Advanced Biostructural Correction™ Logo

What is ABC?

Consider that for just one moment, what you have been taught is not wrong... it just might not be 100% correct either.  Being that, until now, there were factors hidden from your view based on the training you have previously received (this is true based on the lack of consistent results), that there may just be a system that will allow you to measure ALL of the factors when working with your patients and therefore allow you to treat everyone. 

Here are one set of films and a set of sequential pictures of a first visit of a doctor who thought he had a reversed lumbar curve that demonstrate the problem you and many doctors have trying to understand what is occurring in a body using what you have been taught in school and since then:

Lack of analysis in THREE dimensions replaced by talk of "global" treatment with no understanding of what is occurring in the
spinal column from a mechanical stress point-of-view that
shows the hidden mechanical stresses you cannot see
when looking at films or pictures.


Though you do not need films to get these results because the protocol takes care of the diagnostics and the treatment, the first example is with x-rays that show a spine going in one direction while the mechanical stress is actually going the opposite way. Trying to fix the spine based on the films without mechanical stress analysis will make the patient develop more of a scoliosis. Treating it correctly untwists the spine letting the true problem show and untwist completely. Watch and read below. Go all the way to the bottom of the page to see the change in an 84 year old patient's scoliosis too. Contrary to what you have been taught, age is not a factor.

Below are two sets of full spine standing and sitting AP and Lateral films of the same person 5 months apart. I advise you to double click on them to get higher resolution pictures and then to print them out, use 8.25" by 14" (legal) sized paper if you have it.  Then compare them while following the explanation below.

LB2 Standing AP       LB3 Standing AP          LB2 Standing Lat.            LB3 Standing Lat.
   Oct. 1995                Feb 1996                           Oct. 1995                           Feb 1996

LB2 Sitting AP      LB3 Sitting AP     LB2 Sitting Lat.    LB3 Sitting Lat.
   Oct. 1995          Feb 1996            Oct. 1995             Feb 1996

This is not a full analysis of the films but just a few points no one else seems to get that made treatment for this scoliosis by chiros, medics and everyone else but Advanced BioStructural Correction FAIL completely .

The reason others do not get these things is because they are not willing to look at FULL SPINE films both standing and sitting to see changes that the underlying mechanical stress causes. Dr. Jutkowitz took a lot of heat for it from the Board of Examiners but figured out what no one else could ever figure out without viewing this type of motion study. 

All the films were taken with the instructions, "Breathe in, breathe out and let your body relax and slump." We are looking at where the skeleton holds the person upright with bone leverage. We are NOT looking at them holding themselves upright with muscle power.


The treatment was standard Advanced BioStructural Correction™ with nothing special done. That means the meningeal adhesion were released (if you think light touch can break up meningeal scarring like Network, SOT and Koren say, you are dreaming which is why they do not get these results or instant posture change) and then the bones out of place that the body could not self-correct because there are no muscles pulling in the direction needed were correctly positioned.  This patient was uncooperative in treatment schedule but is still Unwinding and progressing adequately though not at the rate of those sticking to the treatment plan.

There are further follow-up films and complete analysis in the  Advanced BioStructural Correction™   X-ray Seminar on CD (which includes 40 full spine standing and sitting films and analysis of several cases).

See Below: For full analysis you must visualize and
Measure in THREE dimensions...

but we are just looking at a small piece of the analysis here.

Note the lumbar spine in LB2 Standing:

There is a thoracolumbar scoliosis to the left viewed on the films. However, note that L5 and L4 do not quite look as smoothly curved left as the other vertebrae.



Now note the LB2 SITTING AP view:

There is also a thoracolumbar scoliosis to the left here but it is farther to the left and L5 and L4 are still not smoothly in the leftward curve.  (This change in curve and shape of curve is consistent with, and correlates with, the Breakdown of the lumbar lordosis seen on the sitting lateral, but that is for the greater analysis in the full seminar.)


Going to the LB3 view FIVE months later:

 We see here that the thoracolumbar scoliosis we thought we saw to the left in the earlier pictures (LB2 standing and sitting) was actually an S shaped scoliosis with the lower lumbars going right, then left starting at L4-L3 and then coming back to the right in the thoracic spine.

Going to the Sitting AP LB2 and LB3 you now might notice the S configuration in the LB2 sitting (the section above on left) because you know what to look at. You can see that same S shape in the thoracolumbar curve in the LB3 picture but the spine is in much better mechanical condition overall so some of that mechanical stress is shifted to the AP direction. Remember I noted that the spine moves and twists in THREE dimensions??

So, looking at the LB2 sitting Lateral compared to the LB3 sitting Lateral You find that there was a collapse of the upper thoracic curve in the LB2 films (all of them). You can note that collapse by the reversal of the kyphosis in the thoracic spine from T12 (T12 angle is negative 4 degrees) up through T8 or T7 and the flat spot T5-4-3-2-1. However, in LB3 you can note much less of a reversal in the lower and midthoracic spine and that the upper thoracic curve in the LB3 film now has a semblance or normalcy.

