A First Look At Whats Been Missing
in Full Spine Analysis of Spinal Biomechanics.
The full spine x-rays on the following page
were taken on the same patient, on the same day, with the
patient standing relaxed letting their body slump and then
sitting relaxed letting their body slump one minute apart.
There are enough changes of spinal configuration visible
in this one set of films changes which are not supposed
to happen in minutes to show most of the current chiropractic,
medical, osteopathic, and physical therapy models of spinal
motion and biostructural pathology are in need of some large
It is not so much that the models are incorrect as that
the models are so rudimentary and lacking they have led to
relatively ineffective treatment technologies.
For our public, layperson viewers: You might
want to skip this page as it is more technical in nature than
most of the other pages and harder to understand if you are
not familiar with
x-ray viewing.
Having the objective observations and the objective evaluations
of treatment effectiveness that come with re-examination on
standing and sitting full spine radiography leads to a much
greater understanding of biomechanics. Having that improved
understanding leads to improvements in biostructural treatments
of the body such as chiropractic adjustments, for the first
time allowing them to work consistently effectively with every
patient. This does not mean it is magic and gets every one
well immediately. It does mean the results are consistent
and can be predicted. This is well beyond the dreams of most
doctors. The fact that the results are generally much better
than other methods is well beyond the dreams of most docs
or what they have thought possible until now.
It was a long period between the discovery that mass is concentrated
energy (Einsteins E=mc2 which, in 1928 was initially
called the biggest hoax in mathematics) and the development
of the ability to utilize that data to create observable physical
effects (atomic bombs and power plants) It has also been a
long period between the discovery that abnormal body mechanics
is the basic etiology of many neurological pathologies and
syndromes and the development of consistently effective methods
of biostructural treatment those that will consistently
and predictably correct the mechanical pathologies and reverse
effects of those neurological pathologies and syndromes. Our
time span has been a bit longer since there was no impetus
of war to increase the funding and general effort of turning
the data into usable treatment methods while there was and
still is, a concerted effort by many who have a vested interest
elsewhere to impede the development of effective physical
methods of treatment. That is not a condemnation, just a statement
of fact.
I am well aware of previous failed efforts to correlate postural
vulgarities and other variations of physical position of the
spine as measured on x-ray with neurological and musculoskeletal
pathologies. (The spine is certainly not the only factor but
it is where I started being a chiropractor.)
Though these previous researchers recorded their observations
accurately they did not evaluate the data relative to the
motion in the entire spine. They also did not evaluate the
data relative to the function of the meninges as a mechanical
stabilizer of the entire spinal column that instantly shifts
mechanical stress throughout the column though this was specifically
noted and published by the neurosurgeon Breig in articles
and mongraphs starting before 1960.
Leaving out evaluation of the x-ray data relative to those
factors and, missing observations during investigations (one
such researcher stated a patients body had been not
moved before rex-ray though stating the leg position of the
patient was changed!) has led many doctors, therapists, anatomists
and other researchers to misevaluate x-ray data relating to
diagnosis and treatment of mechanical pathology as unreliable
or useless. Many even call measuring body mechanics on full
spine x-ray a hoax. This is strange since the x-rays are a
factual picture of what is there at the time of the picture
with known calculatable distortions. Some theories created
from the observations are a bit funky (pardon the technical
term there) but the x-rays and measurement of them are factual.
Evaluating the entire spine is a must for research on structural
treatments because the spinal column works in a synchronized
fashion. Every part instantly affects every other part. Doing
evaluations of the ENTIRE SPINE in motion is a must for the
same reason. Missing the synchronized workings of the entire
spine has been the "hidden factor" blocking discovery
of the basic mechanical pathology initiating musculoskeletal,
neurological and even some organic pathologies that lead to
dysfunction and pain. This is a fact the neurosurgeon Alf
Breig described very specifically in 1978s.
Historically, Lhermitte and other researchers of the early
1900s had postulated mechanical causes for neurological
pathologies such as Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, and other "diseases"
exhibiting similar neurological phenomena. In fact, all the
physical orthopedic and neurological testing for these conditions
are maneuvers attempting to increase the mechanical stresses
creating the condition to evoke the signs associated with
these conditions. As was stated by the neurosurgeon Ernest
Sachs in 1949 "even some degenerative diseases of the
nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis and the muscular
dystrophies, may respond to surgical measures."5 indicating
mechanical factors were known even then.
The development of a method of biostructural treatment that
consistently and predictably yields the results postulated
by developers of various methods of biostructural treatment
of disease has a history dating to ancient times just as the
use of chemical compounds, herbs, and energy therapies such
as acupuncture does.
Relatively recent breakthroughs leading to the development
of consistent and predictably effective biostructural treatment
are mostly due to two researchers, the neurosurgeon Dr. Alf
Breig, author of Biomechanics of the Central Nervous System
(1960), Adverse Mechanical Tension in the Central Nervous
System (1978), and Skull Traction and Cervical Cord Injury
(1989), and the chiropractor, Dr. Lowell Ward, author of The
Dynamics of Spinal Stress (1977) and the Spinal Stressology
Manual of Standard Practices (1986).
Dr. Breigs contribution consists of the experiments
leading to specific confirmation that the major mechanical
factor precipitating these neurological conditions was axial
tension (head to tail) on the spinal cord and brain stem (Central
Nervous System). That tension was mostly precipitated by mechanical
pathologies ranging from space occupying lesions to misalignment
of the vertebrae which partially fixed the spinal column in
flexion stretching the pons-cord tract.
In experiments and trails of therapy Dr. Breig noted the
instant transmission of mechanical stress by the meninges
along the entire spinal column and up into the skull. Those
experiments laid the foundation explaining the mechanism by
which pathologies and syndromes of the nervous system do not
necessarily have their origin at the level of the spinal column
or cord directly relating to the nerves affected but are originating
as sequelae of mechanical misalignments (pathology).
Making that discovery and coming from a neurosurgical viewpoint,
his solution was to develop the very effective Cervicolordodesis
surgery. Cervicolordodesis is an operation that, using a plastic
fastener to tie the head and neck back into a position of
slight extension, slackens the pons-cord tract relaxing the
tension on the central nervous system.
Breigs research showed that "applying spinal cord
relaxation it is possible to alleviate not only the neurological
symptoms produced by outside forces on the pons-cord tract,
but also those evoked by alteration of the cord tissue resulting
from inflammation and reactive scar formation." Note
the statement is "by applying spinal cord relaxation"
and not just using his surgical procedure. Though he did not
delve into conservative treatments to discover the basic mechanical
pathology which forced the spinal column into flexion, Breig
did note that any approach truly relaxing the tension on the
CNS would consistently and predictably alleviate the symptoms.
In fact, he started his research by using various
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