz?
Know that our purpose is to get every doctor
able to correct every patient walking in the door.
Dr. Allen Moore 513 294-2828 (30 years plus
and finally something that works consistently)
Dr. Todd Carmer 970 328-2225 Dr.
Shawn Eckley 615 868-3000
Dr. Matt Erickson 231-946-7800
Dr. Dom Fazzari 718 672-2008
Dr. Jerry Porter 509 535-1530
Dr. David Cheetham 856-547-2965
(Dr. Porter former
CBP™ instructor)
Dr. Greg Frick 856 428-0660
Dr. Pete Ryan
Dr. Rod Helgeson 502 451 2885
I must tell you Karen is 5'4" and was 6 months
or so pregnant at a live seminar when she said she now fixes
everyone who walks in the door since starting
It is not hard to learn or do.
Dr. Rusty Cross 423 875 3800 (his wife Dr. Lynn Cross
DR. David Hofer 913 334 8080
and always feel free to call Dr. Jutkowitz 203 366-2746 He is
dedicated to getting this structural healthcare to be as
effective as it can be. Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz,
340 Fairmount Terrace., Fairfield, CT 06825
203 366-2746 |
It has been
said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over
and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
(or patients') bodies without getting the results you
want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
is most certainly the thing you should look into from this
point forward. |
Find an
Advanced Biostructural Correction™practitioner
click here
click below for:
PREDICTABLE changes in curves as demonstrated by Dr. ex-CBP™ practitioner.
See a hard unchanging Kyphosis come apart
on the first visit. Click here
Same type of changes for
Scoliosis patients
Click here
Dr. Jeff Saffir
click below for:
year-old 54° scoliosis reduced to 29°
in short time.
If this can be handled odds are yours can be too.
Look-up Multiple Sclerosis on search.
this site