What you are watching there is the return of the correct curves in the spine in THREE dimensions.  This is a great deal different from a spine forced into a set of tighter curves that ONLY MAKE IT APPEAR straighter but are actually more pathological.  One of those cases where the spine seems straighter on x-ray but the patient feels and is worse on every physical test.

A hint at what to look at further in these films:

It looks like there is a thoracic kyphosis in the standing lateral LB2, however, you know from the sitting that the thoracic spine there is actually just collapsed. Can you see that? Much more there. What about the lumbars? What in the lumbar lateral would point you to the fact that there was a curve to the right that was hidden as the body leaned far to the left and compressed it down to just about total invisibility?  How about treatment?  See below.

Woops. What if you treated with exercise and bracing and/or mirror image structural care, manipulation etc.? What did you do and what do you see? 

It varies because bodies compensate differently and different configurations of pathological mechanics exist in the pelvis, legs and upper spine. However, it often goes something like this: Either more curve to the left because the body is pushed right, which is actually INTO its problem side.  Or, straighter spine but with many kinks like the ones you see at L4-L5 on the LB2 standing film.

If More Curve:

The body, being pushed into its Breakdown direction (the direction in which its mechanics are Breaking Down [as in a mechanical breakdown in a car]),  The body, being pushed into its Breakdown direction curves further left to compensate even harder and prevent a worsened condition. (Now comes the operation for many.)

If Less Curve but More Kinks:

The body, being pushed into its Breakdown side and unable to curve more to the left for one of several possible reasons, was forced to twist to compensate. That results in a more twisted condition which, seems to look better but leads to other mechanical pathologies and worsening inability to move freely.   Leave this last one alone for a while and they will either deteriorate and have other mechanical problems within a few years, or they will revert to the curved condition but not quite the same.

The treatment was standard Advanced BioStructural Correction™ with nothing more, nothing less.




Chiropractor experiences for himself the amazing results of ABC

See below regarding the hard kyphosis this doc had before this ONE Advanced BioStructural Correction™ treatment. Also, see below regarding his cervical curve and effects of traction and Posterior-to-Anterior spinal treatment and why it half the time or more it creates mechanical problems even when it seems to change the cervical curve into more of a lordosis.

Pretreatment Post meningeal Part 2    Part 3  Post entire protocol
*You do not have permission to show these pictures to anyone else.

This is a chiropractor treated with Advanced Biostructural Correction™ once.

What you might not know is that the curve in the pretreatment picture is a hard kyphosis that has not changed in years.  When he laid supine pretreatment, his head just barely hit the table in maximum extension. There was almost no extension in the thoracic spine.

Post meningealrelease and before he got up, his head laid on the table with just a bit of extension.   You can see in the post meningeal picture how much that kyphosis changed above his sleeve level and even below it, but you cannot see how much more flexible he is above the level of that sleeve. Notice he now has some sort of lordosis that would have not shown even on an x-ray pretreatment.

It is extremely important to note that lack of lordosis in the initial picture (take a look at pic 1) because it is NOT a lack of lordosis. THE LORDOSIS IS THERE but the body is stuck so far in flexion because of what is occurring in the mid and upper thoracic spine it is just plain forced forward. This is a good one to remember when someone tells you to treat a cervical curve or scoliosis or some such thing.  Also remember it when you get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ X-ray Seminar CDs and films. You will learn that you cannot trust what you see on the films as being the configuration that is actually there. This doc has a fairly normal lordosis, even in that first picture from a mechanical point of view.

If you treated the flexed pelvis or reversal of the lumbars you wasted your time and probably made him worse. What you are seeing on the x-rays is NOT the configuration of the spine as CBP™/Harrison, Pettibon, Woggin and his Clear Institute, various Upper Cervical methods, Network and others would have you believe. It is the configuration of the spine AS MODIFIED by any fixed curves and the weight bearing changes they make.  AND, how they are changed by the weight bearing changes associated with changing position as from sitting to standing.

Therefore, the things other teachers tell you to fix are most often, YES, MOST OFTEN, not even there.

Consider that NO ONE ELSE EVEN COMES CLOSE TO DELIVERING OR EVEN CLAIMING these changes on a consistent basis even after months or years of treatment. 

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ promises this type of change or better ON THE FIRST VISIT. Remember, this guy is a chiropractor and has been pushed the wrong way for years and was more difficult to change than most of you.

I have been taking full spine standing and sitting films AP and Lateral views and measuring all the angles on all the views to create three dimensional models since 1981.

These results are something you can see in a couple of the sets of films included with the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ X-ray Analysis Seminar available on CD and including 40 full spine films: AP and Lateral Full Spine and sequential treatments over months time and AP and Laterals standing flat, one inch heel lift right, one inch heel lift left and why heels are always good for people, contrary to most doctor's recommendations and why heel lifts in the "wrong side" often help symptomatically while slowly breaking down the person's mechanics to hidden catastrophic body events years later.

