Many of us held
to and believed the thought that
no one would find the key to
correcting every body structure
because it was too complicated.
That was before we experimented
with ABC™ for ourselves and
found that we did discover the
basics on which everything else
hangs. As with every other
science, when the basics are
found things are more simple -
not more complex.
Biophysics Instructor Fully Endorses
"I practiced and was a certified instructor in
Biophysics for 17 years. Jesse first introduced me
to Advanced BioStructural
Correction™ last year. (1998)
After my first adjustment I knew this was
right for the body. I got the At-Home Seminar and
started adjusting all of my patients using
ABC™. Patients get
permanent changes fast. They come for their
appointments without being pushed and refer others
before I ask. My practice has grown greatly with
ABC™ and I have not
looked back since
I recommend ABC™
for every doctor who wants to consistently and
predictably get their patients results chiropractic
has always promised.
Dr. Jerry Porter
"Life is
I have had a great week. Folks are excited,
very excited! I have been really surprised. People
come walking in, no calling, just there because so
and so said I had to come see you. This HAS NEVER
HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE. I have been so happy with my
new work, which means I'm much more fun to live
with. I'm excited to tell people I'm a chiropractor.
Life is great- Thanks ABC™.
Maybe a little melodramatic but honestly I
feel such a weight removed when people can share in
the experience that their body is changing, not just
what I tell them.
Thank you Jesse!!!"
Dr. Mike
"...a little skeptical at first ... but then I was
very impressed!"
I received the intro tape and data yesterday
and reviewed most of it. Still don't know if I am
interested. I did contact Dr. Porter in Spokane --
it's 3 hours from here -- and scheduled to meet with
him on Monday.
Dr. Rick Cohen
Subj: ABC™
{seeing/feeling is believing}
Date: 99-05-25 00:03:11 EDT
From: (ricke)
To: (Jesse Jutkowitz)
I just got back from visiting with Jerry
Porter in Spokane. I have to admit that I was a
little skeptical when I got there, but I was very
Not only could I see dramatic functional
changes in his patients, but they were predictable!
When I was adjusted, I felt positive changes
immediately and it got better from there. Later in
the day I had another adjustment. It is astounding
that my body does not slump at all whether I hold it
up or not.
Dr. Porter said that the biggest thing was
that if doctors could get adjusted this way and
experience the difference between
ABC™ and everything
else, they would all switch. Feeling and seeing it
on every patient is believing! You must get doctors
to do and see the changes with the first rib
adjustment you teach over the phone free -- and the
I'll be mailing an order off to you this week!
Will be in touch,
Dr. Rick Cohen
"There is definitely a WOW factor!"
I don't know Dr. Jesse from Adam. Still
haven’t met him, have not been to a live seminar, I
just got the Home Study Program. I, in no way shape
or form, benefit from plugging
Advanced BioStructural
Correction™. Let me tell you the chronology
of my attempts to bring spinal correction into my
Started with Peirce-Stillwagon… bought all the
equipment… and was really disappointed. That was an
expensive proposition! Gravitated towards CBP...they
had the published research...but if you look at
their paper on curve correction they treated their
patients EVERY day for something like six weeks
(including weekends)...this was disappointing
because I don't practice every day and their is no
way my patients are going to commit to this type of
schedule. AND, you needed to buy all their special
equipment $$$$thousands.
Then I checked out Pettibon...he has head
weighting and wobble chair rehab which were really
cool advances in spinal correction...he claims that
he can create a major correction in cervical curve
in about a month...and sometimes he can -- but not
consistently. You can too -- sometimes, IF YOU BUY
ALL THE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT! However, significant
curve correction in a month I feel is well worth it.
The Pettibon procedures did seem to offer
relatively quick changes. Then along comes
ABC™ claiming
immediate post-adjustment changes. And, it does.
