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Posted to the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Doctors Only Board:

From Dr. Jutkowitz to the practitioners:
Some of the non-ABC™ practitioners  are wondering why there are not many posts discussing the consistent and predictable results one gets with ABC™.
Let them know please. Dr. J

Responses:  This one is on the consistent results and CERTAINTY the doc now has in practice.

Happy to reply. Here are my thoughts.

I'm pretty new at ABC™, been working with it about 6 months.

I used to do Thompson and diversified. Inconsistent and unpredictable results (for me, anyways). I realized that if I am going to do objective tests and recommend a course of care, then I better deliver on those changes at the re-exam. And I wasn't consistently delivering the results I was promising. That left me uncomfortable and anxious with patients... not sure if it was all going to 'work out'.

SO, I talked to Dr. Jutkowitz. He taught me the First Rib Maneuver™ (over the phone). It worked on my body -- it never was okay with me that my shoulders rolled forward and my body slumped. He encouraged me to test it on others before my regular adjusting and then after. The results were as he said they would be -- patients' bodies popped upright and much of my other adjusting made them slump if I did it after the First Rib Maneuver™ had popped them upright. So I bought the home study course and started. I didn't really get committed to it until after the live seminar because I was a little bit leery about believing what Dr. Jutkowitz said would happen.

Well, it does happen, and it happens just like he says it does.

Applying Advanced BioStructural Correction™ fully on my patients, I started to regularly see 'miracles' in the practice, fibromyalgia clearing up, etc. THAT is when I made the move to just doing ABC™ on all my new patients from that point forward, and slowly converting the rest of the practice over.

Certainty. YES, I sure am. EVERYTHING that Jesse has said about ABC™
has turned out to be true. So, when I recommend X visits over X weeks, I am CERTAIN that I am going to deliver the goods. No more anxiousness or worry at re- exams. And because of that certainty, my confidence has gone way up. I just shoot straight on how things are in the office and what people can expect. And they seem to want it because they are paying for long term correction programs and sending in their families and friends -- and I am in Canada where people are a bit tight.

In my 8 years have not felt as confident about what I am doing clinically.


Welcome to ABC™,

    Consistent & Predictable  says what ABC™ is.   I am not being condescending.  The results speak for them selves. All you have to do is be able to follow directions and observe physical facts while reserving opinions until you've tested it.  It, meaning any idea you may hold about something, like the ideas some have (I had) that nothing can consistently do what ABC™ claims to do.


 I have been doing ABC™ for a long time,  I had many fixed ideas about bodies, chiropractic and the like. These ideas were things I decided were true and then stopped observing what occurred as a result of what I did with them.

I began testing and observing and discovered that the facts were not as I expected. They were different. Hell, things I was telling people would happen were not happening. Things were more like Dr. Jutkowitz said than I could believe.


The things Jesse (Dr. J) said (says on this web site) sound outrageous in light of our chiropractic education and training. But the real world for bodies anyway, it is what is physically happens and can be observed.

Here are some of the results I have observed with
ABC™. These may sound miraculous but it is just another  AVERAGE day in practice with ABC™.


84yoF Diagnosis: Degenerative Spinal Stenosis, constant pain for > 4 years, 6 darvacet (strong pain killing medication that makes you loopy too) per day with no reduction in Symptoms.  Immediately much relief.  6 ABC™ corrections later, 96% pain reduction.  Restored pain free Range Of Motion of the Cervical, Thoracic, and lumbar spine,   Pt could sleep without pain.  No longer taking medications.

50 year old male Diagnosed with Herniated L5 disc.  Prepped for surgery,  pleaded with surgeon, did not consent to surgery,  was given an injection of lidocaine into disc area.  Checked out of Hospital drove 1 hr to my clinic.  After first correction was 100% pain free while standing.  Sitting still caused some pain.   After second
ABC™ correction   Could sit pain free.

52 year old male self-employed painter  DX  herniated L4 disc in auto accident 14 years prior.  Previous treatment;  orthopedic recommended surgery 13 years ago.  Person did not comply,  Physical Therapy for 6 months some relief,  Chiropractic some relief,  3 different Chiros over 14 years averaging 1x/week treatment (yes, for 14 years).  Progressively becoming more disabled each year.

Could not lay on back, bend over to put on shoes or pick anything up. 10/10 on pain scale.  After 1st ABC™ said "what the hell have they (other Chiros) been doing?"  He could immediately bend over to put his shoes on, lay on his back and picked up a 20lb weight off the floor.   3/10 on pain scale.

    This is why you don't see a lot of posts on the subject of what to do with problem patients. You fix them so consistently and so quickly,  it's when
ABC™ practitioners don't get these results that we post to see what we are or are not doing correctly.

If you are not experiencing results like these everyday in your practice, I do not know why you are hesitant to learn
ABC™. At the very least get treated by someone competently doing ABC™ (not some hack who thinks he knows better and alters things as I did for a while) and experience the results for your self.
In Health,   Guy Anderson DC

   I've been doing ABC™ for about 5 years now.  Measurable, consistent and predictable all the way...only time it fails...either the doctor didn't do it right or the patient specifically did things to make themselves worse.

   My story (in brief)...L5 disc herniation in '86...was supposed to but could not row in the Olympics... Chiropractic helped get me to the USMC...screwed my body up even more there...went to Chio. school to figure out how to fix my body...did diversified, Gonstead, SOT, CBP, Pettibon, Vector Point cranial, Upledger cranial-sacral, Bio-cranial...had it all done to me by the best...was able to work but not work out and certainly never able to row again...Met Dr. Jutkowitz and ABC™ about 5 years ago...long story short...

   I am headed tonight to Princeton, N.J. to row in the Masters World Rowing Championships where I will race in 5 races.  I could not have even thought of doing this even 3 years ago after 2 years of ABC™...but your body really does Unwind as Dr. Jutkowitz says it will and I am well able to now. (Type "unwinding" into the search box below.)

   I teach my patients..."With ABC™, there are no unrealistic health goals...only unrealistic time lines."

   This is what ABC™ has done for me personally...what I am able to do for my patients is "magic" in their minds.        Pete

Dr. Pete Hilgartner
Hilgartner Chiropractic Clinic, P.C.
102 Dry Mill Rd., Suite 102
Leesburg, VA 20175
703.777.8891 __._,_.___

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Have a question and want to call someone besides Dr. Jutkowitz?
Know that our purpose is to get every doctor able to correct every patient walking in the door.

Dr. Allen Moore 513 294-2828 (30 years plus and finally something that works consistently)                                    Dr. Todd Carmer 970 328-2225      Dr. Shawn Eckley 615 868-3000                Dr. Matt Erickson 231-946-7800
Dr. Dom Fazzari 718 672-2008                   Dr. Jerry Porter 509 535-1530
Dr. Stu Feedman 757 890-2030                 (Dr. Porter former CBP™ instructor)
Dr. Greg Frick 856 428-0660                       Dr. Pete Ryan 907-222-2100
Dr. Rod Helgeson 502 451 2885                 Dr. David Hofer 913 334 8080
Dr. David Cheetham 856-547-2965        Dr. Rusty Cross 423 875 3800 (his wife Dr. Lynn  Cross too.)   
    and always feel free to call Dr. Jutkowitz 203 366-2746 He is dedicated to getting this structural healthcare to be as effective as it can be.

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz, 618 Stratfield Rd., Fairfield, CT 06825
 203 366-2746

It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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