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What is ABC?

Talk and symptom relief are nice. Even the postural changes are nice but what I want is measurable changes in scoliosis on a consistent basis. With ABC™ that’s what you absolutely can and actually will be I took my office assistant's scoliosis from 35 degrees to 25 degrees in a few months. I was surprised because this was a very persistent upper thoracic scoliosis that nothing else had changed in decades.

What everyone is talking about doing I actually am doing right now with ABC™!!


Dr. Carl

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ answered all the questions that were left unanswered in school about biomechanics and how it really works. ABC™ is easy to learn and makes chiropractic work with every patient. Dr. Mike K.

I got the ABC™ at-home seminar part I and learned it in less than a week. It worked so well I had my associate learn it and use it on me.

I think it’s the only reason I will be able to keep practicing. I had tried everything else and was in too much pain and was going to give up. Now I feel great and am buying part II so I can really understand it all. It really does answer all those questions you had since school. Dr. Saunders

I didn’t really believe this when I first saw it either. I do now! Consistent, predictable results with every patient. No exceptions. Everything promised is delivered. Get the at-home seminar today. Dr. Moore 937-294-2828


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