Advanced BioStructural Correction
Like you, I started out wondering how I could do better for my
patients. I had/have a practical engineering
background, even before being a doctor, so I'm a bit unreasonable about accepting
explanations for things that do not make sense physically --
meaning I cannot use the information to create the result
someone claims can be made.
(I didn't study engineering afterward to prove some theory I
made up or liked.)
Anything taught in
Advanced BioStructural Correction
is easily demonstrated and testable BY YOU with simple experiments right in
office or practice or even on your spouse and kids. I started by observing that I could get miracle results on one
person with back pain, neck pain, headaches, and even organic
problems of some sorts, BUT I could not consistently get those
results on everyone walking in the door and I could not
predict which cases would get better in which not. Very
annoying -- especially to an engineer.
I went to all the structural correction and other types of techniques seminars and even acupuncture ( I
was the first in chiro CT doing needle acupuncture). When I
could not consistently and predictably get the results in my office
that the teaching doctors advertised, I flew out to theirs. It
turns out they either could not get them consistently or
worse, they were not doing what they taught adding a little
this here or a little that there. Dr. Gonstead was famous for
telling those who asked why he did something not taught in his
seminars that you have to treat the person in front of you,
not the x-rays. Dr. Pettibon has told me on the phone that
everyone steals from everyone else in the technique game and
there is no one that will ever find the answer.
If you look at
the problem as an engineer who has to work in the physical
world with objectively observable materials, you can come up
with the fact that the results are possible.
This is an objective observation because you sometimes get
those fantastic results now, but not always with conditions
that seem to be the same -- i.e., they have the same symptoms
or outward signs.
Why do "the same" conditions not respond to the same
treatments? The only valid statement you can make with the
objective observations available is that there are factors
creating the condition that are different from the ones being
addressed. They have been unknown and only addressed by
accident until now.
The basic point
is that there were other factors unknown to anyone, until now.
Advanced BioStructural Correction
those factors have been found. As a result, you will
consistently and predictably correct bodies and have body
conditions not related to cancer, infections, fractures,
diabetes and the like vanish.
How were they found and how does it work? Read on:
Knowing there were unknown factors, I set out to find them. You find factors by
more observations, not fewer. I say this because when
chiropractic, osteopathic and other researchers of the 1960s and 70s tried to prove
chiropractic, osteopathic and the whole basis of structural health care,
they could not come up with the answers.
They were dedicated and worked hard but because they
misunderstood basic engineering concepts, and vastly
underestimated the mechanical complexity of the body, their
attempts to find answers only led them to the conclusion that
what they observed happening on x-ray was as unpredictable. A
silly conclusion compared to the one that there were other
factors not understood, but they did not seem to understand
basis engineering so that is the one they came up with.
At that point, political
chiropractors decided to outlaw full spine x-ray because it
seemed to indicate they were wrong about the fact that
structural health care working, in their case chiropractic.
That was supremely Dumb. What they were wrong about is HOW
structural correction
worked to get the fantastic results it did. For some reason,
these doctors decided that hiding the whole issue would be
better than just saying, we haven't figured out how it works
at but all the clients know it works, because we get the
results many times. Seems silly, but it is what they did -- and these are
still the leaders and their views today.
I searched for other factors using standing and sitting
full spine AP and lateral films and measuring just about
everything. (One case illustrating how revealing that is, is
on this web site under case studies.) After trying and
discarding over 80 theories -- because if they were true, most
of the patients could not exist. (These theories include
current chiropractic, osteopathic, and other manipulative techniques taught
in various disciplines of structural health care. The failings are apparent in the
inconsistency and unpredictability of result and quantified
easily when measured against full spine standing and sitting
I stopped making theories and started to just observe.
Several things became evident immediately (unfortunately,
immediately took quite some time to get to while I checked
the things that everyone including me thought were "obvious"
and even now currently taught but that did not and do not work to correct body
structures consistently).
These things are so readily observable, they are axioms.
Remember that an
axiom is an established rule or principle or a self-evident
truth. These are self-evident because anyone can
observe them
occurring in the physical universe, not because I say so.
The first AXIOM is:
the body is not a
self-correcting thing or machine but can
self-correct many of its mechanical and other pathologies.
(Self-evident by observation things go wrong with bodies
that they do self-correct and that they do not self-correct.
Therefore, bodies are partially self-correcting but not
totally self-correcting.)
It astonished me that the first of these axioms met with
opposition from doctors and even theologians.
The objections were things like, God made the body; the body
is the most perfect construct in the universe and therefore
works perfectly (obviously not since people get sick); and the
like. I did not know who or what designed and made human bodies,
but the following is obvious: Who or whatever made human
bodies did a good job but either on purpose or accidentally --
which is not topic for this time and place -- human bodies
were made cannot be totally self-correcting (otherwise we
would not need doctors).
Obvious as this seems, many it is a new thought. Human
bodies are designed to be self-correcting in many facets and
ways -- just like a car is partially self-correcting; it can
correct for temperature and other changes in the environment
like smoothing out the ride on a bumpy road, but not for a
hole in a tire. Human bodies are also not totally
self-correcting. Certain things happen that lead to bodies breaking
down. This is not to say that we are bodies. I do
not think WE are bodies but they are physical objects we use
in this world. That is another discussion for
some other time. However, we do use bodies and they do
have mechanical breakdowns that can be corrected
consistently and predictably just like with cars.
