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© Advanced BioStructural Correction™ 2006
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If you have not seen the article on kyphosis being associated with early death of a bit more than 40% compared to non-kyphosis people, call 203 366-2746 to get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ data pack and DVD or order on line click here

    See below regarding the unyeilding kyphosis this doc had before this ONE Advanced Biostructural Correction treatment.
    Also, see below regarding his cervical curve, effects of traction and Posterior-to-Anterior spinal treatment why it half the time or more it creates mechanical problems even when it seems to improve cervical curve into more of a lordosis.

     Just below the young doc with a kyphosis created by P-to-A adjusting collapsing his thoracic curve are a set of videos of an 80+ year old chiropractor who has been trying to get something to change his kyphosis for over three decades. That is right, 30 years trying to get the kyphosis handled and it was 90% gone at a seminar after a single time through the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol. AND, THAT IS A CONSISTENT RESULT WITH ABC™.

        This is a chiropractor with a hard and unyielding kyphosis before and after being treated with
Advanced Biostructural Correction
for the first time. Below these are pictures of an 80+ year old
chiropractor with the same type of condition. Both handled with ABC™.

Pretreatment     Post first part of treatment         Post part 2                 Post part 3        Post entire protocol

    These pictures are thumbnails. That means you can double click on them and have a high resolution image that you can
put in a word document or otherwise print for your own comparison viewing only.
You do not have permission
to show these pictures to anyone else. Refer them to this page if you want them to have this data.

Gross Observations:
1.  Hard Kyphosis from about the level of the shirt sleeve up to C7 with forward head carriage.
2.  What seems like a reversal of the lumbar lordosis. (See paragraph 4 below.)
3.  The pelvis tucked backward with the reversal of the lordosis.
4.  Chest collapsed forward and down.
5.  Entire body leaned forward.
6.  Knees chronically bent to accommodate forward bend/lean of body.
7.  Feet splayed outward to better compensate for forward weight.
8.  Head tilted forward and down when relaxed with military cervical curve.

   What you might not know is that the curve at the arrows in the pretreatment picture is a hard kyphosis that
has not changed in years. (If the arrows have moved in your browser look from the level of the shirt sleeve and
up. That entire thing is a hard and unyielding kyphosis with minimal neck extension available to the person.)

   When he laid supine pretreatment, his head just barely hit the table in maximum extension.
There was almost no extension in the thoracic spine. Worse than the older chiro in the video.

   Post meningeal and before he got up, his head laid on the table with just a bit of extension.

   You can see in the post meningeal picture how much that kyphosis changed above his sleeve level
and even below it, but you cannot see how much more flexible he is above the level of that sleeve.
Notice he now has some sort of lordosis that would have not shown on an x-ray pretreatment.

   The lack of lumbar lordosis and tucked pelvis in the initial picture (take a look at pic 1 and 2) is important to
note because it is NOT a lack of lordosis. THE LORDOSIS IS THERE. However, the body is stuck so far in flexion
and leaned forward so much because of what is occurring in the mid and upper thoracic spine, the lumbar spine
is just plain forced into a forward bend and the pelvis is forced into a tuck backward and down. These are totally
compensations for the real mechanical pathology in the thoracics. While there are significant consequences to
the reversed lumbar and tucked pelvic configurations, you could spend his entire life working in those areas
having little to no effect because they are not pathological, they are normal compensations and so will constantly
reset unless you damage the area in an attempt to change it.

      This case is a good one to remember when someone tells you to treat a cervical curve or scoliosis or some such
thing. Most of the time these seemingly "abnormal" curves are normal compensations that change immediately
upon correction of the actual mechanical pathology.

      Also remember it when you get the Advanced Biostructural Correction X-ray Seminar CDs and films. You
will learn that you cannot trust what you see on the films as being the configuration that is actually there. This
subject has a fairly normal lordosis, even in that first picture where it is reversed IF YOU LOOK AT IT FROM A
MECHANICAL POINT OF VIEW. What that means is that the function is preserved. If there were actual mechanical
pathology (as there is in the thoracic area of the spine) there would be loss of function. There is no loss of fucntion
in the lumbars but the breathing capacity and other chest and upper abdominal functions are impaired.

