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That means that after you finally get to point B and unlock the major injury at that point, you improve immediately and move toward point C. During this climb and until you reach point C your body again stops bothering you and you feel great living life with little or no pain as your body begins to function even better than it did when it was at point A.

Before I go on I want you to notice something. Many patients moving on that small downslope from point A to point B tell their doctors that they feel worse than when they first came in to the office. It isn’t true but it certainly feels like it. Why? Well, people feel things in relation to what experience occurred just prior to the current experience. If you put your right hand in a bucket of very hot water and your left hand in a bucket of ice water for five minutes, then take them out and put both of them in the same bucket of room temperature water, the right hand (that was in the hot water) would feel the water in the new bucket was cold and the left hand (was in the ice water) would feel that water was hot. This would be so even though they are both your hands and both in the same bucket of room temperature water. It is because the feelings are relative to where each hand had just been.

It is the same with your body as you get well. When you are at point B you are still better than you were at the starting point. You can still walk and move better. Many of you have gone back to work and can still perform without having to take time off. However, you most certainly do not feel as good as you felt back at point A. Why not stay at point A? Well, at point A you had reached a point where you couldn’t get any better until you unlocked the thing at point B. Not having your doctor lead your body through this process is the reason most people never fully recover from their injuries and always have some nagging little thing. Just like you must take all the antibiotics in the bottle to make sure the bacteria are all killed and you do not get sick again, you must keep getting treated until your body unwinds and unlocks the major injuries and gets back to a truly healthy condition.

This same process happens at each point the body has a major mechanical injury to unlock. That is why the graph has points C, D, E, F, G, and H. Each time your body goes to unlock one of these biggies you will seem to be going a bit backwards. Notice that if we test your body’s ability to function; how far you can move; how much weight you can lift; etc. at the worst point of any down slope while unwinding into a major mechanical problem, you will notice you are always be able to function better than you could at the best point your body reached when you were feeling your best before the last time you started to unlock a major biomechanical problem. You might be feeling lousy and it might not feel like you are still functioning better but if you measure your body’s abilities you will find it so.

This is so especially at the beginning after you are feeling better from the initial treatments. When your body changes directions it might feel really lousy and scare you, that is why I wrote this note. Later it won’t scare you as much because you have been through the process once and you know you will come out of it. That does not mean you will like it but you will at least understand it. Eventually, when your body changes directions to unlock a major injury it may just feel like a bit of a pull or a cold. It is not. Your body is still in the process of unwinding the next big problem. The reason you feel it less is by that time your body is so much better and can handle the increase in the increased mechanical pressure without hurting much.

A very important point to remember is that if you do not go through the process of unwinding the major mechanical problems, even though it may feel lousy, you will never get better than point A. As good as that may feel when you get there, it is a point at which you still have and are still compensating for the major mechanical injuries present in your body. Though you feel good, you are an accident waiting to happen when your body is put under the stress of playing sports or other sudden jolts.

I hope this has explained unwinding in a way understandable for you all. Advanced BioStructural Correction™© does work in every case, but you must unwind.    Read this about one woman's unwinding

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz




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