Now, looking at the cervical curve in this client (take a look at pictures one and two). Most of his Forward Head Posture comes from the curve at the T11 - T12 level. His lumbar spine is so bent under that strain that he has to flex his pelvis and lean backward at that level. Does it matter what his cervical curve is doing? Yes, but not much.

As a Doctor reading this for the first time, I would be thinking to myself, "Oh no!  What have I been doing all this time?  Have I really been correcting the WRONG things on my patients all this time and worse, potentially setting their structure up poorly?"

Don't worry, now there is help. 

Order Your Copy of
Advanced Biostructural Correction
Step-By-Step System Below

Gone Are The days of cumbersome, time-consuming
And expensive X-Rays!

I am known as a strictly practical person who does not go by belief. I go by what can be physically demonstrated. Fancy theories about bones or spines might be nice, but my favorite quote is that old one from engineering where people have to take what physicists theorize and apply it to the real world: "The greatest tragedy in science is when a beautiful theory is slain by an ugly fact."

If you have been a doctor, or even a patient, for more than a year, you have heard many theories about your body that did not lead to a treatment that worked. You can ignore those theories and know they are not true for that very reason.

As docs applying  Advanced BioStructural Correction™ exactly as it is presented without adding to it or taking anything away, we have found ABC™ works as presented on every structural problem except fractures or gross malformations of some type.  If you are a doctor in structural healthcare we urge you to get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ At - Home Seminar.

Learn it and find out for yourself that  structural healthcare does work exactly as it has promised to work in correcting bodies. It just needs to be done exactly as the body needs rather than as someone's idea dictates.

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is not Dr. Jutkowitz's ideas. It is what is left after physically testing all ideas of my and any other source (yes, ANY other source), eliminating those that do not work consistently and predictably and holding on to those that do.

You will find out for yourself that ABC™ performs as structural healthcare has always promised it would perform -- on every patient walking in your door. Join us in getting the ABC™ Step-By-Step System and finally getting the consistent and predictable results you have always wanted for your patients.

Many of us held to and believed the thought that no one would find the key to correcting every body structure because it was too complicated. That was before we experimented with ABC™ for ourselves and found that we did discover the basics on which everything else hangs.  As with every other science, when the basics are found things are more simple - not more complex.

 Why are over 1853 of the docs using ABC™ and Enthusiastically endorsing these statements?  Here's What They Have To Say...

Former Biophysics Instructor Fully Endorses ABCTM

"I practiced and was a certified instructor in Biophysics for 17 years. Jesse first introduced me to Advanced BioStructural Correction™ last year. (1998)

After my first adjustment I knew this was right for the body. I got the At-Home Seminar and started adjusting all of my patients using ABC™. Patients get permanent changes fast. They come for their appointments without being pushed and refer others before I ask. My practice has grown greatly with ABC™ and I have not looked back since

I recommend ABC™ for every doctor who wants to consistently and predictably get their patients results chiropractic has always promised.

Dr. Jerry Porter

"Life is Great!"

I have had a great week. Folks are excited, very excited! I have been really surprised. People come walking in, no calling, just there because so and so said I had to come see you. This HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE. I have been so happy with my new work, which means I'm much more fun to live with. I'm excited to tell people I'm a chiropractor. Life is great- Thanks ABC™.

Maybe a little melodramatic but honestly I feel such a weight removed when people can share in the experience that their body is changing, not just what I tell them.

Thank you Jesse!!!"

Dr. Mike

"...a little skeptical at first ... but then I was very impressed!"


I received the intro tape and data yesterday and reviewed most of it. Still don't know if I am interested. I did contact Dr. Porter in Spokane -- it's 3 hours from here -- and scheduled to meet with him on Monday.

Dr. Rick Cohen

Subj: ABC™ {seeing/feeling is believing}

Date: 99-05-25 00:03:11 EDT

From: (ricke)

To: (Jesse Jutkowitz)

I just got back from visiting with Jerry Porter in Spokane. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical when I got there, but I was very impressed!

Not only could I see dramatic functional changes in his patients, but they were predictable! When I was adjusted, I felt positive changes immediately and it got better from there. Later in the day I had another adjustment. It is astounding that my body does not slump at all whether I hold it up or not.

Dr. Porter said that the biggest thing was that if doctors could get adjusted this way and experience the difference between ABC™ and everything else, they would all switch. Feeling and seeing it on every patient is believing! You must get doctors to do and see the changes with the first rib adjustment you teach over the phone free -- and the rest.

I'll be mailing an order off to you this week!

Will be in touch,

Dr. Rick Cohen

"There is definitely a WOW factor!"

I don't know Dr. Jesse from Adam. Still haven’t met him, have not been to a live seminar, I just got the Home Study Program. I, in no way shape or form, benefit from plugging Advanced BioStructural Correction™. Let me tell you the chronology of my attempts to bring spinal correction into my practice.

