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Mission Statement of ABC™
What ABC™ is accomplishing and some additional data.
What is ABC?

The Death of Various Theories of How to Improve or Effectively Change Spinal Configuration to
      Improve Health       Page 5


         With treatment according to the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol, the body self-corrects so well and fast it is difficult to believe for those with no direct experience using ABC™. An example is in the pictures below:


          These pictures comprise a very small random study anyone can do in his or her office as soon as they learn the ABC™ protocol. They are three people who came in as new patients and three random doctors at seminars. They were photographed with the instructions, “Breathe in, breathe out and let your body relax and slump” before and then after having the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol done on them. As stated, you or anyone else can repeat this study, as it has been done by thousands of docs over the last three years with the same results.

          The changes in posture and structural alignment you see in these patients, and that you will see in all of your patients using ABC™, would be impossible if any of the ligament or muscle theories were correct. What you have here is a simple and direct structural change that actually does what chiropractic has been saying could be done consistently and predictably with no exceptions when there are no fractures, infections, cancers or like anomalies.

          As you can see, one time through the ABC™ protocol does not fix everything, but it does more in four minutes than any other method of structural health care can do in months to years (those docs have been in practice and treated for many years – as were two of the patients).

The x-rays on the following page by Dr. George Kukrin (who has the ABC™At-Home Seminar and whom I have never personally met), further demonstrate that the ligament and muscle theories cannot possibly be valid:

Next page--->             


It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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