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Regarding Dr. Dennis Woggin and the Clear Institute. I received this request from a doc doing ABC™:
I would like to see us produce a scholarly reply (perhaps in the form of a paper not the usual Aflac duck response) to the Woggon phenomenon that is sweeping the country.  I just had my fifth patient walk in and hand me a Woggon "Treating Scoliosis Without Surgery" print out from  It seems that Mercola endorsed Woggon and Clear Institute and being the largest health web site in the world it has created quite a perception stir.  In P.T. Barnum fashion, Woggon has taken the poster child deformity of the spine, namely scoliosis, and is claiming he has the cure.  And, if you are a chiropractor and cannot cure scoliosis then pack it in and get a job as a telemarketer. 

As always, the doc did not offer to do any research or produce the paper himself.

My response was/is this:

Doctor (name removed),

The whole thing comes apart at # 3 and #5 of what Dr. Woggin states as facts underlying his method and gets worse from there.

#3 is   "Forward head posture and loss of cervical or lumbar lordosis
always precedes the scoliosis therefore, before the A-P dimension of
the scoliosis can be corrected, the cervical lordosis must be
re-established first!"

This is baloney as the body must unwind according to its mechanical order and Dennis never got that when he was at the Advanced Biostructural Correction™ seminar he requested I do in Minneapolis several years ago. My comments on him as a student vs. him as a person with fixed ideas that he will not give up despite physical x-ray observation demonstrating he and his Clear Institute theory is incorrect are below.

Also, the ONLY thing that changes forward head posture consistently
and predictably is
Advanced Biostructural Correction. Not because I say so, but because practitioners all over the world consistently accomplish what I say they will. That is different for the results of Clear Institute procedures.

Woggin started his thing AFTER having bought my stuff and having me to Minnesota for a live seminar.

He also showed a persistent misunderstanding that you cannot make the statement made in the first sentence of #4

"Because spinouses rotate into the concave rather than the convex side of the curve thereby abnormal rotation decreases abnormal  mechanical tension on the nervous system.  

(Sentence  2 in that paragraph is almost directly from Advanced Biostructural Correction™ "Chiropractic manipulation frequently makes the condition worse by mobilizing fixated, compensated vertebra.  Adjusting on the high side of the rainbow is contraindicated."


The reason you cannot make the statement Dennis and his Clear Institute make in #4 is that plenty of x-rays DO NOT show that rotation. That sentence shows Dennis's inability to understand that the body can vary in each of those factors depending upon what is out of place in what order and how the meninges are affected.

You should talk with the woman with a scoliosis from Trinadad who
called me (Ester was her name) pissed at having spent a bunch to fly
to the states and get treated by the Clear Institute procedures with no change and no relief.

Heck, I had her do the First Rib Maneuver to herself over the phone and she got more change (according to her) in a minute that in a long period of the Clear Institute treatment.

Dennis was never a particularly bright student and is still stuck in
the Pettibon model of trying to force the body into place rather than
have it unwind. My favorite was the doc who told me Dennis said I did
not know much because I could not tell him (Dennis) what the
relationships of the movements of the bones were.

This came from a question Dennis asked during the live Advanced Biostructural Correction seminar about the subject of bone movement relationships. I had replied that the relationships vary because of
differing meningeal tension and other factors.

Dennis replied with something like:  Well, we know in Pettibon that
when the femur (hip) rotates externally (outward) the spine
compensates by...  I do not remember exactly what he said but it was
hogwash because, see below.

My reply was something like: You and everyone in this room has
patients whose x-rays show that does not always happen so it is just
plain not true. The way bodies compensate varies greatly because of differing meningeal tensions and differing severity and directions of bone
displacement that the body cannot self-correct because there are no
muscles pulling in the directions needed to reposition the bones. That is why so many people have x-rays that show your theory on what happens there is just plain not true.

His reply to that was:  Those must be x-ray positioning errors.

That is just plain dumb. If the x-rays show something physically in
conflict with his pet theory, he just explains it away as wrong
positioning??  What about the ones HE TOOK?  If he positioned them
incorrectly, why not retake them with correct positioning and find out
your theory is just plain wrong??

Make sure those people falling for the Clear Institue brand of baloney know that:

It only takes one fact to slay a theory of how the body works. Doing
just the first rib maneuver, or the entire
Advanced Biostructural Correctionprotocol, and changing posture immediately disproves the theories about ligaments or muscles affecting posture or spinal configuration  -- INCLUDING THOSE OF THE CLEAR INSTITUTE.

You, and anyone else, are welcome to show those bringing in that stuff
from Woggin, this email along with the
Advanced Biostructural Correction web site

then treat them once, show the pre and post pictures of change in
forward head posture in THEIR bodies that cannot possibly happen if the Clear Institute stuff is correct and enjoy a new patient who will actually be helped greatly by what you do.

Jesse Jutkowitz

Jesse Jutkowitz, DC
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
618 Stratfield Rd, Fairfield, CT 06825  203.366.2746

Have an opinion about ABC™ or something else but have not investigated
to get all the data? I enjoy this statement from JFK,  Too often we...
enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.





Have a question and want to call someone besides Dr. Jutkowitz?
Know that our purpose is to get every doctor able to correct every patient walking in the door.

Dr. Allen Moore 513 294-2828 (30 years plus and finally something that works consistently)                                    Dr. Todd Carmer 970 328-2225      Dr. Shawn Eckley 615 868-3000                Dr. Matt Erickson 231-946-7800
Dr. Dom Fazzari 718 672-2008                   Dr. Jerry Porter 509 535-1530
Dr. Stu Feedman 757 890-2030                 (Dr. Porter former CBP™ instructor)
Dr. Greg Frick 856 428-0660                       Dr. Pete Ryan 907-222-2100
Dr. Rod Helgeson 502 451 2885                 Dr. Karen Rizzo  856 224 0300
Dr. David Cheetham 856-547-2965         I must tell you Karen is 5'4" and was 6 months or so pregnant at a live seminar when she said she now fixes everyone who walks in the door since starting ABC™. It is not hard to learn or do. Check the comment below from Dr. Kelly Miller.
Dr. Rusty Cross 423 875 3800 (his wife Dr. Lynn  Cross too.)
Dr. Mike Greer 704-788-1895                      Dr. David Hofer 913 334 8080
and always feel free to call Dr. Jutkowitz 203 366-2746 He is dedicated to getting this structural healthcare to be as effective as it can be.

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz, 618 Stratfield Rd., Fairfield, CT 06825
 203 366-2746

It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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