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No Excuse for not looking

Dear Doctors:

When other people tell you about this theory and that theory and how it makes sense remember that Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is backed up by factual observation of x-rays in multiple positions before, during, and after treatment as well as physical experiments done by Breig and others. ABC™ is not someone’s (my) idea of how things are. Anyone can duplicate these observations in their own office with x-ray or without. The only other points needed are the well-established factual anatomy of bodies and basic physics (rules of how physical objects behave in the physical universe).

When someone gives you a currently in vogue theory of body mechanics, you can show them the sitting and standing films in the paper on standing and sitting full spine x-ray analysis also listed here. Those common factual observations of what actually is (rather than someone's idea of what could be), knock out more than 90% of the currently popular theories of biomechanics and structural treatment. That is just on the basis that observations of curve configuration and spinal alignment on which docs are basing treatments change when the person changes position. Thus the bones are not really stuck in that/those positions and in need of treatment. They are compensations> Removing them actually decompensates the person often allowing their body to be worse mechanically.

You can also tell others that engineers and architects who have to deal with the physical universe are immediately penalized if what they are theorizing or designing (like a bridge or a building) doesn’t fit with the laws of the physical universe, but for some reason doctors are not. If an engineer makes a mistake big enough the bridge or building falls (there have been some that did and that’s why they are built the way they are nowadays). There is an interesting PBS show on what they had to do to the Citicorp building in New York City to make sure it was not blown over in a hurricane.

This was after the building did a few things in the normal winds that were supposed to be handled by the design but weren’t. That occurred because there were some factors unforeseen and, to be a bit reasonable, not really foreseeable by the engineering technology available before the building was built. These observations and corrections actually improved general building technology greatly. There is also an interesting one on bridges and that bridge in Washington (the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge I think) that started waving and shaking in the wind until the roadway was just plain blown apart. That incident changed bridge building technology forever. All of these disastrous type things happened because there were factors that were not known. Looking back they were very simple to understand and correct but, unobserved until that point, they were not accounted for in the design and led to disaster.

This is what happens with human and other bodies. Bodies were designed by someone else. Finding out how they work is actually reverse engineering, just as taking apart any other machine to find out how it works is. Because bodies belong to people and have not been figured out until recently, doctors have been faked into thinking there are things that cannot be understood. This is not true.

The basics of how physical objects operate are well established but there are factors doctors have thus far not noticed when they try to figure out how bodies work. This is not a bad thing as a starting point but when their results are not consistent and predictable AND, they refuse to measure more things about bodies such as on sitting and standing or other full spine motion films, they do not get to find out what is occurring. When they say it is all hopeless and no one could possibly figure it out, things are worse. When someone does come along with data that, applied to correction sequences, give consistent and predictable results and they say it is impossible because no one could do it -- that is just blind stupidity.

It is like when a neurologist told his nurses that what she had could not have been Raynaud's syndrome (loss of circulation skin turns black in the cold) after it stopped happening when I treated her. When he was asked why it could not have been Raynaud's Syndrome he replied that it could not have been Raynaud's Syndrome because Raynaud's is incurable. What circular logic, it couldn't be that because that can not be cured so if it was cured it was not that. It creates a blindness where people will not look because they have failed so many times to correct something they save face by going blind. Silly but there for anyone to observe in medical and chiropractic practice.

If they all researchers in body mechanics were forced to measure their work viewing the entire spine, sitting and standing and before, during and after treatment plans they would probably all be doing or developing something like what I am already doing. This may be seen like arrogance but it is just observation of facts without injecting my opinion into the observation.

I do not think I am that great and that others cannot see what I have seen. It amazes me when they do not see it though it is right in front of them. I am most certainly saying they are kind of silly not to even look. I have been talking about and trying to publish this work since the med 1980s. Publication has been refused for the most stupid of reasons that you would not believe. Other researchers, if they looked at full spine standing and sitting x-rays of entire spines might look and find something better than what I have found. I am just making the point that they have to look.

There is no excuse for not measuring when you are doing research. There are many beautiful theories in science including chiropractic. There is a well know saying in the practical sciences like engineering:

"The greatest tragedy in science is the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact."

Anonymous as related by patient Joe Berg

There are a lot of beautiful theories in chiropractic and medicine. Unfortunately, if people are measured full spine standing and sitting most of them go out the window very quickly. Anyone can see this on the films presented in the article on full spine sitting and standing x-ray analysis. As people are measured full spine standing and sitting pre and post treatment more theories go out the window than anyone in the area of body mechanics wants to look at or think about. It is not that I think any of these theories are wrong (though some are) it is mostly that they are incomplete and do not get to the point where they accomplish what needs to be done for the patient. ABC™ takes the incomplete ones to a done and makes the corrections needed in the theories that manage to go off the line.

Please do not hesitate to copy and pass this around to those you wish to be effective chiropractors.



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