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...continued from page 7

If you can find and fix the misalignments that the body cannot fix by itself, the compensations will not have anything to compensate for and will disappear. The pressure on the areas that have not healed or that have degenerated under the constant abnormal pressure created by the compensations will also disappear. When the pressure comes off the first result is the pain lessens and becomes soreness. This often happens almost immediately. When the pressure has been off for long enough for the swelling to go down the pain then stops and healing can begin in earnest. As the misalignments it cannot self-correct are realigned and the body fixes the compensations you see the body literally unwind or untwist backward though its old injuries. Eventually the body will be straight and untwisted.

If that seems too simple to describe what is happening with many people, it is not. The process can seem to be complicated because there is more than one bone or set of bones misaligned. Undoing each twist or set of twists takes time and creates its own set of feelings (symptoms). There is an old thing in natural healing called “Retracing”. Retracing means that the body retraces or goes backwards through its old injuries on the way to getting well again.

Retracing is does happen but not quite in the way people think. If you get injured 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 you do not go backwards through the injuries 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

What happens if your doctor really improves your body mechanics – which is no small consideration because some methods of structural treatment just shift things around and do not really improve the body's ability to function. Other methods can actually make you worse mechanically but you feel better because the method shifts the pressure off the area damaged on to something else -- which will eventually become damaged and make you even worse.

What happens if your doctor really improves your body’s mechanical ability to function and hold itself upright as Advanced BioStructural Correction™ does, is that your body unwinds/untwists/retraces backward through correcting the injury causing the most mechanical stress in your body at the time of the correction.

The first thing the body corrects is not the last injury you had but the one causing the most mechanical stress on your body at the time you first start getting realigned. It does not matter whether the injury causing the most mechanical stress is the first injury your body had, the last injury or one of the many in between. Thing causing the most mechanical stress on the body at the time it is first improved is the thing that the body starts to unwind/untwist or retrace backward through first.

The way unwinding an old injury (retracing) works to correct an old injury is that the body literally unwinds or untwists backward through the injury. This means the body must physically untwist through its compensations and literally get the injured area of the body to the position it was in when injured. Once the body has untwisted itself so the part injured is in the position it was in when it was injured, the doctor can then correct its alignment.

This means that trying to force the body into the correct position does not work. It must unwind or untwist its injuries. Trying to force the body into a position at best just covers up old twists. Most of the time it just creates new compensations on top of the old ones.

Most important is that trying to force the body into position by adjusting it into place usually does not consider all the things the body must unwind to correct what seems to be one little thing. As a result, forcing something into place leaves sets of misalignments and their compensations even more twisted.

continued on page 9...


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