Started with Peirce-Stillwagon… bought all the equipment… and was really disappointed. That was an expensive proposition! Gravitated towards CBP...they had the published research...but if you look at their paper on curve correction they treated their patients EVERY day for something like six weeks (including weekends)...this was disappointing because I don't practice every day and their is no way my patients are going to commit to this type of schedule. AND, you needed to buy all their special equipment $$$$thousands.

Then I checked out Pettibon...he has head weighting and wobble chair rehab which were really cool advances in spinal correction...he claims that he can create a major correction in cervical curve in about a month...and sometimes he can -- but not consistently. You can too -- sometimes, IF YOU BUY ALL THE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT! However, significant curve correction in a month I feel is well worth it.

The Pettibon procedures did seem to offer relatively quick changes.  Then along comes ABC™ claiming immediate post-adjustment changes. And, it does.

AND... unlike PST, CBP and Pettibon... There is definitely a WOW factor when a patient's resting posture is slumped and 30 seconds later their resting posture is not slumped.

Dr. George Kukurin

"I had my associate learn ABC™ to use it on me!"

I got the ABC™ at-home seminar part I and learned it in less than a week. It worked so well on patients I had my associate learn it and use it on me.

I think it’s the only reason I will be able to keep practicing. I had tried everything else and was in too much pain and was going to give up. Now I feel great and am buying part II so I can really understand it all. It really does answer all those questions you had since school.

Dr. Saunders

"No Exceptions!"

"I didn’t really believe this when I first saw it either. I do now! Consistent, predictable results with every patient. No exceptions. Everything promised is delivered. Get the at-home seminar today."

Dr. Moore

"Doc Looks Like A Miracle Worker!"

WHEN DONE CORRECTLY, ABC is what chiropractic has always promised it could do and be but would often fall short of doing and being. ABC absolutely is consistent and predictable -- everyone just gets better; symptomatically, structurally, posture, function, etc, etc, etc. Patients unwind just as you tell them they will and the doc looks like a freakin' miracle worker!

Dr. Stu Freidman

"Things Jesse Says Sound Outrageous... "

Consistent & Predictable says what it says. I am not being condescending. The results speak for themselves.
All you have to do is be able to follow directions and observe physical facts while reserving opinions until you've tested it. It, meaning any idea you may hold about something.

I have been doing ABC for a long time, I had many fixed ideas about bodies, chiropractic, etc. I began testing and observing and discovered that the facts were not as I expected. They were different, they were as Jesse said. The things Jesse says sound outrageous in light of our chiropractic education and training. But in the real world it is what is observed.

Here are some of the results I have observed with ABC.  84yoF DX Degenerative Spinal Stenosis, constant pain for > 4 years, 6 darvacet per day with no reduction in SSX. 6 ABC adj. 96% pain reduction. Restored pain free ROM of Cervical, Thoracic, and lumbar spine, Pt could sleep without pain. No longer taking meds.

50yoM DX Herniated L5 disc. Prepped for surgery, pleaded with surgeon, did not consent to surgery, was given an injection of lidocaine into disc area. Checked out of Hospital drove 1 hr to my clinic. First adj. Was 100% pain free while standing. Sitting caused a 3/10 for pain. 2nd adj. Could sit pain free.

52yoM self employed painter DX herniated L4 disc in auto accident 14 years prior. Previous tx; orthopedic recommended surgery 13ya. Pt . did not comply, PT for 6 months some relief, chiropractic some relief, 3
different DCs over 14 years averaging 1x/week tx. Progressively becoming more disabled each year.
Could not lay on back, bend over to put on shoes or pick anything up.10/10 on pain scale. After 1st adj. "what the hell have they (other DCs) been doing?" he could immediately bend over to put his shoes on, lay on
his back and picked up a 20lb weight off the floor. 3/10 on pain scale.

These may sound miraculous but it is just another day in practice with ABC. This is why you don't see a lot of posts on the subject. It's when we don't get these results that we post to see what we are or are not doing

If you are not experiencing results like these everyday in your practice, I do not know why you are hesitant to spend the money and learn ABC. At the very least get adjusted by someone competently doing ABC and experience the results for yourself.

In Health,

Dr. Guy Anderson

"Magic In Their Minds..."

I've been doing ABC for about 5 years now.  measurable, consistant and predictable all the way...only time it fails...either the doctor didn't do it right or the patient didn't follow through.

My story (in brief)...L5 disc herniation in '86...not able to row in the Olympics...Chiropractic helped get me to the USMC...screwed my body up even more...went to Chio. school to figure out how to fix my body...did diversified, Gonstead, SOT, CBP, Pettibon, Vector Point cranial, Upledger cranial-sacral, Bio-cranial...had it all done to me...was able to work but not work out and certainly never able to row again...long story short...

