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What ABC™ is accomplishing and some additional data.

 Advanced Biostructural Correction

Experiment to demonstrate muscles pulling vertebrae anterior (toward the front of the body:

1. The pulling of the Psoas muscles in the lumbar spine. Sit in a normal chair. Note the Psoas muscles attach from the inside of the thighs (on the femur) and on the lumbar vertebrae (sometimes on the pelvis too). Stand up normally and note the pull of those muscles on the spine which pulls the lumbar vertebrae anterior (forward).

2. The pulling of the diaphragm on spinal bones from the upper lumbars to the midthoracics (attachment varies a bit from person to person). Notice that the diaphragm attaches to the ribs in front and the spine in back. Feel the spinal bones as you breathe out, pinch your nose shut, close your mouth and try to breathe in.

     You will notice the diaphragm pulls the back toward the front of the rib cage.

3. Muscles above that point pulling the rest of the vertebra forward if they are displaced backward. Standing upright: Put a hand on your forehead and flex your head or neck or both forward against resistance supplied by your hand. As you go through the range of motion you will notice the various vertebrae in your neck and upper thoracic spine being pulled forward toward each other as the neck and head get farther and farther out in front of the trunk of your body.

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It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


Docs stories doing ABC™ after going over the at-home seminar in one weekend. Multiple Sclerosis, and spinal stenosis patients used to be difficult to help. Now...cake.
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See why docs and patients are reporting the correction of all sorts of things claimed to be incurable like spinal stenosis, Multiple Sclerosis and others not related to cancer, infections, fractures...


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