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...continued from page 1

No Excuses

There are no excuses for chiropractors not being able to correct everyone’s structure and get the results they promise.

Accepting a reason for failing to accomplish that goal is being reasonable. That is the first thing to remember in doing research on human bodies or anything else in the physical universe. The working of physical objects can be discovered and the body is a physical object. I have heard all the complaints about this approach such as, you can never be certain with a living thing, people are unpredictable and everything else. Yet, by being unreasonable when no one else was, I was able to find the basic data on how the body works. With that basic data I have developed a system of diagnosis and a treatment method that consistently and predictably works to correct human structure. (Others made some of the discoveries on which the treatment technologies of Advanced BioStructural Correction™ are based but no one else seemed to correctly value their importance.)


A datum is a piece of information. A SENIOR DATUM is a piece of information that is senior to, or of greater importance than, other data (information). When you look at all the data available about the body and its workings you can quickly get dizzy because there is so much data. This is why doctors often seem uncertain as to what to recommend. BUT, how much of that data is important? And, how much is just information not relevant to getting a body fixed? Much more than anyone thinks. 99% of the data about how body structure works (body mechanics) is useless in fixing bodies. The other 1% might be interesting to look at but there are just about a dozen pieces of truly important data when it comes to really getting bodies structurally corrected.

One of the most important concepts you can learn is that there important data and data that will just take up your time and not get you where you want to go. Keep the important ones and throw away the rest or keep them tucked away on the side where they will not interfere with your work.

The truth is that if you have the SENIOR DATA about how something works you can easily demonstrate why and how all the other effects occur and change them at will.

For a more complete discussion of how to do investigations and logic see the Investigations section of the Scientology Handbook (best source for investigations you will find anywhere.)

What No One Else Wanted To Look At

When I am asked how I figured all these things out I tell the truth: I decided the body was a physical object no different than a car or other machine in the physical universe (though there is a person operating the body) and that like any other physical machine, the only reason you could not fix one was that you did not understand how it worked.

Since there were no owner’s manuals to describe how the body worked and no one else had any consistently workable answers as to how it worked and how to fix bodies, I decided there must be basic things unknown about how the body worked. I then set out to discover them. The way I did that was by being willing to look at things no one else seemed to look at.

The first thing no one seemed to want to look at was that the theories being used must have a WRONG WHY because the methods of treatment based on those theories worked/work well on a few people. On some people, the effectiveness of those treatments was/is mediocre and on the majority of people those treatments were/are ineffective (do not work at all) or make the patients worse.

If you think this is not true, you are wrong. The above paragraph is why there are so many people taking over-the-counter drugs or taking their friends' prescriptions and the like rather than going to doctors. They either tried enough or heard enough to know what is being done does not work in most cases. Most chiropractors, physical therapists and doctors do not get to know this because the patients tell them they are doing well so as not to make the practitioner feels bad. The insurance companies know it though. They are the ones who see a patient go from doctor to physical therapist to chiropractor to another chiropractor etc.

continued on page 3...



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