I am headed tonight to Princeton, N.J. to row in the Masters World Rowing Championships where I will race in 5 races.  I could not have even thought of doing this even 3 years ago after 2 years of to now.

I teach my patients..."With ABC, there are no unrealistic health goals...only unrealistic time lines."

This is what ABC has done for me personally...what I am able to do for my patients is "magic" in their minds.

Dr. Pete Hilgartner

"Phenomenal Improvements..."

Have had 2 phenomenal improvements in a couple of patients with advanced neurological syndromes.
They are like MS, but the specialists have been unable to come to a diagnosis. After their first meningeal
release, both had better balance. Constance could lift her left foot to walk ( has a severe foot drop ) and Paul's
spastic foot released and filled out his shoe. I am confident that we can get these 2 lovely people healed.

All the Best,

Dr. Dave H

Here Is A Sample Of What You Have To Look Forward to With The ABC™ At-Home Seminar:

  • In the first 20 minutes you will learn one technique that if you never picked up the package again, it would be worth the entire price. 

  • Special techniques used to predictably and consistently generate results for your patients - every time!

  • How to generate 5 to 10 new referrals EVERY WEEK with little to no additional work on your part.

  • Mechanisms others have missed which are key to correcting the body's structure. 

  • Debunking myth #1: ligaments need to be remolded and reshaped to change spines and improve health!

  • Shattering myth #2: muscles are weak or need to be strengthened to change posture or improve health.

  • Why the adjustments you have been making don't work and potentially have been hurting your patients.

  • Discover what the body can and cannot fix on its own.

  • Objective Synchronous Testing: what it is and how to use it to determine the best way to treat your patients.

  • How to release the Meningies - that is how you spell RELIEF! (Your patients will love you after this one)

  • Discover the secrets for treating each individual vertebra WITHOUT an X-Ray!

  • How to treat the Pelvis, Legs and Feet quickly and easily.

  • The Step-By-Step ABC Protocol that will guarantee the same results everytime regardless of the patient.

  • Over 40 Full Spine Standing and Sitting X-Rays and analysis of several cases

  • How to determine the side of primary biomechanical stress without an X-Ray

  • And much, much more...

"OK, I'm in...  So What Do I Get?"
Get Ready Cause I Am Going To Send You A Truckload Of Material

First - #1:  I am going to send you the Introductory DVD.  This is same as if I were to sit down with you in your living room and explain to you personally the "ins and outs" of ABC.  how it was developed.  Where it came from.  And what you can expect

Also, in this DVD you will also  learn the First Rib Maneuver.  The First Rib Maneuver is worth the price of the entire system AND the best part is that you can do it on yourself!  If you were to stop using the packet just after the first DVD, you would have received your money's worth. The amount of good you will provide for your patients with this one technique alone will make all the difference. 

Second - #2:  In your packet, you will receive 4 Audio Instructional CDs that will explain each technique in the ABC protocol in detail.  These audio CDs will go through the concepts and adjustments - not only the how but the WHY.  Both are equally important.

Third - #3:  You will also receive 2 Instructional DVDs.  No course would be complete with you being able to see for yourself just how each adjustment is executed and the results they generate afterward.  Not only that, but you will be able to stop, rewind, and freeze the frame anytime you have a question about the techniques.

Fourth - #4: The Sitting, Standing, and Sleeping DVD will guarantee your success.  This DVD covers everything you need to know and be able to communicate to your patients when they are OUT OF THE OFFICE!

It simply is not good enough to fix your patients alignment when they are in the office.  You are responsible for consistent and predictable results.  One of the ways you can guarantee these results is to make sure the patients chairs, shoes, and bed are the way they need to be to promote structural health.  (Plus it is a great added revenue stream for your practice - more on that later)

Fifth - #5:  Manual 1 & 2 (386 pages) will be your guide for the CDs and DVDs.  Here you will have all the information at your finger tips to help any patient with their needs.  Simply follow  the directions in the manual and watch the symptoms of your patients disappear.

 you will receive...  $3,787.00 in FREE Bonuses!

Huge Bonus #1:  3 Patient Communication CDs ($987.00 Value)

These amazing CDs will allow you to fully articulate to your patients what they can expect and what their body will be going through as it unwinds. Good communication makes the difference between a growing practice and a dying one.  When your patients fully understand the process, their concerns and apprehension will be answered. 

I guarantee that these CDs will enable you to make back the purchase price of this package PLUS much more!  Imagine getting 5 to 10 new referrals EVERY WEEK without any additional work on your part.  Simply because you are able to completely explain to your patients what they will experience.  These CDs alone will pay for the price of the seminar - in essence, if you listen and apply what is in these CDs, the seminar will be FREE.

Huge Bonus #2:  Unlimited Phone Consultation ($1,500.00 Value)

I stand behind my product 100%.  That is why you will have unlimited phone consultation directly with me if there is anytime that you have a question or problem.  Let's face it, not everyone will get it the first time.  There are always people with questions.  I will be there every step of the way to answer those questions for you. 

