First Rib Maneuver™
Learn this maneuver and do it for your
patients. These are typical results.

Breathe in, breathe out and let your body slump were the instructions for
all the pictures.
From the left the pictures are:
1. Neutral before anything,
2. After
doing just the first rib maneuver,
3. After the entire Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol.
Practitioners ONLY --
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Data Pack & DVD on
Advanced BioStructural
The first thing to know about about bodies is that if they
work correctly there is nothing for the person operating the
body to notice about it. This is covered elsewhere on the
site but I will quickly go over it now for those who have
not read the article Eliminating Confusion in Structural Healthcare
which contains the data.
What I mean when I say if your body is working correctly
there will be nothing for you to notice about it is exactly
that. An example is your car. What did you notice about your
car when you drove it last? Not what do you remember about
it when you drove it last but what did you notice then, while
you last drove it?
Most people whose cars are working well have difficulty coming
up with something because there is just nothing to notice
but the temperature or the radio when their car is working
correctly. Those whose cars are not working well usually can
tell you immediately, the noise in the..., when I turn it...
Whatever the something is they notice it immediately because
it grabs their attention.
The same is true with your body. When it is working well
there is nothing to notice.
The reason you do not notice your body is rather interesting.
You can compare it to playing baseball, golf or other like
games. If you have played any game or done any work that involves
hitting something you know that when it feels like you hit
the ball really hard you often look up only to find that the
ball hardly went anywhere. Yet when you hit the ball or whatever
you are hitting just right it goes really far but you don't
feel almost nothing. Your friends are standing there telling
you what a great shot it was and you're standing there smiling
but thinking, "What happened? I didn't even feel myself
hit it."
Why don't you feel that great hit? Really, why don't you
feel it? Think of an answer before you continue on.
Most people tell me they didn't feel it because they were
in the groove or the mechanics were just right or they were
not thinking about it. All these answers are true statements
but they answer the question, "How did I do that?"
They are not answering the question, "Why don't you feel
it when you hit it just right?" which is the question
I am asking.
The answer is that you do not feel the well struck ball,
the really good hit, the great shot, etc. because one way
or another (and there are a thousand or more ways to do it)
you managed to get all the energy from the swing into the
If you get all the energy from the swing into the ball, what
is left to impact your body? (Take a second to think of an
answer and then continue.)
If you did it just right and all the energy went into the
ball, there is nothing left to impact your body. Since all
the energy went into the ball, there is no energy left to
impact your body is there. Therefore, you are not going to
feel anything are you?
Above, though the guy hit the ball hard and
"feels" like he hit it really hard, all he got was
a little pop-up that didn't go too far.
Here, the guy hardly feels a thing but the
ball flies right out of the park because the hit was in line
with the ball and all the energy went into the ball.
This same thing drives chiropractors crazy when
it happens. A person comes in moving slow and in tremendous
pain. A friend/spouse has to help the guy (or gal) in. The
doctor does his exam etc. and then treats the patient. Instantly,
the patient stands up and is moving better than they have
in days. The friend/spouse is looking at the guy thinking,
"This doctor is a miracle worker." The doctor seeing
how well he is moving asks the patient how he feels. The patient,
though they know something is different, cannot feel their
body moving (because the doc happened to line it up just right)
and says, I don't know if you really did anything doc. At
that point the friend/spouse or doctor
The patient really cannot tell because before things were
all crooked and he could feel his body every time it moved
because without being lined up correctly some energy was always
impacting his body giving him the feel that his body was there.
Even before he got hurt the body was not aligned just right
so there was always something to be felt when he moved.
When his body is lined up just right by the adjustment, all
the energy used moving the body, is used in moving the body.
Though he moves better and even breathes easier there is nothing
impacting the body and so nothing to notice. It is not that
he feels good; he does not even feel better -- he just doesn't
notice anything.
I hope you understand that because that is what is going
to happen when you do this maneuver. It will line up your
body at the first rib area and other places that strongly
depend on that area being lined-up, so well that difficulties
you are having moving and breathing will disappear without
you noting they are gone.
It is not that you will feel good or even that you will
feel better. What will happen is that you will feel next to
Because of that we are going to have you test your body before
and after so you can specifically pay attention and notice
the changes. If you do this with anyone else you need to have
them test before and after just like this or they will probably
get a big improvement in breathing and not even notice it.