AND... unlike PST, CBP and Pettibon... There
is definitely a WOW factor when a patient's resting
posture is slumped and 30 seconds later their
resting posture is not slumped.
Dr. George Kukurin
"I had my associate learn ABC™ to use it on me!"
I got the
ABC™ at-home seminar
part I and learned it in less than a week. It worked
so well on patients I had my associate learn it and use it on
I think it’s the only reason I will be able to
keep practicing. I had tried everything else and was
in too much pain and was going to give up. Now I
feel great and am buying part II so I can really
understand it all. It really does answer all those
questions you had since school.
Dr. Saunders
"No Exceptions!"
"I didn’t really believe this
when I first saw it either. I do now! Consistent,
predictable results with every patient. No
exceptions. Everything promised is delivered. Get
the at-home seminar today."
Dr. Moore
"Doc Looks Like A Miracle Worker!"
DONE CORRECTLY, ABC is what chiropractic has always
promised it could do and be but would often fall
short of doing and being. ABC absolutely is
consistent and predictable -- everyone just gets
better; symptomatically, structurally, posture,
function, etc, etc, etc. Patients unwind just as you
tell them they will and the doc looks like a freakin'
miracle worker!
Stu Freidman
"Things Jesse Says Sound Outrageous... "
Consistent & Predictable says what it says. I am not
being condescending. The results speak for
All you have to do is be able to follow directions
and observe physical facts while reserving opinions
until you've tested it. It, meaning any idea you may
hold about something.
I have been doing ABC for a long time, I had many
fixed ideas about bodies, chiropractic, etc. I began
testing and observing and discovered that the facts
were not as I expected. They were different, they
were as Jesse said. The things Jesse says sound
outrageous in light of our chiropractic education
and training. But in the real world it is what is
Here are some of the results I have observed with
ABC. 84yoF DX Degenerative Spinal Stenosis,
constant pain for > 4 years, 6 darvacet per day with
no reduction in SSX. 6 ABC adj. 96% pain reduction.
Restored pain free ROM of Cervical, Thoracic, and
lumbar spine, Pt could sleep without pain. No longer
taking meds.
50yoM DX Herniated L5 disc. Prepped for surgery,
pleaded with surgeon, did not consent to surgery,
was given an injection of lidocaine into disc area.
Checked out of Hospital drove 1 hr to my clinic.
First adj. Was 100% pain free while standing.
Sitting caused a 3/10 for pain. 2nd adj. Could sit
pain free.
52yoM self employed painter DX herniated L4 disc in
auto accident 14 years prior. Previous tx;
orthopedic recommended surgery 13ya. Pt . did not
comply, PT for 6 months some relief, chiropractic
some relief, 3
different DCs over 14 years averaging 1x/week tx.
Progressively becoming more disabled each year.
Could not lay on back, bend over to put on shoes or
pick anything up.10/10 on pain scale. After 1st adj.
"what the hell have they (other DCs) been doing?" he
could immediately bend over to put his shoes on, lay
his back and picked up a 20lb weight off the floor.
3/10 on pain scale.
These may sound miraculous but it is just another
day in practice with ABC. This is why you don't see
a lot of posts on the subject. It's when we don't
get these results that we post to see what we are or
are not doing
If you are not experiencing results like these
everyday in your practice, I do not know why you are
hesitant to spend the money and learn ABC. At the
very least get adjusted by someone competently doing
ABC and experience the results for yourself.
In Health,
Guy Anderson
"Magic In Their Minds..."
I've been doing ABC for about 5
years now. measurable, consistant and predictable
all the way...only time it fails...either the doctor
didn't do it right or the patient didn't follow
My story (in brief)...L5 disc herniation in
'86...not able to row in the Olympics...Chiropractic
helped get me to the USMC...screwed my body up even
more...went to Chio. school to figure out how to fix
my body...did diversified, Gonstead, SOT, CBP,
Pettibon, Vector Point cranial, Upledger
cranial-sacral, Bio-cranial...had it all done to
me...was able to work but not work out and certainly
never able to row again...long story short...