For me to come to your office for a personal consultation for a day would cost your upwards of $6,000.  I believe that this is the next best thing.  You will have personal access to me so we can ensure your success for both you and your patients.

Huge Bonus #3:  FREE Admission to a year of my LIVE Seminars ($1599.00 Value)

Because you have already purchased the ABC™ Home Seminar and will have a head start on the material, you will have an opportunity to participate in a LIVE event absolutely FREE.  During these events we go hands-on as I show you how each technique works and is applied.

Rest assured, EVERYTHING I show you at the LIVE event is on the At-Home Seminar.  As a matter of fact, during the seminar, we simply follow the manuals that you receive in the mail.  Yet, nothing beats hands on experience. 

I will guide you through the entire ABCTM protocol and observe how you execute each technique on your fellow participants.  Hundreds of Doctors have benefited from this experience and have walked away fully confident in their ability to solve the problems of ALL of their patients!

Huge Bonus #4:  Access to the ABCTM Private Doctors Forum ($100 Value)

Here you will have the opportunity to communicate with other Doctors who have purchased and are using ABC.  The Forum is up and running 24hours a days, 7 days a week.  Once you have purchased the At-Home Seminar, I would strongly suggest checking it out.  There you will find answers to many of the typical questions. 

Huge Bonus #5:  FREE Adjustment using ABCTM protocol by Dr. Jesse ($500.00 Value)

Patients have paid me tens of thousands of dollars over the years to run my ABC protocol on them.  My success record speaks for itself.  At the same time, I want you to experience ABC for yourself and to truly experience the benefits of this amazing system. 

After one set of adjustments from me, you will be salivating and can't wait to get back to your practice to start using it with your patients because it is just that effective.  Here is what you can expect to feel after one adjustment with me you will immediately:

  • Breathe easier.

  • Your nasal passages will be more open.

  • You shoulders will immediately not slump forward when you let you body relax.

  • Your legs and feet will be looser (test it when you squat).

  • And there will be many other positive effects depending upon what is out of alignment in your body at this time.

I have said it before but again, this would easily be worth the price of the entire package alone.  To simply feel the positive impact that this system has on your body is absolutely amazing. 

Many Doctors have been skeptical in the past about purchasing the At-Home Seminar or purchasing one of my seminars.  Once they have experienced ABCTM firsthand, their resignation disappears. 

brace yourself...
This is an "Cheap" package!

Or is it?   I think that a Mercedes can be expensive, yet many of the Doctors I teach drive them.  They tell me that it is actually cheaper to buy one because of... and they list a bunch or reasons I now agree with.  Clearly they see value.

I know someone who purchased a new BlackBerry to the tune of $495.00 only to turn around a few months later and purchase the latest iPhone for a whopping $600.00.  That's over $1095.00 on a phone!  Unbelievable. 

Well, let me ask you this...  After looking at everything that is in ABC™ System and being able to generate consistent and predictable results on any patient, what would that be worth to you?

One doctor told  me that if I could really provide all I promised he would pay me $10,000?  How about you? $15000.00 if I put in a 365 day guarantee? Would $10,000 be morereasonable to have that kind of confidence. 

I'll tell you what, we will charge you a fraction of that...  Just  $3,700  

Special Offer Until 2009!  Order NOW and SAVE $1,000.00! 

 Order Today for ONLY $2,700.(Payment Plans Available)

Order Your Copy of

Advanced Biostructural Correction
Step-By-Step System Below

365 Day
100% Money Back Guarantee!

After you have purchased the "At-Home" Seminar and participated in a Live Seminar, if you feel that the ABCTM Step-By-Step System does not completely live up to the claims here OR you feel that the technique is just too complicated and you cannot master it, we will refund 100% of your purchase price (not including shipping). Click here for more details.

You're not thinking it is too expensive are you?  Here is what another Doctor said about ABC™.

"No Exceptions!"

"I didn’t really believe this when I first saw it either. I do now! Consistent, predictable results with every patient. No exceptions. Everything promised is delivered. Get the at-home seminar today and start getting more referrals as your patients leave upright with no effort by the end of the week. Pays for itself after the first 3 days of using it or you did not buy the mirrors patients use to see the results."

Dr. Moore

Can you really afford to NOT have this information?!

  Yes Dr. Jutkowitz, I am ready to check everything out risk-free.  Time is of the essence and I want to get started right away.  Thanks to your 365 Day satisfaction guarantee I know that you have taken ALL the risk out of my decision.  As a matter of fact, it allows me to check everything out almost for free, if I choose.

