Death of Various Theories of How to Improve or Effectively
Change Spinal Configuration to Improve Health
Page 4
As stated
before the diagrams:
People who
do not exactly observe the orientations and directions of pull
of the muscles are misled by what the back muscles seem
to do. Those muscles pull down on the back of the vertebrae
rotating them into extension. This tilts the body posterior
and seems to bring the vertebrae posterior, but it does
What you have in the people who have taught you different or
not taught you that muscles can move vertebrae in any
direction is a missed observation: Bodies can self-correct
vertebral subluxations displacing laterally and posterior, but
cannot self-correct vertebrae displaced anterior.
(Rarely do they just go anterior; it is usually anterior-left,
anterior-right, anterior-rotated, -extended etc, but it is the
anterior component the body cannot self-correct.)
is no theory here. This is a huge anatomic and physiologic
fact omitted from chiropractic (as well as osteopathy and
every other method of structural healthcare). It means
that the twisting, tilting and malpositioning of vertebrae in
directions other than anterior (which the body could
self-correct but does not) is to compensate for vertebrae
displaced anterior. Because the body cannot self-correct the
positions of those anteriorly displaced vertebrae it must
twist others to counter-balance and compensate the body.
observation, now made, leads to a single statement that
describes what chiropractors need to do to correct bodies:
Correcting body structure
consists of repositioning bones displaced in a direction the
body cannot self-correct because it has no muscles pulling in
the direction
needed to bring the bone or bones back
into its/their proper position(s).
The key would be to do just that and leave everything else
alone and the body would/will self-correct the rest.
In chiropractic, the theory of treating only the primary
subluxations and not compensations has been stated before as
it has been in osteopathy (with different terminology) and
every other structural healthcare discipline ever formed.
However, no one had been able to state exactly what a primary
displacements, subluxations, osteopathic lesions, etc.
consists of – prior to this point.
The discovery of the above
basic finding
leads to being able to consistently and predictably being able
to accomplish the promise of chiropractic
and every other healthcare discipline on everyone walking in
the door with structural problems.
Yes, that statement is very
broad, but it has been demonstrated so
consistently and predictably over the last 16 or so
years -- over the last decade even by a wide
range of other practitioners.
With treatment according to the
Advanced BioStructural Correction™
protocol, the body self-corrects so well and so fast it is
difficult to believe for those with no direct experience using
An example is in the pictures on the following pages: