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What is ABC?

Mission Statement for

Advanced Biostructural Correction

 The basic goal of the Advanced BioStructural Correction organization is to get every chiropractor able to correct the structural alignment and function of every human body that walks in their door.  – Toward that end, there are the following notes:

In  Advanced BioStructural Correction™, Dr. Jutkowitz has discovered the basic mechanical operations of body mechanics. (May sound arrogant but experience has demonstrated it consistently. The Journal published research is now on the way.)

From this he has been able to develop and find a method of correcting body mechanics that works consistently and predictably on every patient with structural problems except fractures, cancers, infections or other gross malformations. (We say that because over the last 12 years there has not been one case of structural problems of any sort that a doctor using ABC had difficulty with that was not solved and handled by Dr. Jutkowitz getting the doctor to exactly follow the directions in the ABC manuals and tapes. This is neither a boast nor brag, but the observed fact.)   Most recent update to this page is Dec. 10, 2002. Four docs' offices in the last month or so. All docs' difficult patients seemed to disappear after the docs were corrected on doing exactly what was in the manuals and tapes. No new information was given. See letter from Dr. Erica Kasprzyk by clicking this link.

The purpose of the
 Advanced BioStructural Correction organization is to disseminate and teach both the basic data about body structure function and the methods of correcting body structure when it is not functioning as it should.


Additional data to consider:

 It is well known in any endeavor that what has happened -- has physically happened. For example:  When people were trying to build flying machines, many theories were put out as to how things would work. When they did not work the way people theorized  –  they did not work.

 The reason they did not work always came down to a basic physical factor, not enough air pressure developed under the wings to make it go through the air. There was only that one basic.

 How you got enough air pressure under the vehicle to make the thing fly was subject to many ideas. Some failed because the materials were too heavy for their strength (with new materials of today we are doing many things that could not be done with older materials that were not as strong for the same weight). Some failed because the shapes did not create the airflow needed. Some because…whatever.

 The ones that worked accomplished the basic premise -- they got enough air pressure under the machine to push it up into the air.

There was always that basic starting point – enough air pressure under the vehicle to make the thing fly. Given enough air pressure the vehicle would always fly. This was true no matter what it looked like, what it was made of, how heavy it was or how the air pressure was put there (moving air over a wing [airplanes/jets], moving the wing [helicopters], directly creating pressure of a gas to lift the object [rockets], etc).


In structural health care, we have a similar situation (trying to accomplish something physically)  it must be looked at in the practical light of, if the theory always leads to correcting a body it is a basic principle and if it does not work all the time it is not a basic principle -- or you will fail at finding the basic factor needed to correct bodies as has been done in  Advanced BioStructural Correction (That basic is discussed in the article: What is ABC?.

 Examples of theories that have not worked (in chiropractic and other health care fields) and do not lead to correcting bodies consistently and predictably are the theories of muscle strength, muscle stretching and ligament stretch or remolding.

Where the muscle strengthening theory falls down as a basic principle:

 Many physical therapists and even chiropractors go on the theory that if the person is strong enough or loose enough bones will realign and not go out of place and the person will be healthy. This theory has failed on many occasions. The biggest one is on the factor of resting muscle tone. There is none.

 Tone of a muscle is described as how much it is contracting. Long ago someone put out a theory that muscles always work – there were always some fibers of the muscle contracting due to firing of the nerves at rest. Experiments since the 1050s by neurophysiologists have demonstrated this is not true. EMGs since the 1950s have demonstrated that theory false. When at rest, there are no muscle contractions. This is true in a very strong, hard “in shape” athletic person and it is true in a sedentary office worker and it is true in a weak, soft “out of shape” person who has a lot of work fighting the current when they pull the plug after taking a bath. (ha, ha on that last one.)

However, what about those who sit or lie down and can feel muscles contracting? Or, those who stand more upright after exercising?

 There is the fact that those who have structural problems and “bad posture” can hold themselves up better after exercising – but that just means they are more constantly using the muscles that are now stronger than they were. It does not mean that their bone structure is more correctly aligned or that their muscles are “tighter” at rest. (How a muscle can be tight and at rest at the same time is an paradox -- actually an oxymoron.) If you want to see this, have someone workout until their posture is better (many people never get better posture working out and become more round shouldered – this is said to be working out the wrong sets of muscles but really just disproves the concept as a basic right there). Taking someone whose posture improved after working out, have them stop working out and watch as their posture deteriorates – but not always, and not always to the same amount, and sometimes, it is worse afterward. (This also demonstrates it is not a basic principle because BASIC principles ALWAYS work the same way.)

 The point is that muscles, strong or weak, are not the basic principle to keeping, getting or having, good body structure alignment and a well functioning -- healthy -- body. This is not to say stronger muscles do not help a person compensate (for their problems) and hold themselves more upright, but that does not mean they are better. Using x-ray to measure the mechanics of people who strengthen their muscles, you will find they are different but not much better mechanically – otherwise those very strong weight lifters would have no problems, they have as many or more problems than the rest of the population.

 As for people at rest whose muscles contract to hold them up, they must be in a position that requires them to work their muscles or they will hurt.  You can see this with a Lazyboy type recliner. The chairs’ curves are opposite the bodies’ spinal curves at every point and are thus generally bad for the body BUT the chairs support the body so well that one does not notice that their body is being bent out of shape until they go to get up and have difficulty with their bodies. (The reversal of the curves is why so many people need help getting out of those chairs. The support the chairs offer the body is the reason they are so comfortable for so many people while they are actually in the chairs. The fact that people need help to get out of them [those levers] indicates the chairs are not good for human bodies.)


Ligament Remolding Theories Fall Apart Quickly

 The ligaments are stretched and let the bones go out of place, or hold the bones out of place or the ligaments are in the wrong shape and need to be remolded theories fall down very quickly when you change a person’s body with ABC in minutes in ways that could not possibly happen if the ligament remolding theories were true. Just look at the pictures on the home page of this site.

The Nerve Tone or Something Is Wrong With The Nerves And They Are Making The Muscles Pull Things Out Of Place or

The Nerves Are Keeping The Muscles From Holding Things In Place Theories Also Fall Apart Very Quickly

If any of the nerve cause the structural problem theories were true, electrical stimulation of the nerves would handle the problems -- at least temporarily while they were being stimulated. Those experiments have failed since the 1950's too. Not only that but the nerves normalize very quickly when the structure is corrected.  This was definitively demonstrated in the Feb. 2000 article on ADULT by Yamada in the Journal of Spinal Disorders.

When all is said and done it still comes down to a basic principle on structure. What is that basic principle? Read through the articles on the site and you will find it. It is so simple most will pass it without knowing it and then realize it when they pass it the third or fourth time. Start with What is ABC?.


It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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