I am headed tonight to Princeton, N.J. to row in the
Masters World Rowing Championships where I will race
in 5 races. I could not have even thought of doing
this even 3 years ago after 2 years of to
I teach my patients..."With ABC, there are no
unrealistic health goals...only unrealistic time
This is what ABC has done for me personally...what I
am able to do for my patients is "magic" in their
Dr. Pete Hilgartner
"Phenomenal Improvements..."
Have had 2
phenomenal improvements in a couple of patients
with advanced neurological syndromes.
They are like MS,
but the specialists have been unable to come to
a diagnosis. After their first meningeal
release, both had
better balance. Constance could lift her left
foot to walk ( has a severe foot drop ) and
spastic foot
released and filled out his shoe. I am confident
that we can get these 2 lovely people healed.
Dr. Dave H
Here Is A Sample Of What You
Have To Look Forward to With The ABC™ At-Home Seminar:
In the first 20 minutes you will learn
one technique that if you never picked up the package again,
it would be worth the entire price.
Special techniques used to predictably and
consistently generate results for your patients - every
How to generate 5 to 10 new referrals
EVERY WEEK with little to no additional work on your part.
Mechanisms others have missed which are key
to correcting the body's structure.
Debunking myth #1: ligaments need to be
remolded and reshaped to change spines and improve health!
Shattering myth #2: muscles are weak or need
to be strengthened to change posture or improve health.
Why the adjustments you have been making
don't work and potentially have been hurting your patients.
Discover what the body can and cannot fix on
its own.
Objective Synchronous Testing: what it is
and how to use it to determine the best way to treat your
How to release the Meningies - that is how
you spell RELIEF! (Your patients will love you after this
Discover the secrets for treating each
individual vertebra WITHOUT an X-Ray!
How to treat the Pelvis, Legs and Feet
quickly and easily.
The Step-By-Step ABC Protocol that will
guarantee the same results everytime regardless of the
Over 40 Full Spine Standing and Sitting
X-Rays and analysis of several cases
How to determine the side of primary
biomechanical stress without an X-Ray
And much, much more...
"OK, I'm in... So What
Do I Get?"
Get Ready Cause I Am Going To Send You A Truckload Of Material

First - #1: I am going to send you the
Introductory DVD. This is same as if I were to sit
down with you in your living room and explain to you
personally the "ins and outs" of ABC. how it
was developed. Where it came from. And what you
can expect
Also, in this DVD you
will also learn the First Rib Maneuver. The
First Rib Maneuver is worth the price of the entire system
AND the best part is that you can do it on yourself! If you
were to stop using the packet just after the first DVD, you
would have received your money's worth. The amount of good you will provide for your
patients with this one technique alone will make all the
Second - #2:
In your packet, you will receive 4 Audio Instructional CDs that will
explain each technique in the ABC protocol in detail.
These audio CDs will go through the concepts and adjustments
- not only the how but the WHY. Both are equally
Third - #3:
You will also receive 2 Instructional DVDs.
No course would be complete with you being able to see for
yourself just how each adjustment is executed and the
results they generate afterward. Not only that, but
you will be able to stop, rewind, and freeze the frame
anytime you have a question about the techniques.
Fourth - #4: The
Sitting, Standing, and Sleeping DVD will guarantee your
success. This DVD covers everything you need to know
and be able to communicate to your patients when they are
It simply is not good enough to fix your
patients alignment when they are in the office. You
are responsible for consistent and predictable results.
One of the ways you can guarantee these results is to make
sure the patients chairs, shoes, and bed are the way
they need to be to promote structural health. (Plus it
is a great added revenue stream for your practice - more on
that later)
Fifth - #5: Manual
1 & 2 (386 pages) will be your guide for the CDs and
DVDs. Here you will have all the information at your
finger tips to help any patient with their needs.