So let's test right now. Stand up please.
Thank you. Now, one of the things that will happen is that
your nasal passages will open. Let's test that first: Breathe
in and out through your nose a few times and notice how much
effort it takes to breathe and how the air feels going through
your nasal passages. Go ahead do it now, totally fill up your
lungs and notice how it feels and how much effort it is, so
you can compare to how it changes after you do the maneuver.
Thank you for doing that and noticing how it feels. Next,
is that your breathing will become easier -- less effort will
get more air into your lungs. To test this take a slow deep
breath in through your nose and notice both, how much effort
it takes to fill up your lungs and how it feels at the end
when your lungs are full. Go ahead and do that now so you
can notice it and compare for how it changes after you do
the maneuver.
Got it? Good. Next is that your shoulders will not slump
forward as much when you let your body relax. To test that
I want you to stand straight and relaxed, breathe in a bit
and then let the air out letting your body totally relax and
notice where your body and shoulders go.
Do not throw your body down into a slump and do not hold yourself
up at all. Let the air out suddenly in a rush and let your
lower back relax, let your buttock relax, let your stomach
relax, just totally let your body slump and let your shoulders
and head go where they want to go without throwing your body
Most people's bodies will go into a slouch with the shoulders
coming somewhat down and forward like the people in the before
pictures you saw on the ABC home page. Some people are
so used to holding themselves upright they do it without even
noticing. They should purposely let their body go loose in
different areas and notice the changes as they experiment
with their body. Go ahead and do that now before going on.
After you do that, if you have any areas that hurt, back
pain -- neck pain -- arm pain -- stiff knees or ankles --
whatever, test them out too. Don't notice how much they hurt
but notice how much effort it takes or how far you have to
move in a given direction to make them hurt. Go ahead and
test them out too.
Next is actually doing the maneuver.
First stand relaxed. Put your left hand flat
on the left side of your chest so your middle and index fingers
are side by side and pointing up toward your chin.
(collar bone)
Rib Sternum
This picture is actually incorrect. The first rib is not below
the clavicle but is behind it. This picture was made by
someone looking at an x-ray where the central ray was coming
from below so the first rib shadow appears (but is not) below
the clavicle. Therefore, when placing your fingers you put the end pads of your middle and index fingers
( where your fingerprints are, opposite your fingernails) over the front part of the
clavicle right where it attaches to the sternum.
At this point we have found by experience that the best way
to get the rest of the instructions followed
is to give us a call. Call Dr. Jutkowitz at (203)366-2746 it will take about 15 more minutes to learn and you will have it for
life. Upon completing the maneuver on yourself, you
will immediately:
- Breathe easier.
nasal passages will be more open.
shoulders will immediately not slump forward when you let you
body relax and slump.
legs and feet will be looser (test it when you squat).
there will be many other positive effects depending upon what
is out of alignment in your body at this time.
AND, we will teach you to do it on patients starting TODAY!
Doing the FRM on yourself and others you will be at the start
of getting results like Dr. Porter sent us below. Of course,
you will then have the problem of knowing you can consistently
get the results they told you about getting in school but
never taught you how and will want to get the seminar.
Call (203) 366-2746 Now
Dr. Jerry Porter (Washington) -- After treating a woman for
less than a month with Advanced BioStructural Correction
she went to a health club where they tested her breathing.
She had 99% of her Vmax on the spirometer. (Vmax is the
maximum volume of air your lungs should be able to take in for
your size -- average person has 60% good is considered 80%). The personal trainer was astonished
"No one has 99% of their Vmax". Easy to get some
referrals from that.
(After the first emailing of this letter)
Dr. Jeff McCombs, (Chicago) --- I had the same thing happen
to one of my patients after treating them with
ABC™. The guy
at the gym couldn't believe the instant change in her ability
to breathe. You can have people call and ask me how well ABC
works. If every chiropractor was doing this the patients
would all know how well chiropractic really does work when
done properly and we would all be
so busy there would be no time to argue. It is easy to learn and works
consistently and predictably on everyone walking in the door.
This one maneuver improves bodies more and makes greater
changes visible in posture, on x-rays, and other objective
testing than anything in the field of structural healing can
do in months or years.
If you can do this you can learn the rest. Order the
BioStructural Correction At-Home Seminar NOW!
CALL 203 366-2746