...continued from page
dragging the bones, meninges and cord out of
place. Different patterns cause the meninges to put the force
on different places in the body and pull on different areas
of the spinal cord or brain stem. That results in different
That the meninges, cord-brain stem and skull work as a system
and that the mechanical stress on any part of that system
is transferred by the elastic tissue to every other part of
the system are important data to note together. Because the
entire spinal column, skull, cord and meninges work together
as a single unit you cannot consider that a person has a neck,
a back and a lower back separately. People do it, and doctors
do it but that is the reason they cannot correct so many conditions
of the body.
A for instance is two people who both have misalignments
of the lower back and both have disc protrusions in the lower
back proven on MRI (these are actual findings on two different
patients). One has pain in the lower back and leg and one
has arm pain and no pain in the lower back. The reason for
that is the one with the back pain also has vertebrae in the
neck misaligned which are pulling on the meninges and cord
all the way down to the lower back. That stretches the nerves
over the disc in the lower back and causes pain there and
into the leg (where the nerve goes).
The guy with the arm pain also has the disc and low back
misalignments but does not have neck misalignments where the
first guy does. He has neck and upper back misalignments that
cause pull on the meninges and cord so that the nerves in
the neck going to the arm are stretched and the cord and the
meninges in the lower back do not go over the protruding disc.
The second guy therefore has pain in the arm and not the lower
That doctors and others consider people to have a neck and
back separately is a very large mistake. As you can see in
the diagram of the spinal column-meningeal system it is all
one thing.
If the spinal bones are misaligned there is constant stretching
of the cord and meninges as a compensation for the inability
of the body to hold itself upright when a vertebra goes out
of its proper position. The stretching of the meninges causes
even more pull on the spinal column and skull the more
you stretch a rubber band, the more it pulls toward its center,
When the meninges and cord are in a constant pull it causes
other problems but it also helps hold and keep the body upright.
for this reason people get locked into a mechanical stress
pattern that their body keeps resetting and leads to chronic
pains and syndromes.
This can also be demonstrated by your Advanced BioStructural
Correction doctor. If you have been treated you have
probably already noticed the improvement in your bodys
ability to stay upright without you having to work at it.
If not ask your ABC doctor to demonstrate this point.
That brings up another question:
The reason is you cannot. This answer is much too simple
for most people and it confuses them because they had been
taught that the body can do anything. The body cannot do anything
and everything. If it could there would be no disease or doctors
and people would live forever.
The next question is:
Why can the body not just pull a misaligned bone back into
The answer is that you do not have muscles that can pull
in every direction. Some bones go out of position in directions
that you have no muscle with which you can pull them back
into alignment.
When that happens you must twist and bend your body so there
is no pressure pushing that bone further out of alignment
in that direction.
Many doctors will tell you there are ligaments and muscles
that prevent the bones from misaligning in way that bodies
cannot self-correct but this is obviously not true -- because
it does happen. Which directions do spinal bones move that
you cannot correct? Forward.
By the way, this is another one of these points are obvious
things that no one seems to have outlined as SENIOR DATA but
it is very SENIOR DATA.
Though many think the body is a totally self-correcting thing
it is not.
The human body can "adapt" to almost anything.
However, look at what adapting is. Adapting is making up for,
or compensating for, something still present. In this case
the something still present are misaligned bones.
Why? Because the bone is out of position in a direction
that your body cannot self-correct by pulling on the bone.
Remember, muscles can only pull. They cannot push. If there
is no muscle pulling in the direction you need to pull to
reposition the bone you cannot do it.
It is too simple for many people to believe but it is true
and it is THE piece of data that is the key to correcting
bodies. All the other bones twisting out of position in directions
the body has muscles that can pull to realign are left where
they are because the body needs them there to compensate for
the ones it cannot realign on its own.
continued on page