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...continued from page 1


About How Body Mechanics Works

Some of the discoveries about bodies that were not and for the most part, still are not considered when treatments are developed or actually done are:

The bones of a body are like a gear system in that they all work together. They work together to hold the body upright and have it be able to recover to that upright position from any change.

When in an ideal state the bones are working together as a lever system that holds the body upright with no muscular effort. The muscles are used to move the body and return it to an upright position from any other position but not to maintain an upright posture. ("Everyone knows" the bones are all connected and work together – there is even a song about it. However, when was the last time someone looked at your neck for a back pain condition or visa versa?)

We of course, do not expect to find a body functioning in an absolutely ideal way in life, but that is the Ideal Scene. (Nevertheless, from the photos on the first page of this web site that are all taken with the person completely relaxed, you can see we get very close. Most of those after pictures were taken after I told the person, "Breathe in breathe out and let your body relax and slump. Come on, let your body really go relaxed." They usually answered, "I am totally relaxed. It doesn’t slump anymore! At which point I took the picture.)

Another point is that since the bones all work together as a synchronized lever system holding the body upright, any change in one area will immediately change things everywhere in the body. (Synchronized does not just mean working together it means working together at the same time, syn = together, chrono = time).

You can test this sitting right there. Relax your body. Making sure the rest of your body stays still and does not twist, notice how far your head goes when you turn it to the right. Notice how far it turns, not how it feels, and be sure your body does not turn also. Do it again. Then do the same thing to the left.

Next, starting with your head straight and not moving anything but your toes, scrunch your toes up tightly (like making a fist with your toes). While your toes are scrunched redo the turn your head test without letting your body twist. Almost all of you will notice a change in how far you can move your head. Some will turn more, some less (most of those who do not notice a difference are cheating and moving their bodies as the difference and not noticing that is how they are turning their head the same distance).

The point is not that your turn more or less. The point is that scrunching your toes affected how much your neck and head move even though you are sitting and the toes are not part of your body’s weight bearing circumstance. Everything works together and any change affects everything else in the body even if it is just a little. How any one thing affects anything else in the body depends upon how mechanically sound (how well aligned) your body is.

One of the most SENIOR DATA is that the meninges act as a large elastic stabilizer going from the coccyx (tail bone) to the skull. Acting as such they transmit mechanical stress on any part of the spinal column throughout the spinal column. This is yet another reason you cannot look at any one area of the spinal column as a separate thing. The entire column works together as a single synchronized functioning unit. There are not exceptions to this.

If a chiropractor or any other type of doctor just takes x-rays of your neck he might know that the bones are misaligned (radiologists do not generally believe anything is misaligned unless it is so far out of place it is completely dislocated so their opinions are not to be trusted at all);

And, he might be able to tell if there are bone spurs or degeneration due to mechanical pressure on the bones (they call that arthritis, which is Latin for arthro = joints, -itis = inflamed which means it describes nothing but the appearance of the joints and is another way of BEING REASONABLE about not being able to fix body mechanic);

And, he might say many different things but the truth is that she/he cannot tell what is happening mechanically unless they look at the entire spine in more than one position so they can see how the spine is changing and from that figure out what is happening mechanically with the spinal column.

Actually, if your doctor is a chiropractic doctor using Advanced BioStructural Correction™ he or she might not even need x-rays to find and correct your body though each doctor must determine that for each patient.


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