This is an informational package distributing
data on how to better help people (and get yourself well)
not generally known by the public
or even chiropractors, osteopaths and others in the field
healing. It is technical stuff put into plain language
so it is easy to understand and use.
The General Situation
Chiropractic, which is currently the only well
known method of structural healing that has a major presence
and is not subordinate to medical doctors or the medical machine
of drugging people no matter what is wrong with them (not
a cynical statement but on inspection, true data), was discovered
in the same way most herbs and other helpful useful treatments
were discovered. One person (Dr. Palmer) encountered another
person (Mr. Lillard) who had a problem they wanted to correct.
Dr. Palmer listened to the history, that Mr. Lillard had gone
deaf after hearing a pop in his back while lifting something.
The history included a comment about a hard lump that developed
in Mr. Lillards spine where he heard the pop. Dr. Palmer
put two and two together that a bone popped out of
place and Mr. Lillard went deaf and thought his hearing
would return if it was pushed back into place. Dr. Palmer
pushed the bone back into position and Mr. Lillard did get
his hearing back. Two and two did add up to four. (Changes
in sight, hearing and other senses are commonplace in offices
of effective biostructural healers - with no medicine or surgery.)
That sequence of discovery was not really that much different
from the discovery of antibiotics or other natural remedies
people discovered germs seem to cause illness, someone
working in a lab noticed germs dont grow near green
mold and figured there must be something in the mold that
kills germs and that it could probably be used to help fight
infection, and etc. (penicillin is made by mold).
Dr. Palmer went on to theorize that out-of-place bones pinched
nerves which caused body malfunctions resulting in all different
types of health problems. He was pleased when his experiments
demonstrated that improving the mechanics of the spine led
to improvement in regards to back and neck pain but more importantly,
it improved health. Even things like heart problems and other
internal disorders not thought to be related to body mechanics.
These theories were not the imaginings of some 1800's wacko.
Examination of his writings shows Dr. Palmer was an up-to-date,
modern researcher for his time period (late 1800s
early 1900s). Medical doctors of that time were still
using bloodletting as a major method of treatment. Dr. Palmer
deplored that approach and the using of ...tinctures
and lotions of all known vegetables and crawling creatures,
as well as bleeding and other mystical healing. Dr. Palmer
wanted an answer to ...why one person was ailing and
his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same
shop, at the same bench, was not. He took good histories
and kept good records of his cases and research from which
he drew his conclusions.
Palmers therapy (chiropractic, Chiro - by hand, practic
- doing a thing) worked well on many, and for much more than
back or neck pain. However, it did not work consistently and
predictably. That was a problem Dr. Palmer recognized as a
lack of information on what was happening with the patients.
At that time he just did not have enough information to definitively
figure what to do with each individual patient. He also recognized
that that situation should improve with time and research.
That others had not contributed anything to Chiropractic over
the following years but uninvestigated theories, which tended
to be illogical and inconsistent with known observations galled
Dr. Palmer terribly. This is made plain the preface he wrote
(1910) to his book, The Chiropractic Adjuster in which Palmer
noted such things were not and should not be part of Chiropractic
as it was science based and many of these theories were inconsistent
with the physical observations anyone could make and thus
D.D. Palmer noted that many incorrect things were (and still
are) taught, including some added by his son B.J. Palmer,
that Dr. Palmer noted in print were ...errors which,
through ignorance, have been taught and accepted as integral
and necessary parts of Chiropractic.
There have been several attempts to improve on the basic
of chiropractic which is: A bone or bones go out of place
preventing the body from working properly which allows infection
and disease. Push it into place and the body will work correctly
and heal itself. The first improvement occurred in the early
1900s the institution of a thorough education
in anatomy so the chiropractic doctor would know what bone
positions were supposed to be when s/he went looking for things
out of place. That improved things greatly. The next occurred
in the mid 1900s the use of x-rays to measure
the spine and determine what was out of position. While that
also improved Chiropractors ability to help, that is
also where chiropractic got itself stuck.
Over the last century, experience has shown that basic chiropractic
is actually a very workable theory. Millions recover from
diseases and muscle and bone pains said to be incurable
every year. Even the medical profession has come around to
admitting it. Yet chiropractic treatment still misses its
goal far too often.
continued on page 2...