Simply follow the directions in the manual and watch the symptoms of your
patients disappear.
you will receive... $3,787.00 in FREE Bonuses!
Huge Bonus #1:
3 Patient Communication CDs ($987.00 Value)
These amazing CDs will allow you to fully
articulate to your patients what they can expect and what
their body will be going through as it unwinds.
communication makes the difference between a growing
practice and a dying one. When your patients fully
understand the process, their concerns and apprehension will
be answered.
I guarantee that these CDs will enable you
to make back the purchase price of this package PLUS much
more! Imagine getting
5 to 10 new referrals EVERY WEEK
without any additional work on your part. Simply
because you are able to completely explain to your patients
what they will experience. These CDs alone will pay
for the price of the seminar - in essence, if you listen and
apply what is in these CDs, the seminar will be FREE.
Huge Bonus #2:
Unlimited Phone Consultation ($1,500.00 Value)
I stand behind my product 100%. That
is why you will have unlimited phone consultation directly
with me if there is anytime that you have a question or
problem. Let's face it, not everyone will get it the
first time. There are always people with questions.
I will be there every step of the way to answer those
questions for you.
For me to come to your office for a personal
consultation for a day would cost your upwards of $6,000.
I believe that this is the next best thing. You will
have personal access to me so we can ensure your success for
both you and your patients.
Huge Bonus #3: FREE Admission to
a year
of my LIVE Seminars ($1599.00 Value)
Because you have already purchased the
ABC™ Home Seminar and will have a head start on the material,
you will have an opportunity to participate in a LIVE
event absolutely FREE. During these events we go
hands-on as I show you how each technique works and is
Rest assured, EVERYTHING I show you at the
LIVE event is on the At-Home Seminar. As a matter of
fact, during the seminar, we simply follow the manuals that
you receive in the mail. Yet, nothing beats hands on
I will guide you through the entire
ABCTM protocol and observe how you execute each technique on your
fellow participants.
Hundreds of Doctors have
benefited from this experience and have walked away fully
confident in their ability to solve the problems of ALL of
their patients!
Huge Bonus #4:
Access to the
ABCTM Private Doctors Forum ($100 Value)
Here you will have the opportunity to
communicate with other Doctors who have purchased and are
using ABC. The Forum is up and running 24hours a days,
7 days a week. Once you have purchased the At-Home
Seminar, I would strongly suggest checking it out.
There you will find answers to many of the typical
Huge Bonus #5: FREE Adjustment using
ABCTM protocol by Dr. Jesse ($500.00 Value)
Patients have paid me tens of thousands of
dollars over the years to run my ABC protocol on them.
My success record speaks for itself. At the same time,
I want you to experience ABC for yourself and to truly
experience the benefits of this amazing system.
After one set of adjustments from me, you
will be salivating and can't wait to get back to your
practice to start using it with your patients because it is
just that effective.
Here is what you can expect to
feel after one adjustment with me you will immediately:
Your nasal passages will be more open.
You shoulders
will immediately not slump forward when you let you body
Your legs and feet will be looser (test it when you
And there
will be many other positive effects depending upon what
is out of alignment in your body at this time.
I have said it before but again, this would
easily be worth the price of the entire package alone.
To simply feel the positive impact that this
system has on your body is absolutely amazing.
Many Doctors have been skeptical in the past
about purchasing the At-Home Seminar or purchasing one of my
seminars. Once they have experienced
ABCTM firsthand,
their resignation disappears.
brace yourself...
This is an "Cheap" package!
Or is it? I think that a Mercedes
can be expensive, yet many of the Doctors I teach drive
them. They tell me that it is actually cheaper to buy
one because of... and they list a bunch or reasons I now
agree with. Clearly
they see value.
I know someone who purchased a new
BlackBerry to the tune of $495.00 only to turn around a few
months later and purchase the latest iPhone for a whopping
$600.00. That's over $1095.00 on a phone!
