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Mission Statement of ABC
What ABC™ is accomplishing and some additional data.
       Anyone is welcome to copy these comments and pass them around, unlike others Dr. Jutkowitz stands 100% behind everything he says including that Advanced Biostructural Correction consistently and predictably gives the results promised when used as instructed.

Know the purpose of Advanced Biostructural Correction is to get every doctor able to correct every patient walking in the door. This means consistent and predictable results, not guess work and a hodgepodge of old things retaught.

       Specific to Tedd Koren's claimed technique are comments about Advanced Biostructural Correction. The amazing thing is that these comments are from doctors who never bothered to get ABC right and mix what Koren teaches with what ABC says to do.

      Further, it is astonishing that Tedd claims his work is a derivative of Dr. Lowell Ward and Spinal Column Stressology as it is the exact opposite of what Dr. Ward said and exactly what Ward told Tedd would not work when Tedd took the seminars in the 1980s. Ward used to make fun of the things Tedd is teaching as ineffective and demonstrably detrimental to long term improvement in almost everyone as measured on standing and sitting sequential full spine films.

      This is not sour grapes. I heard positive things about Koren's stuff and so paid for and went to the August 2005 Koren seminar in NJ. There were 11 other ABC docs there to see what I observed and confirm it for others. Though I said nothing, other ABC™ docs had comments about how ineffective it was compared to done ABC properly: Dr. Mark Gentile's first observation was, "they need to take the 'specific' out of the name because there is nothing specific about it". Please note that was an observation not a criticism.

      You must beware of methods like Koren and Network that say the right things but do are spotty with results and do not provide the results on any sort of consistent and predictable basis and do not claim consistency.

      My favorite is their talk about meningeal releases. Take a look at meningeal adhesions from work done by Bill Ruch DC in the Atlas of Vertebral Subluxtations (you can get it from Life West). There is no meningeal release when you reposition the bones as Dr. Cohen claims in a post on the KST forum from 19 Mar 2007. He wrote: "When adjusting cranial bones or other parts of the skeleton, meninges release." This is idiotic. The meninges do not release there can be less tension on them if the treatment happened to change the pull but there can be more too. This is a major misunderstanding by Tedd and his followers as well as other technique people in Network, SOT and other places. Those meninges are scarred together or have grown together. Thinking you are going to release them with light pressure is a major mistake that dooms your patient to have recurring patterns elsewhere in the body that you might think are different but are not -- just a different manifestation of the same adhesions.

       Peter Cohen, teaches Koren but who never learned ABC well enough to apply it well, criticizes  Advanced Biostructural Correction. The pitiful thing is that when Tedd was asked how he found anteriors he said he did not. This is exactly the OPPOSITE of anything Ward said and Ward and Breig specifically warned about the problems having people more anterior caused. Then Dr. Cohen was asked what he did,  in front of the entire crowd he specifically answered the question about what he does when he finds anteriors and other things Tedd Koren does not cover, by saying that he goes back to what he learned with ABC. That is how he gets consistent posture changes.

       It is now several years later and Koren has been forced to change what he has been teaching to more and more go toward what ABC™ teaches.

       As for what Tedd teaches, it is in direct conflict with the people he claims to base his work on. Lowell Ward DC told Tedd in the 1980s that most of the things he was trying to say or do (same stuff he teaches now) was not mechanically sound and might as well be guess work. As for Breig, take some before and after pictures after Koren works on people, they are as slumped or more and that is directly the opposite of what Breig was advocating.

      Somehow Tedd got more out of what Tedd thought things should be like than anything Ward or Breig said or wrote. This is not an opinion, you can read the works yourself and wonder where Koren got any connection.

      Further, you can ask Mark Gentile, Greg Frick, Jeff West, Maria Angel and the other docs in attendance (ABC™ docs or not) if they got improvements or posture changes. They will tell you all the posture changes were all more slumped -- no exceptions or any people who straightened -- and the improvements in symptoms people did report were inconsistent and unpredictable. there was one doc there who got some relief at one seminar and had been going to seminars for just about a year since in an effort to duplicate the relief. Will never happen the way KST teaches. Inconsistent and unpredictable results.

      Further, try to invoke the so called guarantee and find out, as did Dr. Frick and others, that Tedd will not give you back any money.

      You can go find out for yourself. But know that Dr. Jutkowitz actually goes and investigates all the other techniques but not one of the other docs has ever been to an ABC seminar so they know not of what they speak. Like Pettibon and Harrison people stop saying ABC does not work very quickly when confronted with a practitioner who actually uses it according to the directions and get the results promised. 

Sincerely (and that is not just a saluation),
Jesse Jutkowitz.

Have a question and want to call someone besides Dr. Jutkowitz?
Know that our purpose is to get every doctor able to correct every patient walking in the door.

Dr. Allen Moore 513 294-2828 (30 years plus and finally something that works consistently)                                    Dr. Todd Carmer 970 328-2225      Dr. Shawn Eckley 615 868-3000                Dr. Matt Erickson 231-946-7800
Dr. Dom Fazzari 718 672-2008                   Dr. Jerry Porter 509 535-1530
Dr. Stu Feedman 757 890-2030                 (Dr. Porter former CBP™ instructor)
Dr. Greg Frick 856 428-0660                       Dr. Pete Ryan 907-222-2100
Dr. Rod Helgeson 502 451 2885              
Dr. David Cheetham 856-547-2965        Dr. David Hofer 913 334 8080
Dr. Rusty Cross 423 875 3800 (his wife Dr. Lynn  Cross too.)
and always feel free to call Dr. Jutkowitz 203 366-2746 He is dedicated to getting this structural healthcare to be as effective as it can be.

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz, 618 Stratfield Rd., Fairfield, CT 06825
 203 366-2746

From another woman doc to all of you:
Subj: ABC 
Date: 7/9/03 1:03:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Dr. Jesse,

     I got ABC™ less than a month ago after Dr. Pokorski  told me I had to get it. I've seen more things change with my practice members with this technique than with any other! Thanks!

     "I highly recommend that every serious chiropractor, who wants to make a difference with the very first adjustment all of the time- learn ABC™! Since I've incorporated ABC™ into my practice, my confidence level has greatly increased. Now I know for sure I can help my patients in just a few short visits with noticeable improvement after the first adjustment. That the practice members notice their pain disappears fast and even noticed improved organ function that was previously causing them problems!

     Every adjustment builds on the next and I have never seen a patient get worse before they get better, just better! I love using the ABC™ technique because it's easy, fast and the results are reproducible for all the patients every time! "

Dr. Kelly Miller,

It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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