...continued from page
This is a simplified version of what happens
in your body BUT, it happens every time you get a vertebra
pushed out of place forward. This may seem silly but vertebrae
are pretty hard to move forward enough to get stuck there.
Even if it happens, sometimes life will push them backward.
If you fall on your chest the ground can hit the ribs and
push the vertebrae backward and other things. For the most
part though, your body can twist and compensate to keep you
upright. You then have an injury-compensation complex that
you lock in.
Imagine getting one thing stuck forward when you are a little
kid who is not so strong. Your body twists to keep from falling
over from that moment on. Just imagine having 20 or thirty
of these one on top of the other. It is no wonder bodies are
so twisted up and so many people complain.
If you are strong muscled you can use your muscles to better
hold you upright but if not your muscles get tired and begin
to spasm: Muscles in spasm for long periods hurt = painful
muscle fibers = Fibromyalgia.
If your body is able to tilt and twist so most of the mechanical
stress is on the bones and not on the muscles, the extra mechanical
stress begins to wear the bones at the joints and you get
inflamed and degenerating joints which can be painful or not
depending upon how the body shifts and compensates. ARTHR-
= joint, -ITIS = inflamed there you have the basis for ARTHRITIS
which is otherwise known as degenerative joint disease.
It is not a disease. It is an effect of the body not being
able to self-correct certain misaligned bones -- actually
when it is that bad you can bet it is many sets of misaligned
bone-compensation complexes.
Can it be that simple? Yes. Why has nothing worked to correct
this before? Those are all answered here. See the testimonial
(one of thousands from Advanced BioStructural Correction
practitioners around the world.
As the article How your body untwists through old injuries
(if treated properly) shows you and explains how, when you
get treated properly, your body untwists backward through
your sets of old injury-compensation complexes and then heals.
One patient treated by an associate of mine who had improved
immediately, suddenly noticed she was getting a bad pain in
her side. It took about a week for her body to untwist though
it. One day she grabbed me in the hall told me that she remembered
when she first had that pain. Her dad used to pull her by
the arm when she was little and she remembered on time when
he pulled and it hurt.
The reason the woman was so excited was that she had also
had asthma since she was in about 5th grade -- just after
the time her dad pulled on her arm -- and it just disappeared
over after the last visit when she had her Advanced BioStructural
Correction. She was suddenly able to breathe fully and
had no congestion whatsoever.
Her asthma was from a mechanical problem with her ribs.
Stories like that are common. Here is one from a patient
of chiropractor Dr. Chari Markos in Shoreline WA.
Dear Dr. Jutkowitz,
This letter is to attest to the Advanced BioStructural Correction.
I am 58 years-old and have had Fibromyalgia Syndrome since
childhood. In my 20's I would have to rest during lunch and
I have sought and used many therapies and remedies over the
years, even psychotherapy because they told me it was all
in my head!
At the time I started with Dr. Markos I had been getting
After only a few weeks of the Advanced BioStructural Correction
treatments with Dr. Markos, I experienced significant improvement
in posture (fast) and incredible improvement in the muscle
pain in my back, shoulders and neck. the spasms have worked
out and have not returned plus I have fewer and fewer headaches.
I became quite irritated when I had a headache the other day
and was quite surprised when I realized I had not had one
in quite some time. What I had constantly before is occasional
This has not been a complete miracle cure (at least not so
I can say without reservation that Advanced BioStructural
Correction is the only thing I have tried in my life
that has had significant results. I recommend it for anyone
with Fibromyalgia and hope your people with this disorder
receive this help much earlier and thus avoid the years of
pain I have had to endure.
Anne McClure