Well, let me ask you this... After
looking at everything that is in ABC™ System and being able
to generate consistent and predictable results on any
patient, what would that be worth to you?
One doctor told me that if I could
really provide all I promised he would pay me $10,000? How
about you? $15000.00 if I put in a 365 day guarantee? Would
$10,000 be morereasonable to have that
kind of confidence.
I'll tell you what, we will charge you a
fraction of that... Just
Special Offer Until 2009!
Order NOW and SAVE $1,000.00!
Order Today
for ONLY $2,700.(Payment Plans Available)
Order Your Copy of
Biostructural Correction
Step-By-Step System Below
365 Day
100% Money Back Guarantee!
After you have purchased
the "At-Home" Seminar and participated in a Live
Seminar, if you feel that the
Step-By-Step System does not completely live up to the
claims here OR you feel that the technique is just
too complicated and you cannot master it, we will
refund 100% of your purchase price (not including
here for more details. |
You're not thinking it is too expensive
are you? Here is what another Doctor said about
"No Exceptions!"
"I didn’t really believe this
when I first saw it either. I do now! Consistent,
predictable results with every patient. No
exceptions. Everything promised is delivered. Get
the at-home seminar today and start getting more
referrals as your patients leave upright with no
effort by the end of the week. Pays for itself after
the first 3 days of using it or you did not buy the
mirrors patients use to see the results."
Dr. Moore |
Can you really afford to NOT
have this information?!
Yes Dr. Jutkowitz, I am ready to check
everything out risk-free. Time
is of the essence and I want to get started
right away. Thanks to your
Day satisfaction guarantee I know
that you have taken ALL the risk out of
my decision. As a matter of fact,
it allows me to check everything out almost
for free, if I choose.
Live Seminar Schedule
ALL orders are processed through Paypal.
Even if you do not have a Paypal Account, you can still use your
credit card or online check.
Order by phone
Simply call
(203) 366 - 2746
Order by fax:
Simply print out the order page, fill it
out by hand and fax it to:
(203) 659 - 0377
Order by mail
Simply print out the order page, fill it
out by hand and mail it to:
340 Fairmount Terrace
Fairfield CT 06825
I mean really... Can you? If you
have made it this far, you fully understand that the body
goes out of place in a direction that the muscles can't fix
on their own. They need help by an outside source.
Ideally, YOU!
Also, you now know that the conventional
methods of observation and testing don't work. Or are
inadequate at best. The reason being, your body is in
3 dimensions, not 2. Therefore, you need a method of
testing that will allow for 3 dimensions.
Finally, I have shown you that the
adjustments you have been making are not only ineffective
50% percent of the time, they are potentially harmful.
Reason being, if you are trying to adjust a compensation of
the body, you are actually going against the bodies natural
tendencies; i.e. to protect itself and making the body
more pathological!
If I was in your position, I would skip the
rest and just Order
Now. But if you are still unsure, keep
The fact of the matter is that you are going
to spend $2700 this year. Period. You are going
to waste it on some new toy, gadget or gizmo that you
absolutely "must have" like that new iPhone, flashy new
sports car, stereo or anything else that crosses in front of
you. You'll spend it on advertising, mailings, and
promotions thinking you're building your business which
won't yield nearly the same results.
There is no
better investment you can make in yourself or your patients
that will generate the results I promise here. Once
you start seeing referral after referral walk through your
door, then go out and buy all the toys your have ever
wanted. But until then, make the investment in your
practice and yourself.
PLUS... every new patient is worth at
least $2,500.00. Even if you only got one new patient
from using the
Step-By-Step System,
that would practically pay for the entire package! Now
imagine if you got 10, or 20, or 100.
