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Mission Statement of ABC
What ABC™ is accomplishing and some additional data.

   Pre- and Post-Treatment Picture Analysis for the Technically Inclined AND THE LAYPERSON.

    In the right column are pictures of three people standing TOTALLY RELAXED before and after their FIRST time through the  Advanced Biostructural Correction protocol. Below there are several more that look a bit different. The left pictures are before the protocol, the right pictures are after. Let me emphasize that they are as completely relaxed in the post-treatment pictures on the right as they were in the pre-treatment pictures on the left.

     At the top, in the pre-treatment pictures, you can see places where Kathy's body folds forward and how her head falls forward of her body. She is relaxed. Her body slumps because she has bones out of place in her spine forward.
   When spinal bones (vertebrae) move slightly out of place they loose a significant amount of their leverage, just like a see-saw with the board moved out of proper position no longer works correctly but does work somewhat. The loss of leverage lets the body fall in the direction the bones have moved or twisted out of place. In this case that is forward.
   The spine has muscles that can pull the bones back into position if they move out of place in any direction but forward. When spinal bones displace a slight bit forward and loose their leverage and ability to hold the body upright the bodies slump as in these pictures.
   Human bodies cannot self-correct and pull spinal bones that have slipped of been pushed forward back to their proper, or best mechanical positions. The reason for that is, there are no muscles behind the spine that can pull the bone backward; which is the direction needed to reposition those bones. This is covered more in this article you can check after finishing this page: Mechanisms that others have not seemed to consider

   You can see the same folding forward, but a somewhat different levels of the spine, is true in Harry's Pre-treatment picture and in Brett's.

   The Advanced Biostructural Correction protocol finds the structures (more than just bones) out of place in a direction the body cannot self-correct because there are no muscles pulling in the directions needed, and has the practitioner correct their positions manually. (Not exercises. Exercises will not work because the body has no muscles that pull the bones in the directions needed to reposition the bones. That has been the unsolved problem and the unrealized datum since before history.

   In Kathy's post-treatment picture she is just as relaxed as in the pre-treatment. However, because the bones are in their proper positions, or best mechanical positions, you see no folds forward, her chest is upright and not folded forward, even her lower body and pelvis have gone to their correct positions. As you will be, she was amazed that this could happen. According to her, people had told her to stand up straight since she was a kid in grammar school and now her bones had fully grown and she was stuck in that position.

    The same is true with Harry and Brett. Harry, in his 70s, never thought anything could be done to help his posture. Also, much of his breathing and heart difficulties disappeared with the change in his posture and body mechanics. The research on that is here (click for published reseach on the effects of this changed posture). Many people comment that Harry's stomach now sticks out. Put your hand over the top of Harry's body and you will notice that his stomach is in about the same place. Put your hand over the bottom half of his body and you will find his upper body has come backward so much that it only appears the stomach is forward. Actually, his stomach position has not changed much at all. If you measure from front to back you will find his stomach has actually come in a bit. It is the upper body that had straightened and come backward and pulled the shirt back at the top so the stomach appears to stick out more..

   On Brett you can see the change in the head position, shoulders and chest the most. As with Kathy, his body has straightened and his chest now sticks out to the point his shirt, which lays on his belly in the pre picture, is pushed out and hangs almost straight down without contacting his belly (smaller than Harry's but not seeming so in the pre-treatment pictures). We have 10s of thousands of pictures like this of people getting the Advanced Biostructural Correction protocol all over the world.

  Now we get to the more interesting and less obvious pictures.

























These two pictures are thumbnails, if you click on them they will come up full sized and higher resolution in a new window so you can print and more closely examine them.
Pre-treatment                Post-treatment


Do you see any differences in these pictures?

Many people do not see posture differences in Ken's before and after treatment pictures or do not see any changes they think are significant. They are mistaken.  

  What happens? People get stuck looking at the large backward curve  in Ken's lower back (called a swayback or hyperlordosis -- in technical language "lordosis" is a curve backwards in the spine and "hyper" is larger than normal).      So people notice he still has that hyperlordosis leaning backwards a bunch, miss the changes in the rest of the body and think not too much happened -- but even that hyperlordosis changed significantly. He is leaning farther backward in the post-treatment picture.

There are pictures with arrows explaining the changes below but first let us look at the previous pictures again.
     Because that hyperlordosis of Ken's is way down the compensation chain AND because it is most certainly a compensation, it will (and did) increase first as the body changes other areas for which it is compensating. You can notice this same thing in the three sets of pictures below by noticing the curves in the back increase a bit (their buttocks stick out more in the post-treatment pictures) as the people are corrected and their bodies compensate better.