  Live Only Package Home Seminar Package Deluxe Package
First Rib Maneuver DVD ($199 Value)  
4 Audio Instructional CDs ($397 Value)  
2 Video Instructional DVDs  ($499 Value)  
The Standing, Sitting, and Sleeping DVD ($299 Value)  
Both Manual 1 & 2 ($499 Value)  
3 Patient Communication CDs
($695 Value)
Unlimited 6 Month Phone Consultation ($1,499 Value)
Access to the ABCPrivate Doctors Forum ($99 Value) 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months
Adjustment by Dr. Jesse ($499 Value)  
Unlimited Live Basic and Advanced Seminars for 1 year from purchase

Retail Price -

$4099.00 $4186.00 $7385.00

Special Order NOW Price


+  S&H
SAVE $500
$2700 + S&H
Deluxe Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $2700 Fax or call in order
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
  Make 10 Payments of $269 10 x $284.99 Fax or call in order
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
Home Seminar Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $1599 Fax or call in order
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
  Make 5 Payments of $334.99 5 x $334.99 Fax or call in order
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
Live Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $1599 Fax or call in order
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 
  Make 5 Payments of $334.99 5 x $334.99 Fax or call in order
(203) 366-2746
ask for Alision. 

Live Seminar Schedule

ALL orders are processed through Paypal. 
Even if you do not have a Paypal Account, you can still use your
credit card or online check. 

Order by phone
Simply call

(203) 366 - 2746

Order by fax:
Simply print out the order page, fill it out by hand and fax it to:

(203) 659 - 0377

Order by mail
Simply print out the order page, fill it out by hand and mail it to:

340 Fairmount Terrace
Fairfield CT 06825


I mean really...  Can you?  If you have made it this far, you fully understand that the body goes out of place in a direction that the muscles can't fix on their own.  They need help by an outside source.  Ideally, YOU!

Also, you now know that the conventional methods of observation and testing don't work.  Or are inadequate at best.  The reason being, your body is in 3 dimensions, not 2.  Therefore, you need a method of testing that will allow for 3 dimensions.

Finally, I have shown you that the adjustments you have been making are not only ineffective 50% percent of the time, they are potentially harmful.  Reason being, if you are trying to adjust a compensation of the body, you are actually going against the bodies natural tendencies; i.e. to protect itself and making the body more pathological!

If I was in your position, I would skip the rest and just Order Now.  But if you are still unsure, keep reading. 

The fact of the matter is that you are going to spend $2700 this year.  Period.  You are going to waste it on some new toy, gadget or gizmo that you absolutely "must have" like that new iPhone, flashy new sports car, stereo or anything else that crosses in front of you. You'll spend it on advertising, mailings, and promotions thinking you're building your business which won't yield nearly the same results. 

There is no better investment you can make in yourself or your patients that will generate the results I promise here.  Once you start seeing referral after referral walk through your door, then go out and buy all the toys your have ever wanted.  But until then, make the investment in your practice and yourself. 

PLUS...  every new patient is worth at least $2,500.00.  Even if you only got one new patient from using the ABCTM Step-By-Step System, that would practically pay for the entire package!  Now imagine if you got 10, or 20, or 100.  That is a potential of putting and extra $250,000 in your pocket

Finally, a wise man once said, "Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again... expecting a different result."  If you are using the same methods of correcting your patients bodies without getting the results you want, it is time to look into other things, namely - Advanced Biostructural Correction.


Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz
Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz

Order Your Copy of

Advanced Biostructural Correction
Step-By-Step System Below
You can order even if its 2:00AM!


P.S.  Last time I did a LIVE seminar, I was "shootin' the breeze" with one of the Doctors afterwards.  It turns out that his office was an absolute mess.  He had chiropractic gizmos and gadgets all over the place.  Finally, he wanted to see how much money all those things amounted to.  After he added it all up, he sat down in his chair - shocked. 

Turns out he had over $100,000.00 worth of "stuff" that he never uses.  His final thought that day as he locked up the office was... "If only I had gotten ABC sooner."

90 Day
100% Money Back Guarantee!

After you have purchased the "At-Home" Seminar and participated in a Live Seminar, if you feel that the ABCTM Step-By-Step System does not completely live up to the claims here OR you feel that the technique is just too complicated and you cannot master it, we will refund 100% of your purchase price (not including shipping). Click here for more details.

7 Compelling Reasons to invest

1. Profitability  With the ABC System, you can treat 12 patients per hour.  Multiply that times 40 hours a week, and you are treating 480 patients per week... PER DOCTOR!  With this system, there is no limit to the amount of people you can treat.

2. Freedom  With the additional money you are making after implementing this system, you will have a disposable income to take your family on vacation or upgrade to the house you have had your eye on. 

3. Flexibility   When I was practicing, I used to go to my patients where they lived and worked.  There is no cumbersome equipment to lug around.  X-Rays are not required.  It gives you the ultimate freedom to treat people when and where they need to be treated. 

4. Lower Expenses   I have already shown that ABC generate referrals on its own.  If you have been in business for more than a week, you know that the only way to grow is to bring new people through the door.  Many of us, as small business owners, have tried advertising and the like.  With the increase in referrals, your advertising and promotional expenses go down.  Yet another way the At-Home Seminar pays for itself.