Advanced BioStructural Correction will
teach you how to do it.
Given past failures to help bodies, this may be the first time you
are hearing that bodies can consistently be corrected with any hope
that it is true. Follow along, and you will see not only that
it is true but that you can understand it.
This leads to axiom 2:
AXIOM 2. Health of a body is defined as a body working optimally on
a mechanical basis -- even the chemistry comes down to
mechanics if you look at it from a small enough viewpoint
shapes of molecules and atoms fitting together.
(Self-evident by observation.)
Another thing that seems obvious, but some have difficulty
with it. As stated above, we are not bodies, but we do use
bodies. In
Advanced BioStructural Correction
we are only concerned with correcting the mechanics of bodies so they
work well and are thus physically healthy. Spiritual health, etc. is another discussion for
some time and place. Given that bodies are a chemical and
mechanical machine, the above axiom is readily observable.
That is why that is why there are records of people recovering
from just about everything when a bodys mechanics are
corrected. And, this is not just in massage chiropractic or
osteopathy. These
records go back to ancient times and structural treatments.
That axiom leads to the next:
To keep bodies healthy or get bodies healthy one must make
sure that the things the body cannot self-correct are
corrected by some outside agency.
(By definition -- if bodies cannot self-correct something else
must correct them.)
Forget trying to have the body correct itself. The thing that
is wrong with the body is that there are things it cannot
Immediately evident from
AXIOM 3 is that any method of
structurally correcting the human body that tries to get the
body to self-correct by strengthening muscles, reshaping
ligaments or the like, can immediately be dismissed.
Strengthening muscles will help human bodies COMPENSATE
more and better, but muscles will not CORRECT the body or what
is wrong with it because bones can go out of place in
directions the body does not have muscles oriented to pull
them back into alignment. That muscles compensate for
bones that out of place in directions the body has no muscles oriented to
pull those bones back into alignment is why some
people need to work out to be healthy and some hurt themselves
working out and others manage find
just the normal activities enough to keep them well. Those who
NEED to workout to
maintain health are working to compensate for bones out of
place that the body cannot pull back into position because it
has no muscles oriented to pull in the directions needed.
This is the next axiom:
Regarding what the body cannot self-correct: On the grossest
scale, what the body cannot self-correct are bones out of
optimal mechanical position in a direction the body has no
muscle or combination of muscles that can pull in the
direction needed to retrieve and replace the bone into its
position of optimal mechanical advantage for the body.
(This is not a theory. This is an objective observation of anatomy/physiology
and is thus self-evident.)
There is really nothing else to say about that. Regarding the
spine: If a vertebra (for those who are not
docs, ver ta bra is latin for a spinal bone) moves out of place left, there are
muscles there that can pull the bone back into its correct
position (many times they dont but that is
covered below under compensations). Likewise, if a
vertebra goes out of place to the right there are muscles
physically present that can pull the bone left to its proper
position. If a vertebra goes
out of place posterior, there are muscles -- psoas down low,
diaphragm mid and others above - that can pull the vertebrae
(click here for
experiments you can do right now to demonstrate or prove that
to yourself.) YOU CAN
something is so, and you cannot test it for yourself on your
body or another's body, dont
believe it. If it is physically true, you can test it on the
next patient in the door or yourself or it is false.
An example: If a vertebra moves out of place anterior and
you can forget those who think it cannot by doing the test of
having someone breathe in and out a few times and then do a
hard P-to-A adjustment in the thoracics. Very few will breathe
better afterward. Most will breathe less deeply because of the
anterior just created. Anyway, if a vertebra moves anterior,
there are no muscles that attach from the vertebra to
something behind it. Therefore, nothing can pull it posterior.
Your body can rotate it in the saggital plane and extend the
vertebra leaning it into extension and compensating for the
anterior but the body cannot self-correct it. (For complete
data on this continue reading the article on
That brings us to the last axiom:
Regarding treatment of a body: Doctors should only correct
things that the body cannot self-correct.
By definition, the body will self-correct the rest --
which are either bones out of place as compensations, shifting
the body's weight off what it cannot correct or bones
constantly pushed out
of place by the forces created by the bones out of place in
a direction the body cannot self-correct.
You might want to read that last paragraph under AXIOM 5 again
As for which bones go out of place in directions the body does
not have muscles pulling in the direction needed, and how to
correct them: That is what makes
Advanced BioStructural Correction
so valuable.
Advanced BioStructural Correction
you will find the bones out of place that the body cannot
self-correct or self-realign and consistently correct everybody that
walks in the door with a mechanical problem not connected to
cancer, infections, fractures and the like.
Doctors can test these axioms by calling 203 366-2746 to learn
the First Rib Maneuver
and can test other techniques of correcting body structure
against these axioms and find where those techniques fall
down. I say this not to make them wrong or promote
but to give an objective basis to evaluate the various
Our goal in
is to have doctors be able to correct every body that walks in
the door with the structural problem not connected to cancer,
infections, fractures, and like. You can do with
but it probably is not real to you so call, learn the first rib
maneuver and get some reality on it. And, call some of
the doctors below and ask them.
Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz
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