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What you should want from a doctor of any kind or anyone who works on your body, is for him/her to fix your body so you can get on with life without having to notice your body. This is even true in psychotherapies. People make the mistake of thinking feeling good is an optimum state a doctor can give you. It is not true.

You are the thing or spirit or soul or whatever you believe, that is running your body. The body itself is a physical thing - a physical machine of sorts. Getting your body fixed is sort of like getting your car fixed. When your car is working correctly what do you notice about your car when your are driving it?

Go ahead and think it through. If your car is working well, what do you notice about your car when you drive it? Most people think it through and realize they do not notice it at all when driving -- if the car is working well. If they notice something it is the radio, the temperature, the traffic and other things associated with comfort, but the car itself they rarely notice unless something is wrong. When something is not working right, that is when they notice it. People who need something fixed on their car usually notice the noise or feeling that goes along with that. Same with your body.

When your body is working correctly, it is not that you feel good, it is that you are out doing things in life and have no attention on your body at all. You just go and live life. When something is not working correctly you notice it.

If you want to feel good you need to do something to create the feeling: See a show, watch a comedian, go sailing, take a hot bath, or, if you really understand how life works, just decide to feel good and then feel good about anything and everything around you -- whatever you enjoy. What you should require your doctor (any type of doctor) to do is to fix your body up to the point where you don’t notice the darned thing.

That is another advance of Advanced BioStructural Correction™. It is not so much that your ABC™ doctor wants your body to feel good to you; it is that he wants to fix your body so well that you can get on with enjoying your life and will not have to notice the body.

That brings us to another important point in getting your body well WHERE Advanced BioStructural Correction™ IS TRULY ADVANCED.

Since the goal of doctors should be to get your body healthy (health meaning your body is working so well you do not have to notice it), knowing what stops doctors from doing that is an important datum.

If we know what stops docs from accomplishing that goal, we can change it and get doctors to be consistently and predictably effective at fixing bodies.

The main things stopping doctors from getting you completely healthy are old injuries and their compensations.

Remember the point about bones being able to misalign in directions the body cannot self-correct (because there are no muscles that pull in the direction needed to reposition them)? And, remember that other bones must then misalign to compensate for the loss of ability at the points of misalignment that the body cannot self-correct? From those two important points you can figure out two other important points:

1. When you are injured (or anyone is) you must have had something happen that pushed a bone out of place in a direction your body could not self-correct.

2. The main problem with injuries that never heal is that somewhere, something(s) must be still be misaligned in a direction the body is unable to correct.

These two points may look simple and obvious but that is because you understand the rest of what you have been taught. Those two points of information are the key to fixing bodies with long standing injuries or even acute injuries. When other docs realize this is true it will revolutionize healing.

Additionally, remember that the misalignments the body cannot correct are not where the body feels the pain. The body compensates to take the pressure off those areas by putting the pressure elsewhere. The elsewhere is where the force accumulates and impacts the body causing pain. More important, since the mechanical stresses of the body are being put on the point of compensation -- that compensation is the area the will be damaged!

The compensations are either putting abnormal pressure on the point that hurts which damages it. Because the compensations keep putting pressure on that point the damage done by the pressure will almost never heal but just get worse and worse as time goes on until it breaks. That is how you get degenerative discs and arthritis.

Picture to illustrate this point of compensation shifting pressure to some other area

If things about the body are starting to make more sense then they ever have, it is because Dr. Jutkowitz researched body mechanics down to the basic data about how things work in the body.

If you have the basic data about how something works you can then easily determine what is occurring at any time.

(Which also means that if you do not have the basic data you cannot. If you look at what doctors call diseases you will find they are not knowledge about how it works but just descriptions of what it is. Not only that, when doctors don't really know they hide it in a different language. I will always remember the woman who was sent into my office by a friend of hers and said, in a haunting serious voice, "My doctor said I have cephalgia." I said that yes, she had told me about her headaches. She very seriously said, "NO, no. My doctor said I have CEPHALGIA!" I got out the medical dictionary and showed her that ceph- means head and -algia. Not knowing what to do, and not being able to help the woman's headaches, he gave it a name that, to her, made it seem worse. She couldn't believe it. I started realigning her body and the headaches stopped after the second visit.)

That they can say a name describing the symptoms sounds important but it is not important and even fools people into thinking they know what is going on. They do not. That is why so many docs say they cannot tell you what is happening but will work their hardest to fix it.

continued on page 8...


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