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Many people answer yes to that last question BUT, when you
ask them how the body does it you find the healing depends
on someone else positioning the bone properly and then a cast
of some sort to hold it in position while the body heals it.
(We are not talking about the body just knitting the bone
ends together in the wrong position but the healing of the
bone which means it is rejoined in the proper position.) The
basic thing is that for most broken bones the body cannot
reposition and heal them on its own. The same for bones that
are slightly misplaced.
The answer to the question: Why doesnt the body correct
the position of bones that are moved out of position by moving
them back into position? leads to being able to provide the
body with what it needs and doesnt have so the out of
position bones the body cannot pull back into proper position
can be put into their proper position and the persons
body can and will get well. As I stated above, there is a
specific answer to that question and it does lead to the body
being able to correct itself the rest of the way. Do you know
what the body cannot do with spinal bones and many other bones
when they have been pushed out of position? Which way can
the body not pull them? What to move, which way to move it
and in which order is different that what has been put forth
in any other system of correction.
Dr. Jutkowitz has found the data needed. The result is that
with Advanced BioStructural Correction biostructural
correction treatment actually works for patients as it is
supposed to work.
The goal of Advanced BioStructural Correction is to
get the world healthy by correcting people's bodies without
drugs or surgery and to provoke research into the mechanical
methods of healing that actually work. In his third book on
the subject it was the neurosurgeon Alf Breig who stated that
Multiple Sclerosis, ALS and other so-called diseases were
mechanical in origin and nature despite the current focus
on enzymatic (genetic) and allergenic (autoimmune) factors.
Patients of doctors using Advanced BioStructural Correction
have found this so without exception.
Remember, the obvious thing to do is drop or ignore the research
efforts that have not yielded a result. Neither surgery or
drugging people has every yielded a result in any case except
for fractures or infections. If it is not a fracture or infection
the best thing to do is abandon those efforts at a solution.
Yes, once the person is just about to die surgery and drugs
can force him or her to live longer but by then the opportunity
to actually correct them is further gone than one wishes.
When Dr. Jutkowitz gave up on making theories and just started
observing what was happening with bodies he finally noticed
what everyone else had missed and started really being able
to fix people.
D.D. Palmer, the originator or Chiropractic was a big help
but even he started at step 3 - nerve interference. He got
to step 2 which is something pushing on the nerves causing
the dysfunction but never got to step 1. Alf Breig got to
step 1 but never went further in conservative correction of
Advanced BioStructural Correction has put it together
into a package any chiropractor or practitioner adept at spinal
adjusting can learn and implement in practice in about a week.