5. Retention   Patient retention is one of the leading challenges of Chiropractors today.  With the communication CDs, this will be a thing of the past.  Once you have fully explain the process to your patients, nothing unexpected will come-up; therefore, the normal fear that they experience when going through adjustments will cease and they will continue to show up. 

6. Training   Adding additional staff to your practice will be easy!  You simply will have them study the ABC system and that's it.  You will then have another staff member who can treat up to 240 patients PER WEEK! 

7. Competitive Advantage   Be one of the first Chiropractors in your area to offer ABC to your patients.  This will give you a unique angle in which to sell your services.  Once the word gets out that you are using ABC, patients will flock to your office.  Even if someone else in your area picks up the system, you will still have the market advantage by capturing and keeping the largest market segment.

Order Your Copy of

Advanced Biostructural Correction
Step-By-Step System Below
You can order even if its 2:00AM!

  Yes Dr. Jutkowitz, I am ready to check everything out risk-free.  Time is of the essence and I want to get started right away.  Thanks to your 365 Day satisfaction guarantee I know that you have taken ALL the risk out of my decision.  As a matter of fact, it allows me to check everything out almost for free, if I choose.

  Live Only Package Home Seminar Package Deluxe Package
First Rib Maneuver DVD ($199 Value)  
4 Audio Instructional CDs ($397 Value)  
2 Video Instructional DVDs  ($499 Value)  
The Standing, Sitting, and Sleeping DVD ($299 Value)  
Both Manual 1 & 2 ($499 Value)  
3 Patient Communication CDs
($695 Value)
Unlimited 6 Month Phone Consultation ($1,499 Value)
Access to the ABCPrivate Doctors Forum ($99 Value) 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months
Adjustment by Dr. Jesse ($499 Value)  
Unlimited Live Basic and Advanced Seminars for 1 year from purchase

Retail Price -

$4099.00 $4186.00 $7385.00

Special Online Price


+  S&H
SAVE $500
$2700 + S&H
Deluxe Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $2700
  Make 10 Payments of $269 10 x $284.99
Home Seminar Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $1599
  Make 5 Payments of $334.99 5 x $334.99
Live Package Payment Options:
  Make 1 Payment $1599
  Make 5 Payments of $334.99 5 x $334.99

Live Seminar Schedule

ALL orders are processed through Paypal. 
Even if you do not have a Paypal Account, you can still use your
credit card or online check. 

  We are unable to ship to P.O. Boxes. 
Please provide your complete shipping address in the space provided.

If you are having problems ordering online
or prefer an alternate method of payment please note the additional ways you can order:

Order by fax:
Simply print out the order page, fill it out by hand and fax it to:

(203) 659 - 0377

Order by mail
Simply print out the order page, fill it out by hand and mail it to:

340 Fairmount Terrace
Fairfield CT 06825

Order by phone
Simply call

(203) 366 - 2746

I understand that if I choose a payment plan for any products sold by Advanced BioStructural Correction that I am legally obligated to pay the FULL AMOUNT.  I further declare that the name and address information I provided are true and correct

By pressing the Order Here button, I agree to pay Advanced Biostructural Correction and Jesse Jutkowitz.

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84 Year-Old 54 degree Scoliosis reduced to
29 degrees in just over 2 months with ABC


The patient presented to our office on 01/17/2001. The is an 84 year women who has "had spinal curvature all her life." She had a noticeable thoracic kyphosis, with a positive rib hump on Adams maneuver. Radiographs taken on 1/17/01 reveal the nature and extent of spinal deformity. The patient has advance osteoporosis, current meds include fosamax, antenol, synthroid, os cal, centrium silver. Medical history was otherwise unremarkable. 

Notable spinal distortions: There is a unique disc/endplate deformity @ T10-T12. We used this as a radio-anatomical constant for control of projectional and positional distortion. The anterior inferior corner of T2 was used to construct a plumb line. The films were taken in the seated position with the patient assuming a relaxed neutral posture.

Spinal mensuration: The thoracic apex was determined to be @ T10. There  is a hyper-kyphosis of the thoracic spine. The distance of the gravitational plumb line (T2) to a line drawn tangent to the thoracic apex measures 12.25 cm. A tangent was constructed parallel  to the  posterior aspect of T5 vertebral body and drawn to the vertical  line. This angle represents the forward kyphosis.

This angle measured 53 degrees.

The patient was treated using ABC technique. She received 17 adjustments over a 3 month period.

Follow-up films were taken 3/30/2001

The pre-treatment film and post treatment films were overlaid. The osseous abnormalities at T10-12 were identical indicating that the patient positioning and central ray projection was consistent between studies. The thoracic apex changed from T10 to T8 on these follow-up films. The plumb line to thoracic apex distance decreased from 12.25cm to 9cm. The angle of the upper thoracic kyphosis (T5 to Vertical) was 29 degrees. This indicates a reduction of thoracic kyphosis of some 24 degrees.



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