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What ABC™ is accomplishing and some additional data.
Dear Dr. Jesse,

    Thank you for all of your help and insights this weekend at the live seminar in my office. I was starting to feel a little disenfranchised that
 Advanced Biostructural Correction had some "secrets" that weren't really included in the at-home seminar. I've been using ABC exclusively for 1 ½ years. It worked well but I just hadn't consistently seen the incredible postural and x-ray changes that other docs on the discussion board reported and showed posting their before and after pictures.

    After being taught by you live this weekend I realized that yes, I was following the protocol, but there were many elements that needed to be fine-tuned. (comment by Dr. J -- It may have seemed like a lot to Dr. K but I really just got her to do the meninges ALL THE WAY and that was most of it. The rest just worked as it was supposed to work and as she was doing it.)

    Despite sending in video tapes of myself adjusting two different times, these finer elements still hadn't been cleared up. (Same advice both times, "get the head all the way to really release the meninges.) It turns out there really are no "secret" nuggets, just not doing things properly. (From Dr. J -- Again, she says "things" plural but the real truth is that it was 90+% getting the meninges FULLY TO THE END OF POSSIBLE MOTION as instructed in the at-home seminar.)

    I would encourage any Doc who truly enjoys chiropractic to convert their practice to this method and have you do a live-seminar in or near their office as soon as possible, for their sake, but more importantly for their patients' sakes. Everyone in on Friday when Dr. Jutkowitz was here was a "problem" patient -- until Dr. J go me to actually do the instructions. It was so easy I was amazed. A months long sprained ankle went "away" in 5 minutes of the protocol, a severe muscle bruise was gone the next day (usually 6 to 10 weeks). People who had been curved for months and years were suddenly straight. A doc who hadn't sat for three years (yes, his wife used to drive him around laying down in the van) was sitting no difficulty and much more.  I can't wait to get my hands on as many people as possible this week!


Erica S. Kasprzyk, D.C.  303-738-0390

PS from Dr. J -- as with the other seminars, I went in a day early for the host doctor and she had her "difficult patients" come in. Got her to completely do the meninges and get the finger level thing perceived correctly and she corrected them all just following the usual and standard protocol.

Great work by Dr. K. One of a very large group of docs who are a piece of cake to train. Dr. J

Have a question and want to call someone besides Dr. Jutkowitz?
Know that our purpose is to get every doctor able to correct every patient walking in the door.

Dr. Allen Moore 513 294-2828 (30 years plus and finally something that works consistently)                                    Dr. Todd Carmer 970 328-2225      Dr. Shawn Eckley 615 868-3000                Dr. Matt Erickson 231-946-7800
Dr. Dom Fazzari 718 672-2008                   Dr. Jerry Porter 509 535-1530
Dr. Stu Feedman 757 890-2030                 (Dr. Porter former CBP™ instructor)
Dr. Greg Frick 856 428-0660                       Dr. Pete Ryan 907 562-5366
Dr. Rod Helgeson 502 451 2885                 Dr. Kurt Enget 407 847-4101
Dr. Rusty Cross 423 875 3800 (his wife Dr. Lynn  Cross too.)
and always feel free to call Dr. Jutkowitz 203 366-2746 He is dedicated to getting this structural healthcare to be as effective as it can be.


It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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Doc story doing ABC™ on a couple of patients after going over the at-home seminar one weekend.
Multiple Sclerosis patients used to be difficult to help. Now...cake.
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