That is a potential of putting and extra $250,000 in your
Finally, a wise man once said,
"Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over
again... expecting a different result." If you
are using the same methods of correcting your patients
bodies without getting the results you want, it is time to
look into other things, namely - Advanced Biostructural

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz
Order Your Copy of
Biostructural Correction
Step-By-Step System Below
You can order even if its 2:00AM!
P.S. Last time I did a LIVE seminar, I
was "shootin' the breeze" with one of the Doctors
afterwards. It turns out that his office was an
absolute mess. He had chiropractic gizmos and gadgets
all over the place. Finally, he wanted to see how much
money all those things amounted to. After he added it
all up, he sat down in his chair - shocked.
Turns out he had over $100,000.00 worth of "stuff"
that he never uses. His final thought that day as he
locked up the office was... "If only I had gotten ABC
90 Day
100% Money Back Guarantee!
After you have purchased
the "At-Home" Seminar and participated in a Live
Seminar, if you feel that the
Step-By-Step System does not completely live up to the
claims here OR you feel that the technique is just
too complicated and you cannot master it, we will
refund 100% of your purchase price (not including
here for more details. |
7 Compelling Reasons to invest
With the ABC System, you can treat 12 patients per
hour. Multiply that times 40 hours a week, and you are
treating 480 patients per week... PER DOCTOR! With
this system, there is no limit to the amount of people you
can treat.
With the additional money you are making after implementing
this system, you will have a disposable income to take your
family on vacation or upgrade to the house you have had your
eye on.
When I was practicing, I used to go to my patients where
they lived and worked. There is no cumbersome
equipment to lug around. X-Rays are not required.
It gives you the ultimate freedom to treat people when and
where they need to be treated.
Lower Expenses
I have already shown that ABC generate referrals on its own.
If you have been in business for more than a week, you know
that the only way to grow is to bring new people through the
door. Many of us, as small business owners, have tried
advertising and the like. With the increase in
referrals, your advertising and promotional expenses go
down. Yet another way the At-Home Seminar pays for
Patient retention is one of the leading challenges of
Chiropractors today. With the communication CDs, this
will be a thing of the past. Once you have fully
explain the process to your patients, nothing unexpected
will come-up; therefore, the normal fear that they
experience when going through adjustments will cease and
they will continue to show up.
Adding additional staff to your practice will be easy!
You simply will have them study the ABC system and that's
it. You will then have another staff member who can
treat up to 240 patients PER WEEK!
Advantage Be one of the first
Chiropractors in your area to offer ABC to your patients.
This will give you a unique angle in which to sell your
services. Once the word gets out that you are using
ABC, patients will flock to your office. Even if
someone else in your area picks up the system, you will
still have the market advantage by capturing and keeping the
largest market segment.
Order Your Copy of
Biostructural Correction
Step-By-Step System Below
You can order even if its 2:00AM!
Yes Dr. Jutkowitz, I am ready to check
everything out risk-free. Time
is of the essence and I want to get started
right away. Thanks to your
Day satisfaction guarantee I know
that you have taken ALL the risk out of
my decision. As a matter of fact,
it allows me to check everything out almost
for free, if I choose.
Live Seminar Schedule
ALL orders are processed through Paypal.
Even if you do not have a Paypal Account, you can still use your
credit card or online check.
We are unable to ship to P.O. Boxes.
Please provide your complete shipping address in the space
If you are having problems
ordering online
or prefer an alternate method of payment
please note the additional ways you can order:
Order by fax:
Simply print out the order page, fill it
out by hand and fax it to:
(203) 659 - 0377
Order by mail
Simply print out the order page, fill it
out by hand and mail it to:
340 Fairmount Terrace
Fairfield CT 06825
Order by phone
Simply call
(203) 366 - 2746
I understand that if I choose a payment plan
for any products sold by
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
that I am legally obligated to pay the FULL AMOUNT. I
further declare that the name and address information I provided
are true and correct By pressing the
Order Here button, I agree to pay
Biostructural Correction™
and Jesse Jutkowitz.
