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...continued from page 9

Another thing to note is that when unwinding through an injury the body does not necessarily untwist or retrace all the way through an injury it starts to correct.

The body might, but because injuries and compensations for other injuries are so interlocked often the body cannot completely correct any one injury without correcting, or at least partially correcting, several others. This is especially so at the start of treatment.

Therefore, when your body starts unwinding, it starts with the thing causing the most mechanical stress on the body at that moment. You will unwind through that until it is corrected enough so that something else is causing more mechanical stress on the body than that initially thing.

Let's cover that again because it can seem confusing: Let's say he body starts to unwind through a car accident injury that is causing it the most mechanical stress on the body at the start of treatment. The body unwinds through enough of the car accident injury so that some other injury (say from a fall and hitting the hip) is now causing the body more mechanical stress than the car accident injury. The body stops working on the car accident injury and starts working on the "fall and hit hip" injury to unwind through it. The body then unwinds through it until it is causing less mechanical stress than some other injury. At that point, the body stops working on the hip and starts working on the thing then causing the most mechanical stress on the body, and so on.

Eventually the body finishes unwinding the earlier injuries it stopped unwinding as they again become the things causing the most mechanical stress on the body.

At the beginning point the body usually can only untwist enough of any one injury to where it is causing less mechanical stress on the body than some other injury.

The body often untwists through the same injury, correcting it little by little, many times until it is gone. First you move one part a little bit then you can move some other part. Then another, and another until the whole thing is moving well. Some of the injuries untwist quickly, some take a few times though and some seem to keep untwisting little by little forever.

Another question is how does the body retrace or untwist backward through injuries if it cannot correct them on its own?

What happens in correction is that your Advanced BioStructural Correction™ practitioner realigns what he or she can that day. This allows the body to be more mechanically efficient (as it should be). Being more mechanically efficient, it can now get to the position in which it was injured and line itself up in the injury position without hurting itself more. At that point, when you come in for their next alignment, the injury – which is now available to be corrected – is corrected. This can sometimes be done in a few days and sometimes takes a week or more.

That question reminds us the definition of an injury that persists is one that pushes a bone out of position in a direction opposite which there are no muscles to pull it back into place.

What occurred in the injury is that something was pushed out of place into a position the body could not correct. Therefore the body had to twist itself to compensate and take the pressure off that area. Even though the pressure was then off the bone or bones, the area remained misaligned and not working mechanically well. Because of that, the damage done in the area often never heals or heals crooked. That is why it remains as an injury.

The area to which the mechanical stress was shifted then starts being adversely effected and damaged as well. Given a few years or longer, that eventually starts breaking down and you end up with degenerative discs or other things like arthritis.

At this point you should be able to understand how the mechanical misalignments affect the body and can slowly lead to worsening health over a long period as well as being a large factor when you are acutely injured like in a fall or car accident.

As has been explained, there are many small things to understand in the process. After reading this through once you get introduced to all of them. Reading it though a second time, having an introduction to all the small pieces of the puzzle, the understanding of how things go well or not in the body and how your Advanced BioStructural Correction™ practitioner can correct it, comes to you with a crash.          Read this about one woman's unwinding

Wishing you well Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz,

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz      

Developer Advanced BioStructural Correction™


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