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The Goal of ABC™

ABC™ was developed from the goal of helping more people by finding out what Chiropractic and other bio-structural (bio = life) correction therapies can do if they worked exactly right but could not do because they had missed several key points. It is obvious that treating the body structure to get people well works. Many (most) people improve and some even get all the way to well. But, why don’t these correction methods consistently deliver the results they can now only offer the promise of (the results I want to get for my patients)?

To understand the goal one must know the basic assumption; what any scientist worth his salt (or hers) knows – there is a reason things do not work properly when they do not and that the reason can be found. If it is in the physical universe it has a physical mechanics upon which it works. What is not working within those principles can be discovered and worked with.

Another thing is that the basic cause of outpoints (some point which isn’t working properly) are simple. Claiming a complicated cause or solution means you probably do not have the basic cause of what is out (not correct or not working) or why it is out. To investigate you must have the exact right question or you might be this close âá and miss it because you are looking in the wrong place. You will probably stop too soon without finding the simple cause that is right there to be seen. Or go off in another direction because you cannot find what you know must be there.

Chiropractic’s basic has been: A bone is out of position pinching on a nerve. The basic in Osteopathy is similar as are the basics in other biostructural correction therapies or methods. It is always a structure, usually a bone, is out of position pinching or pushing on some soft tissue. Various ways are offered to reposition the bone stopping the soft tissue from being affected or repositioning the soft tissue (push the bone, work the muscle, sooth the nerve, cut it off, etc.).

Why does the bone go out of position? Is the question asked by many. It is not a useful question. Various causes of bones being out of position are offered. Many are valid but the reason that particular question is not useful is that it does not lead to a simple correction that works consistently.

Another question asked is: What is holding the bones out of place? That question also does not lead to a solution. It is not muscles. If it were then injecting the muscle with something that stops it from contracting should lead to a correction. It does not do so. Shoot the person or their muscles with a drug that numbs them and stops the muscle(s) from working occasionally gives temporary relief but it demonstrably does not result in correction of a person's body mechanics.

It is a basic fact well accepted in engineering, physics and the other physical sciences that the right question will lead to a resolution because the question that asks for the right answer has the answer in it.

Try this one: Why doesn’t the body correct the position of bones that are moved out of position by moving them back into position? Now that’s a question that leads somewhere useful. (There is a specific mechanical answer and it has been found.) As far as I can tell that question has not been asked because people figured that the body could do anything. That is another thought that can be demonstrated not true. Can a body correct a broken bone all by itself?

continued on page 2...



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