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What ABC™ is accomplishing and some additional data.
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The Death of Various Theories of How to Improve or Effectively Change Spinal Configuration to
      Improve Health       Page 6

The x-rays below by Dr. George Kukrin (who has the ABC™At-Home Seminar and whom I have never personally met), further demonstrate that the ligament and muscle theories cannot possibly be valid:    

   The funniest thing I have heard in quite a while was when these films were published was several docs who complained that these could not possibly be the same person.  It is and, the time between the first two films is 13 years, the time between the second two is about a month.                                                                                          (Click here for commentary.)

    The story on the patient above is that  after more than 10 years of chiropractic of specific and non-specific techniques between 1986 and 1999 with no change, three treatments with the ABC™ protocol in Dec/Jan and the patient changed so much visibly Dr. Kukrin decided to do a set of cervical films to see what the changes were on the inside. The docs who can't believe the changes (note the changes in shape of the vertebral bodies) are unaware of the nature of vertebra that have been most  Because this change was made after such a short time, you can bet on three things:

1)      The ligament reshaping theory is dead. There was no ligament “reshaping” over the course of the week (three visits could not do it according to the theory, so that theory is proven invalid because this change could not have occurred if it were true).

2)      The muscle weak or too strong theories are dead as are the exercise will correct your structure theories. Exercises were not needed (there were none during ABC™, and they could not have made that much change in a week even if there were. The change was strictly from the ABC™ protocol –since this change would be impossible according to those theories and anyone can reproduce these results in short times, the theory can be deemed incorrect.

3)      The observations and actions of Advanced BioStructural Correction™ are more valid than other technology available in chiropractic or any discipline of structural healing at this time. (There are no theories in ABC™, just as set of observations anyone can confirm on their own and a set of actions that bring about a consistent and predictable result.)

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Advanced BioStructural Correction™
At-Home Seminar NOW
and fix ALL your patients. Call 203 366-2746 NOW




It has been said that one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.
If you are using the same methods of correcting your
 (or patients') bodies without getting the results you
 want, it is time to look into other things.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is most certainly the thing you should look into from this point forward


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