     If you treated the flexed pelvis or reversal of the lumbars you wasted your time and probably made him worse.
What you are seeing on the x-rays is NOT the configuration of the spine as CBP™/Harrison, Pettibon, Woggin
and his Clear Institute, various Upper Cervical methods, Network and others would have you believe. It is the
configuration of the spine AS MODIFIED by any fixed pathological curves AND THE WEIGHT BEARING CHANGES THEY
MAKE. AND, how they are changed by the weight bearing changes associated with changing position as from sitting
to standing.

      Therefore, the things other teachers tell you to fix are most often NOT EVEN THERE. YES, MOST OFTEN. It is just
like taking a picture of a part of a tree that has a thousand pound weight hanging from some other part that is not in
the picture. You might think the tree has a permanently bent configuration or that there was some developmental
problem when it is just a temporary bend caused by the weight that you cannot see. Not looking at the whole thing
is silly at first. Stupid after you have been told and had it physically demonstrated, as all of them have been by me on
x-rays repeatedly on many patients. Makes one wonder at their motivations.

You might think it impertinent, but it is not when you consider that NO ONE ELSE EVEN COMES CLOSE TO DELIVERING OR
EVEN CLAIMING these changes on a consistent basis even after months or years of treatment. I promise these changes
will occur in all cases when you use Advanced Biostructural Correction
™. This is not some vague promise. I promise this
type of change or better ON THE FIRST VISIT on everyone! Remember, this guy is a chiropractor and has been pushed the wrong way
for years and was more difficult to change than most of you.  See another one with the older chiro below.








      Keep in mind that we teach you to make these changes immediately with no exceptions and
it works CONSISTENTLY & PREDICTABLY on ALL your patients.

   Other methods claiming to create structural change over time and other practitioners and teachers with supposedly good
answers, even those silly guys who tell you to listen to them because they have TONS OF PUBLISHED RESEARCH cannot teach you to make these changes because they just have not discovered how to do it.  Mostly because they are not or have not until recently, taken or been telling you to take full spines so they have, and you have been missing most of what is happening).  I have been AND MEASURING ALL THE ANGLES AND ANALYZING THE MECHANICS USING full spine standing and sitting films AP and Lateral views to create three dimensional models since 1981. I gave all the data needed to Harrison in 1995. I still have his response letter telling me it was wrong to use calculus that way to make determinations of spinal mechanics.

     Take a look at their latest research, full spine and measuring moments of inertia of the vertebrae (which is what he
criticized in my work) like I told them they would have to do way back in 1995. On the other hand, they ARe doing it, think about
Pettibon, Woggin and all the others in Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Medicine and other supposed methods of structural correction
who are not even that close.

     By the way, if you should have figured out that first picture of the young doc with the military cervical curve is only that way
because his body is pitched forward at the bend of the kyphosis and they neck has to be that way to balance the body (yes, it too is just a compensation configuration that changes as soon as you correct the actual mechanical pathology).

Again, this is something you can see in a couple of the sets of films included with the
Advanced Biostructural Correction
X-ray Analysis Seminar available on CD and including
40 full spine films: AP and Lateral Full Spine and sequential treatments over months time and AP and Laterals
standing flat, one inch heel lift right, one inch heel lift left and why heels are always good for people, contrary to
most doctor's recommendations and why heel lifts in the "wrong side" often help symptomatically while slowly
breaking down the person's mechanics to hidden catastrophic body events years later.


Now, looking at the cervical curve in this client (take a look at pictures one and two). Most of his Forward Head Posture
comes from the curve at the T11 - T12 level. His lumbar spine is so bent under that strain that he has to flex his
pelvis and lean backward at that level. Does it matter what his cervical curve is doing? Yes, but not much.

Want the KEYS to this situation and how to correct it? Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction Seminar
NOW. Chiropractors and Osteopaths can usually learn it with an At-Home Seminar. Click here.