 Patient01      Patient02      Patient03

This guy's picture is actually a bit of a lie. He is really an inch-and-a-half taller in the second picture but they are shown as equal height. He is truly relaxed as much in the after (right) picture as in the before (left) and actually trying to slump because he did not believe what he looked like in the mirror when he relaxed.
   He also has a large lordosis (backward curve in the low back) that increases after treatment. However, the changes in his body are different than Ken's so the upper body is more vertical after treatment rather than just straighter and leaning more backward.
   This nothing special. It just means that not everyone has the same sets of bones out of place in directions the body cannot self-correct as everyone else and not in the same places. Therefore, the basic problem, bones out of place in a direction the body cannot self-correct because there are no muscles pulling in the direction(s) needed to pull them back into place, is the same. This explains why there are so many differing body configurations even though all result from bones out of place in a direction the body cannot self-correct. The differing configurations result from which bones are out of place and in what order they went out of place. The way bodies look and the way their nerves and other organs are affected are different depending upon which bone, or set or bones, are out of place in a direction the body cannot self-correct, how their body compensates to that set of bones out of place and where the pressure points of mechanical stress are as a result and in which order it happened.

Someone who has a bones out of place/compensation pattern that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves in the neck will have different effects and symptoms in their body than someone who has pressure on the lower back spinal cord. Both are caused by bones out of place that the body cannot self-correct and the way the body compensates.

Both those people have nerve effects with the arm and leg. That is easily understandable. But, what about the person who has a bones out of place/compensation pattern that does not affect the nerves but causes his chest to collapse forward compressing his heart and lungs so he cannot breathe well enough to clear his lungs and constantly gets colds or what seem to be heart problems?
    There can be enough pressure on his chest to compress his heart (look at that last guy's before treatment picture again) to the point it cannot pump well and the medical doctors diagnose and treat a heart problem even though the problem is mainly bones out of place that cause the chest to collapse forward and pressure the organs in the chest?
   The medical doctors have research on this (straight back syndrome and other chest volume research) that indicates more than half of "heart problems" and "heart disease" is mechanical in origin. They do not address it, and neither do most chiropractors, because they cannot change the chest shape as we can with Advanced Biostructural Correction. If you do not have cancer, infections, fractures or the like, find and Advanced Biostructural Correction practitioner to treat you. You will be pleasantly surprised. But back to Ken's body's changes.


Look at Ken's body without the lower part of his body as below. Focus on the changes where the arrows point and you will begin to see some very large and meaningful changes in his body.
For best results comparing the pictures double click them and print out the high resolution pictures.


1.  Note especially that fold at the bottom arrow that disappears. It may seem small but it is a very large change for the body. That change in angle means more room in the abdomen so less pressure on the liver, stomach and intestines, as well as less pressure on the heart and lungs.
2.  The change in the angle of his chest at his breast (does not fold over as much after treatment) and the way his neck and head are not falling forward indicate and even greater increase in chest volume. It is no wonder all athletes treated with Advanced Biostructural Correction report easier breathing and greater endurance during sports.
3.  Also, look at his shoulders and how much farther back they are in the after treatment picture even though Ken is completely relaxed in both pictures (and actually trying to slump forward in the post-treatment picture). This means an even greater increase in chest and abdomen volume as the body straightens sideways as well as vertically. (To understand better, test this by standing relaxed and straightening without pulling back your shoulders. Then relax and pull back your shoulders without raising your head. Then do both.)

These are amazing changes no one else in any form of healthcare even claims to make on any sort of consistent basis. Advanced Biostructural Correction will every time on every person.

Note: these pictures are pixilated because they are thumbnails, if you double-click on them they will come up full sized in a new window so you can print
them and examine the differences more thoroughly.


    That backward curve, the hyperlordosis, in people's bodies is a compensation for a complicated situation with bones forward in a direction the body cannot self-correct in many places. Without that very large compensation, Ken would would be bent forward and bedridden. Seems a bit extreme to say, but it is true. The amount of energy it takes to maintain that lean backward has him tired and much less able to do things than he would otherwise. That is the reason he stays in good shape. The stronger you are the better you can compensate for the bones out of place that your body cannot self-correct. 

The hyperlordosis will change totally as he gets treated with Advanced Biostructural Correction over about 6 months time or so. As it has already done, it will come posterior (backward) a bunch and then suddenly, one day after treatment, it will be gone. It will not gradually disappear, though it will be close to gone as his body unwinds, or untwists, through certain positions. It will then return as he go through other positions correcting other parts of the body, until that day it suddenly is completely gone. Others will notice it gone before he does, unless he consistently checks for it in the mirror after each treatment.

