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...continued from page 8

These are x-rays of a person with a scoliosis. It looks like they have as straight spine, then it looks like a curve to the left but they actually have several curves inside this one curve. they show up later as the body unwinds though its old injuries. Trying to force a spine straight will never work to get it better though it can force it to appear straight.


The spine looks pretty straight in that first picture but the patient had many complaints of pain and difficulty in movements. The second picture seems more curved on the front view but it you look at the x in the third vertebra up (arrows marked 1), you can see the spine is much less forward of the gravity line than it was.

That means the body has come backward. If you consider this spine in three dimensions the second "more curved" picture does not show a more curved spine but a spine that has unwound or untwisted and is much better. This also showed up in the patient's abilities and reduced pain (she had no pain and was able to do everything at this point) and all the tests were negative.

Interesting things are happening at other places too. At the arrows marked 2 you can see that there is a curve to the right (yes, right) at the very bottom vertebra. That is better seen some months later in this film.

X-RaysSome months later, here the person is much more unwound. You can see the bottom curve has untwisted so much that the bottom two vertebrae just about line-up in a curve to the right.
Looking at the initial front view film (above left at arrow 2) you would view the bottom vertebra is tilted left. It is TILTED left in that film, but it is twisted and tilted right, locked into that position with the vertebra above it, and the whole thing tilted left. Assuming that the vertebra is tilted left and you need to push it right might initially unlock the person and have them feeling somewhat better at that point or it might make things worse as she twisted even more. This patient had been seeking relief from doctors for some time until she finally found a doc using Advanced BioStructural Correction™.

There is quite a way to go until this patient is completely unwound but these films show the layers of curves you have to go through to unwind a person's spine.

It also shows how centered a spine can look though it is actually all twisted on the inside. AND, it shows the multiple layers of twists that are the reason you cannot force a spine straight with manipulation or even surgery and expect it to be better than when you started.

Picking up from before the x-rays: If those working on the body (docs and others) attempt to force a spine straight the body never gets to the correct position to unwind the injury the doc is trying to fix. The "fix" sometimes just changes the compensations leaving the person feeling better but causing other difficulties later. Many times the changes just cause more and more difficulties because the attempt to force the body into position without unwinding through ALL the old injuries, even very tiny ones, actually creates a new and different set of things for which the person must now compensate.

This untwisting of the body to the position of injury must occur for it to be corrected and heal. BUT, you must only correct the things the body cannot correct and let it unwind at its own speed. Trying to force the body through unwinding also does not work out well.

The reason it does not work out well is that the bones, ligaments and other tissues have changed as the body became more and more twisted. As the body untwists the bones, ligaments and other tissues must be remodeled and changed back. This seems simple but it must occur at each level and as the body changes back there are many intermediate stages for it to go through.

It is amazing that in some cases decades of twisting can be undone in just a year or so.

continued on page 10...


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