More interesting are the cropped pics of his body that show him leaning backwards but do not show that hyperlordosis. Notice how much more his body is on a straight line leaning backward. On the cropped pics I have put in arrows to show some of the folds in before treatment that are gone in the post pics (more arrows in the pre because I assume you can see them gone in the post).

That lowest arrow (same spot in pre and post) with the fold in his upper abdomen shows a gigantic change that increases the available volume in the abdomen by a significant percentage. In someone with reflux that would be gone (you most likely did not have problems with that standing because of the hyperlordosis but might have had it sitting if you could not lean backward as the people in the pictures above).

The upper arrows showing the folds at the lower and middle chest indicate a severe compression of the chest and pressure on the thoracic organs. That the heart and lungs are compressed is obvious, but noting the folds in the abdomen plus the chest folds indicates strong pressure on the liver, gallbladder and other abdominal organs that prevent them from physically performing their functions when you were sitting (some but not so much standing because of the hyperlordosis configuration).

Also notice where your shoulders are compared to the trunk of your body. In the pretreatment pic they are rolled forward to an extreme. In the post-treatment pic they are way back and the shape of your chest is very different.

You are the one who knows how relaxed you were in the pics more than anyone else.

While others may think these are not pics of large changes because the hyperlordosis seems not to have changed much and they get stuck looking at that though even it is quite a bit farther back.

   Advanced BioStructural Correction is the means by which people can really get their bodies to work as they are supposed to work and be healthy without drugs or surgery. 
is a completely different approach than any current healthcare model because it does not attempt to force the body into a position someone determined was proper.  The things the body cannot self-correct are corrected and the body self-corrects the rest.
    With ABC you are correcting the position of bones out of position in directions the body cannot self-correct only (if you have no muscle pulling in the direction needed to pull the bone back into place, you cannot self-correct it when it moves slightly out of position).  This is the key:   If the body can self-correct the position of a bone out of place but does not, it is out of place for a reason. The body needs it there. Someone moving that bone into what they think is the correct position will cause difficulties.... read more after continuing on the Home Page.

Not done with this page but that covers the high points and I am out of time for now  Return to home page


Have a question and want to call someone besides Dr. Jutkowitz?
Know that our purpose is to get every doctor able to correct every patient walking in the door.

Dr. Allen Moore 513 294-2828 (30 years plus and finally something that works consistently)                                    Dr. Todd Carmer 970 328-2225      Dr. Shawn Eckley 615 868-3000                Dr. Matt Erickson 231-946-7800
Dr. Dom Fazzari 718 672-2008                   Dr. Jerry Porter 509 535-1530
Dr. Stu Feedman 757 890-2030                 (Dr. Porter former CBP™ instructor)
Dr. Greg Frick 856 428-0660                       Dr. Pete Ryan 907-222-2100
Dr. Rod Helgeson 502 451 2885                 Dr. Karen Rizzo  856 224 0300
Dr. David Cheetham 856-547-2965         I must tell you Karen is 5'4" and was 6 months or so pregnant at a live seminar when she said she now fixes everyone who walks in the door since starting ABC™. It is not hard to learn or do. Check the comment below from Dr. Kelly Miller.
Dr. Rusty Cross 423 875 3800 (his wife Dr. Lynn  Cross too.)
Dr. Mike Greer 704-788-1895                      Dr. David Hofer 913 334 8080
and always feel free to call Dr. Jutkowitz 203 366-2746 He is dedicated to getting this structural healthcare to be as effective as it can be.

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz, 618 Stratfield Rd., Fairfield, CT 06825
 203 366-2746

From another woman doc to all of you:
Subj: ABC 
Date: 7/9/03 1:03:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dr. Jesse,

     I got ABC™ less than a month ago after Dr. Brian Pokorski  (716 635-9742) told me I had to get it. I've seen more things change with my practice members with this technique than with any other! Thanks!

     "I highly recommend that every serious chiropractor, who wants to make a difference with the very first adjustment all of the time- learn ABC™! Since I've incorporated ABC™ into my practice, my confidence level has greatly increased. Now I know for sure I can help my patients in just a few short visits with noticeable improvement after the first adjustment. That the practice members notice their pain disappears fast and even noticed improved organ function that was previously causing them problems!

     Every adjustment builds on the next and I have never seen a patient get worse before they get better, just better! I love using the ABC™ technique because it's easy, fast and the results are reproducible for all the patients every time! "

Dr. Kelly Miller, Chiropractor 7524 E Route 20 Westfield, NY 14787
Change the Quality of Your Life Through Chiropractic!

It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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